Club News

Results from the last 5k of 2015

36 finishers from 38 starters in last night’s Handicap 5k. Very well done to Sofia for listening to her body and stopping when she needed to and many thanks to Martin for staying with her. Thank you also to Ann Tryssesoone, Mark Freeman and Georgina & Daniel Green for their excellent help with the start and finish.

Well done also to Chris Holland on an excellent win in a season best time of 22:28, 3:52 ahead of handicap, closely followed by newcomer Rob Bright in 28:28, 3:32 better than handicap, and with Danny Hukin 3rd in a new season best time of his own, 18:51, 2:24 quicker than handicap.

Winning lady was Olwen Batty in a new personal best time 26:52, 1:40 faster than her previous PB, with Andrea Westcott 2nd lady, 2:05 ahead of handicap in 27:55, and Tessa Stephenson 3rd lady in a season’s best 26:28, 1:47 better than handicap.

Fastest runner on the night was Grant Ramsay in 16:49, 3 seconds quicker than his last handicap 5k back in January 2014, with Danny’s 18:51 the 2nd fastest time of the night and Steve Green 3rd quickest in 20:04, 1:11 ahead of handicap.

Tracy Pez was the fastest lady equalling her fastest time of the year with 22:04, with Suzy Hawkins 2nd quickest in a year best time of 22:14 and Isabel Green 3rd quickest in a new PB time of 23:46.

There were also PBs for Darren Emmerson, Alex Nee, Simon Sypula, Sean Millwood, Bev Redfern, Vikki Meredith and Dominic Jay, SB’s for James Kilroy, Mark Goodwin, Dave Stephenson and Sharon Crowley, while Callum Beasley, Dean Carpenter, Andy Jay, John Nelms, Vish Shah and Bernadette Millwood all beat their previous Handicap 5k time, and there was a also a YB time for Alistair Baldwin.

The time difference between 3rd – 30th positions was less than 2 minutes and 86% of finishers were with 1½ minutes of their adjusted handicap.

Next Handicap 5k is on Thursday 21st January 2016.

Results here: Result 17Dec15

Club News

Individual and team scores from Willian XC 6/12/15

Team scores for cross country last Sunday are out…our amazing men’s team were first – and overall the mighty FVS came second!! Well done all!!

Willian_Results (2)



It was windy in Willian as another good turnout of 44 Spartans tackled the third cross country league race of the season. The race was organised by Fairlands Valley Spartans and Hitchin Running Club and attracted over 400 runners from 14 clubs. The first mile or so of the two lap five mile race was largely uphill and straight into a very strong wind but there was a great descent back towards Manor Wood. FVS were represented by three women’s teams, 15 runners and had more than enough for three men’s teams with 29 male finishers.

There were three Spartans in the top ten. CRAIG HALSEY fourth in 28 minutes 6 seconds; ANDREW PATTERSON sixth in 28:38 and GRANT RAMSAY ninth in 28:53. SIMON JACKSON and CHRIS WESTCOTT also beat the half hour. Simon was 12th in 29:08 and Chris 23rd in 29:52. The eight man “A” team was completed by STEFFAN FORD, eighth in 30:43; PAUL HEWITT 44th in 31:07 and DAN HUKIN 55th in 31:51.

All the women in the Spartans “A” team beat 40 minutes. This time the club’s fastest female was TRACY PEZ, 193rd overall in 37 minutes 57 seconds; CLAIRE PULLEN was close behind, 196th in 38:03. The five runner team was completed by SUZY HAWKINS, 204th in 38:19; MADDIE PRITCHARD, 223rd in 38:58 and HAZEL CLARK, 242nd in 39:22.

CLAIRE COX, 261st in 40:39 led in the women’s “B” team; NICOLA HABERLAND was 284th in 41:58; ISOBEL GREEN 304th in 42:35. SARAH PIKE made a “B” team impact at 312th and 42 minutes 59 seconds and PETA WILSON was 320th in 43:46.

4 CRAIG HALSEY 28:06 Men’s “A” team
6 ANDREW PATTERSON 28:38 Men’s “A” team
9 GRANT RAMSAY 28:53 Men’s “A” team
12 SIMON JACKSON 29:08 Men’s “A” team
23 CHRIS WESTCOTT 29:52 Men’s “A” team
38 STEFFAN FORD 30:43 Men’s “A” team
44 PAUL HEWITT 31:07 Men’s “A” team
55 DAN HUKIN 31:51 Men’s “A” team
67 DAVID RIDDELL 32:27 Men’s “B” team
76 JOHN HARRIS 32:54 Men’s “B” team
102 STEVE GREEN 34:07 Men’s “B” team
125 ADRIAN DONNELLY 35:07 Men’s “B” team
132 DAVID BOWKER 35:26 Men’s “B” team
157 JOHN NELMS 36:35 Men’s “B” team
165 KARL CLARKE 36:57 Men’s “B” team
170 THOMAS SAUKA 37:11 Men’s “B” team
175 TODD GRAY 37:21 Men’s “C” team
190 MARK GOODWIN 37:51 Men’s “C” team
193 TRACY PEZ (F) 37:57 Women’s “A” team
196 CLARE PULLEN (F) 38:03 Women’s “A” team
204 SUZY HAWKINS (F) 38:19 Women’s “A” team
223 MADDIE PRITCHARD (F) 38:58 Women’s “A” team
224 JAMES KILROY 39:00 Men’s “C” team
235 STEVE SMITHSON 39:08 Men’s “C” team
242 HAZEL CLARK (F) 39:22 Women’s “A” team
260 DARREN EMERSON 40:26 Men’s “C” team
261 CLAIRE COX (F) 40:39 Women’s “B” team
273 MARK CHEADLE 41:10 Men’s “C” team
283 TIM ROBINSON 41:56 Men’s “C” team
284 NICOLA HABERLAND (F) 41:58 Women’s “B” team
304 ISOBEL GREEN (F) 42:35 Women’s “B” team
312 SARAH PIKE (F) 42:59 Women’s “B” team
314 JIM BROWN 43:12 Men’s “C” team
319 ROB SHAW 43:40
320 PETA WILSON (F) 43:46 Women’s “B” team
346 ANDY SMITH 46:40
356 MARK FREEMAN 47:46
370 LIZ CARVELL (F) 49:20 Women’s “C” team
372 OLWEN BATTY (F) 49:33 Women’s “C” team
379 ANDREA WESTCOTT (F) 50:20 Women’s “C” team
381 STEVE GOUGH 50:40
391 SHARON CROWLEY (F) 52:14 Women’s “C” team
395 VIKKI MEREDITH (F) 54:08 Women’s “C” team
397 PAUL HOLGATE 55:06

The next cross country league race will be in Watford on Sunday 17th January. The county cross country championships will be in Stevenage on Sunday 10th January. Advance entries are essential for the county races but not for the league.

Victory Five

TESSA and DAVE STEPHENSON travelled back to their old home of Portsmouth to take part in the Victory 5 Mile road race for the first time in over ten years. The very windy conditions on Sunday, with the last two miles heading directly into the wind along the shoreline made for very hard running. They were both happy with their times, Tessa finishing in 44 minutes 24 seconds and Dave in 36 minutes 48 seconds.

Cancun Mexico

On Saturday 5th December CAROL PAUL ran the Cancun marathon in Mexico. The race started at 5pm in hot and humid conditions which were really oppressive. It did not cool down much once it got dark. On an out and back course from downtown Cancun around the hotel district Carol completed the marathon in 5 hours and 4 seconds.

Spain for Biggs

ROGER BIGGS was in Malaga in Southern Spain, on a lovely pleasant weekend. The marathon was a flattish run, mostly near the sea, but hard work as the sun got higher in the sky. He completed the 42.2km in 4:42:54

Parkrun Report

VERITY FISHER had a great race in the St Albans Parkrun on Saturday. She finished in 23 minutes 32 seconds. DANNY SUTTON was 13 seconds behind in 23:45.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Festive Five in Welwyn Garden City on Sunday 13th December.
Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 17th December.
Serpentine 5K on Friday 18th December (obviously won’t be on Christmas Day).
County 10 miles Veterans Championship and Open 10 at Buntingford on Monday 28th December.
New Year’s Day 10K in Hyde Park on Friday 1st January 2016.
County Cross Country Championships in Stevenage on Sunday 10th January 2016.
Fourth cross country league race in Watford on Sunday 17th January.
Fred Hughes 10 including the County Ten Mile Championships for Veterans on Sunday 24th January.
South of England Cross Country Championships in London on Saturday 30th January.
Watford Half Marathon including the County Championships for Veterans on Sunday 7th February.
Fifth and final cross country league race on Therfield Heath on Sunday 14th February.
County Veterans Cross Country Championships on Sunday 13th March (probably Watford).
Halstead Marathon, including Hertfordshire County Championships for seniors and veterans, on Sunday 8th May.
Stevenage Half Marathon, a Stevenage 70 event, on Sunday 6th November.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training
programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ37 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy. You can also join online.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889; or Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509; Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 0773 467 8566

Club News

Cross Country Willian, Sunday 6th December, 10am (Earlier start time)


6th Dec 2015 Race Start : 10-00am (NOTE THE EARLIER START!)

Race HQ The Fox pub in Willian has kindly agreed to be Race HQ (SG6 2AE).


There will be toilets available as well as hot drinks on sale before the race from 9am.

Parking is at a premium so PLEASE car share wherever possible. Limited parking located at the Nuffield Gym which is a 5 minute walk from the Fox pub. The walk from the gym to the Fox will be clearly signposted. Address for parking: Nuffield Gym, Letchworth Lane, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3NP. Parking is also available along Letchworth Lane, Baldock Lane, Willian Road and the surrounding roads – please be mindful of usual parking regulations and the local community when parking. PLEASE NOTE: There is no parking available at The Fox Pub or behind the church for runners.
There is a short walk / jog to the start (shown on the map) so please arrive as early as possible.
Cycling / jogging– if you live locally we encourage you to cycle or run to Race HQ – there will be a safe area to lock your bike at the pub


HUNDREDS IN STEVENAGE HALF & Grant is British Champion

There was glorious sunshine in sunny Stevenage as 507 runners raced round the town on the town’s annual half marathon which was organised by Fairlands Valley Spartans.

The race incorporated the county championships for veteran runners and home club won gold, silver and bronze medals. CLAIRE COX won the women (35 plus category) gold in his first ever half marathon in 1 hour 50 minutes exactly and BARRY OSBORNE the men (60 plus) silver in 1 hour 37 minutes 24 seconds.

Fairlands Valley’s male and female teams won SILVER and BRONZE medals and the women’s “A” team were third overall in the race.

The women’s “A” team were only one point away from the gold medal. They were CLAIRE PULLEN 1:40:44; CLAIRE COX 1:50:00 and ISABEL GREEN 1:54:48 and their “B” team (bronze) was SUE HARMER 2:04:18; LISA GAVIGAN 2:15:57 and KAREN BROOM 2:24:26. The Spartan “A” men were DEAN CARPENTER 1:35:18; Barry Osborne 1:37:24; KARL CLARK 1:40:37 and STEVE MAYFIELD 1:42:46 and the “B” STEVE ELDER 1:43:36; DAVID STEPHENSON 1:44:19; ROBERT EVANS 1:45:31 and MARTIN DUDLEY 1:50:50.

The overall winner was Stephen Harrison from Team Trisports in 1 hour 14 minutes 23 seconds while the fastest woman was Rachel Doherty from Higham Harriers in 1:22:58.

Mark Vaughan from North Herts Road Runners was second in 1:14:34 and Tom Stephenson
from London Heathside third in 1:15:14. Karen Murphy from Barnet & District was second woman in 1:29:12 and Wendy Walsh from St Albans third in 1:29:50.

Martin and Sarah Steer were attempting a buggy pushing record. They were after the world record for pushing a twin buggy round a half marathon. The passengers were Nathan and Luke who were one year old on race day. They finished in 1 hour 56 minutes 44 seconds and are now waiting to hear from the Guinness World Record administrators.

The race was almost all on cycleways. It started at Ridlins Athletics Track at 10a.m. and went up Gresley Way, then Six Hills Way and into Fairlands Valley Park for a loop round the lakes and then down to the showground before continuing down Broadhall Way, picking up Gresley Way back to Woodcock Road. That’s one lap. Now all the runners did it all again before finishing on the 400 metre track in front of the stand.

A tremendous thirty one Spartans completed the race and dozens of others volunteered as marshals and in other ways to make sure it was a success.

The fastest Spartan was JASON ANDERSON, twelfth and chipping seven seconds of his personal best to 1 hour 22 minutes 43 seconds. As a senior man (18 to 39) he was not involved in the county championships,

Seven from Fairlands Valley Spartans were running their first ever half marathon. KARL CLARK 115th in 1:40:37; MARK ALLEN 170th in 1:45:28; Claire Cox winning her gold medal in 1:50:00; MARTIN DUDLEY 219th in 1:50:50; DARREN EMMERSON 227th in 1:51:51; KARL SHREEVE 439th in 2:20:53 and CLAIRE RENSHAW 488th in 2:40:29.

There were other personal bests from JAMES KILROY a 3:21 improvement to 1:50:48 (217th); SUE HAMER 2:18 to 2:04:18 (348th); and KAREN BROOM taking a massive 7 minutes 29 seconds off her PB to 2:24:26 (450th).

th in 1:55:50. After a careful start JIM BROWN enjoyed his first long run in many months and was 310th in 1:58:32, he was fourth in his category. BARRY KING had a precise plan to beat two hours and it worked, he was 313th in 1:59:28. VERITY FISHER was 317th in 2:00:20; ROBERT SHAW 372nd in 2:07:00 and ANDREW SMITH 376th in 2:07:50. Veteran Spartans ROGER BIGGS and PAUL HOLGATE had a tight battle with Paul finishing just three seconds ahead on “chip” (the electronic) time in 2:08:12 but Roger one position ahead at the finish line.

LISA GAVIGAN was back in 2 hours 14 minutes 57 seconds; DAVID CADOGAN in 2:20:07; and IAN ALEXANDER got a huge cheer when he finished in 2:58:51.

Full results are here:

Grant Is British Champion

We have a British Champion in Stevenage. Fairlands Valley Spartans’ GRANT RAMSAY won GOLD in the British Masters Marathon Championships at Newcastle. He was first in the 40 plus category and fourth overall out of 200 in the whole race. Grant was very happy with his time of 2 hours 44 minutes 45 seconds for the challenging off road course, and above all with winning his first ever national title. Grant trains with Group Five on a Tuesday night and has a programme designed by Spartan Head Coach Andy Prior who has recently qualified as a UK Athletics Tutor.

New York, New York

MATT GILL took part in the New York Marathon and said it was the greatest race he has ever done. He finished in 3 hours 38 minutes 22 seconds.

Dry Window For Serpie

Leaving Stevenage on Friday morning it was cold, wet and windy but by 1230 in Hyde Park it was dry with just a light breeze and almost warm for the Last Friday of the Month 5K.

SIMON JACKSON was a lucky 13th out of the 243 finishers in 17 minutes 26 seconds; TIM SABAN pleased with his 20:36 and 89th; JIM BROWN continued his recovery with a 2 minutes 49 seconds improvement over his last attempt at the distance. He was 206th in 26 minutes 11 seconds.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th November.
Second cross country league race in Trent Park on Sunday 22nd November.
Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park at Friday lunchtime 27th November.
FVS Annual Meeting on Friday evening 27th November.
Wolverton Five (inc. EVAC Championships) on Saturday 28th November.
Hatfield Five on Sunday 29th November.
Spartans Christmas Party on Friday 4th December.
Third cross country league race at Willian, Letchworth on Sunday 6th December.
Festive Five in Welwyn Garden City on Sunday 13th December.
Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 17th December.
Serpentine 5K on Friday 18th December (obviously won’t be on Christmas Day).
County 10 miles Veterans Championship and Open 10 at Buntingford on Monday 28th December.
New Year’s Day 10K in Hyde Park on Friday 1st January 2016.
County Cross Country Championships on Sunday 10th January 2016 (probably Stevenage).
Fourth cross country league race in Watford on Sunday 17th January.
Fred Hughes 10 including the County Ten Mile Championships for Veterans on Sunday
24th January.
South of England Cross Country Championships in London on Saturday 30th January.
Watford Half Marathon including the County Championships for Veterans on Sunday 7th February.
Fifth and final cross country league race on Therfield Heath on Sunday 14th February.
County Veterans Cross Country Championships on Sunday 13th March (probably Watford).

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ37 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy. You can also join

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889; or Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509; Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 0773 467 8566

Club News

XC Cheshunt Results – FVS in 3rd place!

FVS in 3rd place overall with ladies in 2nd place and men 3rd!! A huge well done and thank you to all who ran – hope to see even more Spartans out at Trent Park on the 22nd November!

Cheshunt Results

Club News

5 and 10 mile Handicap Sunday 20th September – start times here

Handicap and start times now attached. Meet at Marriotts Centre in time for your allocated start time of the distance you would like to run.

Don’t worry if your name is missing, handicap times blank, or handicap inconsistent with your existing form, simply let Paul Holgate know at, 07764 237659 or on the forum and he can calculate times for you.Handicap 5m and 10m 2015

Club News

5k Handicap Results – 17th September 2015

Many thanks to MARK BEASLEY and SHARON CROWLEY for their assistance with the start and finish, and to all 35 runners who took part.

WResult 17Sep15

Fastest runner on the night was JASON ANDERSON in a PB of 17:30, with KEITH COUGHLIN 2nd quickest in a new PB time of 17:32, and BRIAN BRACKSTONE 3rd fastest with 17:36.

Quickest lady was NICOLA HABERLAND in a new PB time of 23:19, with VERITY FISHER 2nd quickest in 25:01, as she continues her return to form following injury, and JANE McFARLANE 3rd fastest in a new PB of 25:38.

There were also PBs for SARAH SAPSTEAD (29:34), RICHARD KENNEDY (20:50), MICHELLE BOLGER (38:02), STEVE GREEN (19:42), MARTIN DUDLEY (23:31), LIAM ERRINGTON (23:00), ELAINE LEDGER (38:43), ANGIE WATERS (36:10), JOHN WASMUNTH (29:28) and ROB DOE (39:27) despite running an extra 2k off the route of the 5k course.

JAMES KILROY, MARK GOODWIN, TRACY PEZ and STEVE MAYFIELD (in his first event since breaking his foot earlier in the year) all recorded season best times (fastest time in the last 2 years) and there were year best times for PETER CARPENTER and SELVAN NAICKER, and LIZ CARVELL improved her 5k time by 1:11 since last month’s handicap.

The total time difference between 2nd-34th position was just 5 minutes and 9 seconds and 77% of finishers ran within less than 1 minute of their adjusted handicap time (91% within 2 minutes).

Full results and statistics attached.

This Sunday sees the club’s annual 5 mile and 10 mile handicaps from Marriotts school, where it is hoped that as many Spartans as possible will be able to take part, and the next handicap 5k will be on Thursday 22nd October 2015.


Great North Run, Bristol Half, Chilterns Marathon and much more


Three Spartans were among the tens of thousands at the Great North Run. It was hot in the north-east and club secretary KAREN PALMER finished in 2 hours 15 minutes 45 seconds; KAREN ELLIS in 2:18:34 and MARIA THORNE in 2:21:05.

Bristol Half Marathon

ANDY JAY ran the Bristol Half Marathon in near perfect conditions with gentle autumn sunshine on a still calm day in 1 hour 52 minutes 59 seconds, in a field of around 7000 runners. This was the 27th running of the Bristol Half Marathon, a very well organised and recommended event for Spartans to try in the future. The route goes out along the River Portway under the Clifton Suspension bridge, before returning to the city centre to finish.

Chilterns Marathon

MIKE NEWBITT and PAUL HOLGATE took on no less than 23 hills at this year’s tough off road Chilterns Marathon, taking in the picturesque villages of Wheeler End, Northend, Turville, Southend, Hambleden, Mill End, Medmenham, Moor Common and Lane End, also including two country estates at Stonor Park and Hambleden Estate.

Mike completed the event in 6 hours 15 and Paul 6 hours 38.

SNHAC 1500

A trio of Spartans ran the 1500 metres at the S.N.H.A.C Anniversary Event at Ridlins on Saturday. JASON ANDERSON ran an excellent 4 minutes 35 seconds; TIM SABAN a new
personal best of 5 minutes 25 seconds and YLLKA ISREFI 6 minutes exactly.

Thames Path Challenge

TRUDIE MOLLOY completed the Thames Path Challenge on Saturday 12th September in a time of 3 hours 10 minutes. Trudie was running and raising money for Calm a men’s charity for raising awareness and prevention of suicide in men. The route took in beautiful scenery running along the Thames river starting from Runnymede and finishing in Cookham. The route was mostly off road paths.

New Forest Marathon

Spartans JOHN NELM ran the New Forest Marathon in a new personal best (PB) of 3 hours 52 minutes 50 seconds. That’s an improvement by just over a minute on his previous best. He was 124th out of the 380th finishers.

DARRYL STEVENS completed the New Forest Half Marathon in 2:58:57.

Parkrun Reports

At the Barclay parkrun in Hoddesdon, Daniel Bates finished third out of 40 runners in a time of 21-42, setting a course personal best (PB) by five seconds. This was done with an injured left leg and was a good workout ahead of the Berlin Marathon in two weeks time.

Wimpole Estate parkrun turned up some interesting results. Richard Bate and Dave Riddell took on the off-road course in Cambridgeshire for the first time and both finished in the top ten. The course is one of the hardest in the area and is a good workout especially ahead of the cross-country season. Out of the 245 runners, Richard finished fourth in a time of 19-41 and David in 6th just missing out a sub-20 time by two seconds in 20-01.

At Panshanger parkrun in Hertford, the Spartans were out in force. Another big turn out from the parkrun community saw 248 runners took part. First home for the Spartans was Mark Beasley in 22-12 finishing 40
th; John Roxborough got a new parkrun pb finishing 22-27 in 44th; Daniel Sutton sneaked into the top 50 finishing 49th in 23-27; marathon legend Roger Biggs took on the course for the first time and finished 103rd in 27-20 whilst Verity Fisher was a few seconds behind in 27-29 finishing 105th and Tim Robinson finished in 38-07 in 233rd.

On The Way

Some great news from the Spartans EVAC women’s team. Details next week.

Get Training for the Stevenage Half

Looking ahead entries have opened for the Stevenage Half Marathon which will be on Sunday 1st November. This event is open to all aged 17 and over but will include the county championships for veterans. Visit for more details; an online entry system and how you can train with the Spartans.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

County 5K Veterans Championship and Open 5K Race in Hatfield on Wednesday evening 16th September.
Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 17th September.
Club Handicap 10 mile and 5 mile races in Stevenage this Sunday 20th September.
Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park on Friday 25th September.
Standalone 10K (inc. county senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on Sunday 11th October.
First cross country league race at Cheshunt on Sunday 18th October.
Abingdon Marathon on Sunday 18th October.
Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 22nd October.
Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park at Friday lunchtime 30th October.
Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1
st November.
St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th November.
Second cross country league race in Trent Park on Sunday 22nd November.
Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park at Friday lunchtime 27th November.
Spartans Christmas Party on Friday 4th December.
Third cross country league race at Willian on Sunday 6th December.
Handicap5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 17th December.
County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on Monday 28th December.
Fourth cross country league race in Watford on Sunday 17th January.
Fred Hughes 10 including the County Ten Mile Championships for Veterans on Sunday 24th January.
Watford Half Marathon including the County Championships for Veterans on Sunday 7th February.
Fifth and final cross country league race on Therfield Heath on Sunday 14th February.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m.
There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ37 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy. You can also join online.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889; or Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509; Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 0773 467 8566


Fairlands Valley Spartans were at eleven different races in the last few days.


Three ran in the open 5K county championships on Wednesday. BARRY OSBORNE, a veteran (60 plus), was 45th out of the 140 finishers in a superb sub 20 time of 19 minutes 51 seconds. ROGER BIGGS was 109th in 26:17 and PAUL HOLGATE 116th in 27:13.

The veterans’ 5K county championship will be in Hatfield on Wednesday 16th September. It will incorporated in open race so seniors can also join in.

Harlow Ten

Three Spartans enjoyed a warm day in Harlow for the Harlow Ten. VISH SHAH finished in 1 hour 20 minutes 11 seconds (106th); ANDY JAY in 1:22:35 (125th) and club secretary KAREN PALMER in 1:33:25 (171st). There were 208 finishers.

Maidenhead Half Marathon.

ROB EVANS chose the scenic Maidenhead event for the third race of his “Half-a-Dozen Half Marathons” Challenge. Although it was sunny and warm, Rob managed to complete the course in 1:46:08.

Spitfire 10K

STEVE GREEN had a blast at Sunday’s inaugural Spitfire 10k. The race at the RAF Hendon museum was organised to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the battle of Britain. The flat
but twisty course started by a Lancaster bomber and finished next to a Spitfire. In lovely sunshine it took him 41 minutes 6 seconds. He was ninth and won an Airfix kit!. BARBARA WILSON was first female veteran (60 plus) and 127th overall in 52 minutes 22 seconds.

Kent Coastal Marathon

On a lovely sunny & warm day, ROGER BIGGS travelled to Cliftonville on the Kent Coast, for the popular Kent Coastal Marathon. From Cliftonville the course went east then south along the undulating Coast to Broadstairs and on to Ramsgate, before returning along the same roads back to Cliftonville. Ignoring those finishing the half marathon, the course continued West through Margate, then mainly along the seawall, before returning to the finish along the front at Cliftonvile.

Roger found the combination of undulating roads and intensity of the sun a bit tough, and finished in 5:27:11

Wolverhampton Marathon

On Sunday CAROL PAUL ran the Wolverhampton marathon. The course was a two lap undulating course with a couple of hills through the streets of Wolverhampton in very sunny conditions. Carol completed the marathon in 4:40:45

First Saturday

TRACY PEZ ran the Month race on Norton Common. She was second woman in 23 minutes 8 seconds and 14th overall out of the 58 finishers.

Parkrun Reports

DANIEL BATES took on the Barclay Parkrun, one of the newest to pop up on the parkrun circuit in the local area. In Hoddesdon the course consists of three laps, mostly uphill, some grassy sections and a narrow concrete path. Despite the heavy rain this wasn’t going to stop Bates finishing second out of 55 runners in a time of 21-37, finishing one minute and thirty-six
seconds behind the winner and one minute ahead of third place. Daniel led from the start for the first 200 metres but stayed in second for the remainder of the run.

The usual culprits were out at Spartan’s favourite local course, Panshanger down in Hertford. John Roxborough finished 31st out of 215 runners in 22-43, missing out on a Parkrun PB by four seconds. Tim Robinson finished 47th in 23-44 giving him a new Parkrun PB and there were wild celebrations afterwards at the finish line when greeted by the fans! Andy Jay came in 72nd with a time of 25-21. Afterwards he said on social media ‘I wasn’t pushing it today, saving myself for the Harlow 10 tomorrow’. Isabel Green came in 114th with a 27-47 whilst vice-chair Nick Witcombe continued his good form recently with another parkrun PB coming in 137th with a 28-49.

St Alban’s parkrun saw the return to form of VERITY FISHER back from injury with a new Parkrun personal best (PB), completing the three lap course in 24-26, finishing 114th out of 315 runners. Daniel Sutton, her pacer finished 115th in 24-26, missing out on a PB by seven seconds.

CRAIG BACON completed his first ever parkrun at Wimpole Estate in Cambridgeshire, finishing 34th out of 267 runners in a time of 22-44. First timer at 75 plus TONY OSBORNE was 245th in 35 minutes 33 seconds.

Ian’s Fundraising

IAN ALEXANDER’s fund raising activities continue. Apart from his running he recently sold eight paintings and raised £1,000 for charity. So far he has raised £8,637 this year not including his recent marathon. He is raising money for the special needs school.

Get Training for the Stevenage Half

Looking ahead entries have opened for the Stevenage Half Marathon which will be on Sunday 1
st November. This event is open to all aged 17 and over but will include the county championships for veterans. Visit for more details; an online entry system and how you can train with the Spartans.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

EVAC Track and Field Final on Sunday 13th September.
County 5K Veterans Championship and Open 5K Race in Hatfield on Wednesday evening 16th September.
Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 17th September.
Club Handicap 10 mile race on Sunday 20th September.
Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park on Friday 25th September.
Standalone 10K (inc. county senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on Sunday 11th October.
First cross country league race at Cheshunt on Sunday 18th October.
Abingdon Marathon on Sunday 18th October.
Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 22nd October.
Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park at Friday lunchtime 30th October.
Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th November.
Second cross country league race in Trent Park on Sunday 22nd November.
Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park at Friday lunchtime 27th November.
Spartans Christmas Party on Friday 4th December.
Third cross country league race at Willian on Sunday 6th December.
Handicap5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 17th December.
County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on Monday 28th December.
Fourth cross country league race in Watford on Sunday 17th January.
Fifth and final cross country league race on Therfield Heath on Sunday 14th February.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ37 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy. You can also join online.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889; or Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509; Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 0773 467 8566



Fairlands Valley Spartans enjoyed good conditions and a great atmosphere for their Flying Fifteen Hundreds at Ridlins Track on Saturday morning. The club had adapted their usual track session to give lots of members a chance to race 1500 metres on the track. Enough were keen for there to be two busy races which were followed by some juniors running 800 and 400 metres.

LIAM HERBERT was the first Spartan to finish and had a time of 5 minutes 8 seconds (5:08); with BERNIE BARNABY eight seconds behind in 5:16 and TIM SABAN third in 5:29.

YLLKA ISTREFI was fastest woman in 5:58. CAROLINE BARKER was second in 6:21 and SUZIE GODREY third in 6:32. Veteran 70 plus PETER CARPENTER finished in 7 minutes 48 seconds.

The other finishers were CALLUM BEASLEY 4th in 5:34; JOHN NELMS 5th in 5:40: CRAIG BACON 6th in 5:46; TOM GLADING 7th in 5:47. Then there was a rush with DUNCAN GODREY 8th in 5:51; MARK GOODWIN 9th in 5:52; MARK BEASLEY 10th in 5:53; ANDY JAY sprinting in for 11th in 5:54; VISH SHAH 12th in 5:56; MARK CHEADLE and JAMES KILROY equal 13th in 5:57; and TIM ROBINSON 15th equal with Yllka in 5:58.

Caroline’s 6:21 put her in 17th place overall. She was followed by BARRY KING 18th in 6:25; STEVE SMITHSON making a welcome return to running 19th in 6:31; and Suzie was 20th with her 6:32.

They were chased in by NICK WITCOMBE 6:48; ANDREA WESTCOTT 6:53; STEVE GOUGH 7:02; club president MARK GLADING 7:13; club secretary KAREN PALMER
7:25; LIZ CARVELL 7:28; and MONICA SMITHSON 7:33.

Combined Result From Both Races

1 Liam Herbert 05:08
2 Bernie Barnaby 05:16
3 Tim Saban 05:29
4 Callum Beasley 05:34
5 John Nelms 05:40
6 Craig Bacon 05:46
7 Tom Glading 05:47
8 Duncan Godfrey 05:51
9 Mark Goodwin 05:52
10 Mark Beasley 05:53
11 Andy Jay 05:54
12 Vishal Shah 05:56
13 Mark Cheadle 05:57
14 James Kilroy 05:57
15 Tim Robinson 05:58
15 Yllka Istrefi 05:58
17 Caroline Barker 06:21
18 Barry King 06:25
19 Steve Smithson 06:31
20 Suzie Godfrey 06:32
21 Nick Witcombe 06:48
22 Andrea Westcott 06:53
23 Steve Gough 07:02
24 Sophie Cowan 07:04
25 Mark Glading 07:13
26 Karen Palmer 07:25
27 Liz Carvell 07:28
28 Monica Smithson 07:33
29 Peter Carpenter 07:48

The 1500 times will count towards the club’s short distance championship (which is based on the best of three out of 1500 metres; 5 kilometres; 5 miles and 10 kilometres).

Atlantic Achill

ROGER BIGGS travelled to Achill Island on the far West Coast of Ireland, for a very scenic and hilly marathon. In reasonable running conditions, but with the might of the Atlantic winds, Roger was pleased to finish in 5:14:13.

Canterbury Half

DANIEL BATES finished the Canterbury half marathon on Bank Holiday Monday in 1 hour 39 minutes 22 seconds. He was 51st place out of the 314 runners. The course was very hilly around the country lanes to the south of the historic city whilst heavy rain and thunder was the theme of the day.

Parkrun Reports

Spartan NATALIE LAWRENCE was first female home in the 5K Parkrun at Luton’s Wardown Park. She finished 33rd out of the 178th runners in 24 minutes 43 seconds.

Get Training for the Stevenage Half

Looking ahead entries have opened for the Stevenage Half Marathon which will be on Sunday 1st November. This event is open to all aged 17 and over but will include the county championships for veterans. Visit for more details; an online entry system and how you can train with the Spartans.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

County 5K Senior Championships on Wednesday evening 2nd September.
EVAC Track and Field Final on Sunday 13th September.
County 5K Veterans Championship on Wednesday evening 16th September.
Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 17th September.
Club Handicap 10 mile race on Sunday 20th September.
Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park on Friday 25th September.
Standalone 10K (inc. county senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on Sunday 11th October.
Abingdon Marathon on Sunday 18th October.
Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 22nd October.
Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park at Friday lunchtime 30th October.
Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th November.
Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park at Friday lunchtime 27th November.
Spartans Christmas Party on Friday 4th December.
Handicap5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 17th December.
County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ37 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy. You can also join online.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889; or Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509; Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 0773 467 8566



ROGER BIGGS ran the Penrith Park Run on Saturday. His 26 minutes 39 seconds was good enough for first veteran (65 plus) and 64th out of the 132 finishers.

Down on the Panshanger course (Hertford), JOHN ROXBOROUGH was first Spartan home finishing 57th out of 227 runners in a time of 24:01. NICK WITCOMBE finished 132nd in 29:09 which is a new parkrun PB (personal best) for him. TIM ROBINSON who is in marathon training took it easy and finished 206th in 36:28.

At another local course which has appeared on the Parkrun circuit, VERITY FISHER and DANIEL SUTTON took on the 5km in Barclay Park, just off the A10/A414 junction in Hoddesdon. Verity finished 13th out of the 53 runners (and was second female home) in 26-minutes 41 seconds and Daniel finished 14th in 26:42.

KEN JUDE took on the St Albans Parkrun. A designated tail runner he finished 333rd out of 335 runners in in 48:44.

Run 1500 This Saturday

This Saturday 29th August there will be a special track session at Ridlins. There will be an opportunity to run 1500 metres and record a time to count towards the Club Short Championship.

If you want to have a go arrive at 9.15am for warm ups and to register for the run. There will be the usual mobility exercises and strides as in the normal Saturday morning sessions.

The first run will start at around 9.45am. There will have as many races as necessary divided into approximate predicted times, so runners should have the opportunity to race against athletes who run at a similar pace.

There will be a race for children. Family and friends will be very welcome to cheer on the runners and take part. Light refreshments and drinks will be available.

Get Training for the Stevenage Half

Looking ahead entries have opened for the Stevenage Half Marathon which will be on Sunday 1st November. This event is open to all aged 17 and over but will include the county championships for veterans. Visit for more details; an online entry system and how you can train with the Spartans.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park on Friday 28th August.
Spartans Family Day and 1500 metres at Ridlins, Saturday 29th August.
County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.
EVAC Track and Field Final on Sunday 13th September.
County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.
Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 17th September.
Club Handicap 10 mile race on Sunday 20th September.
Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park on Friday 25th September.
Standalone 10K (inc. county senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on Sunday 11th October.
Abingdon Marathon on Sunday 18th October.
Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 22nd October.
Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park at Friday lunchtime 30th October.
Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1
st November.
St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th November.
Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park at Friday lunchtime 27th November.
Spartans Christmas Party on Friday 4th December.
Handicap5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 17th December.
County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ37 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy. You can also join online.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889; or Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509; Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 0773 467 8566

Club News

Provisional FVS Relay Results

Congratulations to all who participated, and thank you to all who helped at the Fairlands Valley Relays on Thursday 30th July. Please find attached the results (these are provisional, please let us know of any errors).



MOB MATCH & The Fairlands Valley Challenge

A huge 335 people tackled the Fairlands Valley Challenge off road events on Saturday and Sunday. Organised by Fairlands Valley Spartans 63 finished the six mile race on Saturday afternoon. The cross country marathon was the most popular option on Sunday with 112 finishers but 54 went further with a 50 kilometres Ultra option. In addition 51 completed 18.7 miles (30 kilometres) and 55 twelve miles.

The marathon option saw an ecstatic IAN ALEXANDER complete his first 26.2 miles event. What a tough event to choose for a first and what a tremendous achievement. Ian was grateful to the support and advice he had had from the Spartans coaching team.

Results are available via our homepage.

Mob Match Celebration

Fairlands Valley Spartans celebrated in style at the Mob Match in Welwyn Garden City on Thursday evening. This race brought together all the Division One and Division Two clubs before the presentation for the series.

Despite celebrating and enjoying themselves the Spartans were eighth out of the fifteen teams in the combined Divisions One and Two race. At the series presentations Fairlands Valley won the shield for first men’s team in Division Two; JULIE SIMMONS the award for first female veteran (55 plus) and YLLKA ISTREFI that for third woman (35 plus).

36 Spartans were racing.

Brian Brackstone was the first Spartan to finish. He was in 13th position overall and 4th veteran in 35 minutes 35 seconds. Steffan Ford (36:07), Keith Coughlin (36:09) and Richard Bate (36:30) were also in the top 21 finishers of 440 runners taking part.

Julie Simmons won the ladies Vet55 category on the night. There were personal bests (PBs) for Steffan Ford, Keith Coughlin, David Riddell, Dan Sims, Claire Cox and Karl Shreeve, Season Bests for Bernie Barnaby and Lorraine Thomas; Year Bests for Richard Bate, Pete Smith, Julie Simmons, Isabel Green, Anne Spiller, Nick Witcombe, Maria Thorne and Julie Shadbolt.

Spartan Women (8th out of 15)

Olympic Finish

Spartans enjoyed an Olympic finish on Sunday when they raced in the Great Newham 10K. TIM SABAN came 524th in a time of 43:52, and YLLLA ISTREFI 671st in 44:58. It was extremely hot touching 22 degrees in the Queen Elizabeth Country Park and everybody was feeling the heat towards the end as they headed towards the finish in the former Olympic Stadium.

DAVE STEPHENSON was 1,729th in 49:49 and TESSA STEPHENSON 4,416th in 57:53. There were over 10,000 finishers.

Lee Valley 10K

Recently TIM SABAN ran the Lee Valley Park 10K in 42 minutes 53 seconds a massive 5
minute improvement on last year’s time on the same course. At the same event CLAIRE COX ran a new personal best of 48 minutes 47 seconds. Tim was 32nd and Claire 93rd out of 262 finishers.

Women Win At Track and Field

In the very hot and humid conditions the Fairlands Valley Spartans men’s and women’s teams ignored the weather conditions recently to take part in the third out of four Eastern Veterans Athletics League competition at Biggleswade.

The women’s team won by four points beating Milton Keynes by 108 to 104 with the other four clubs a long way behind.

With key members Steve Mayfield and Jim Brown missing, the men’s team struggled in fifth place. They scored 56 compared with a 105 for the winners and are in third place overall after three meetings.

Chris Westcott covered for Steve Mayfield who has a broken leg in all the running events except for the hurdles. Monica Brown continued her winning streak from Sundays EVAC championships by wining the 100 metres and Long Jump. All round good performances and a full women’s team mean they have already qualified for the final at Bedford in September.

MK Half

CAROLINE BARTER ran the Milton Keynes Half Marathon in 1 hour 50 minutes 28 seconds.

Parkrun Reports

At the Panshanger parkrun (Hertford) Jason Anderson finished second out of 280 runners in a time of 17 minutes 45 seconds. This was his first ever run on the course.

Relays in the Park, Thursday 30th July

The Relays in the Park will be on Thursday evening 30th July. Join this fun team and enter your team now. Teams consist of three women or five men. Each runner races over a three kilometre stage in Fairlands Valley Park.
Great for running and the design of the course makes it great for spectating.
The event will also incorporate the Hertfordshire AAA Senior & Veteran Championships on Thursday 30th July at 7.30pm. It’s being held for the 23rd time.
For an entry form and further details please visit You must enter at least one team in advance.

Race headquarters will be in Marriotts Sports Centre, SG2 8UT but the games begin in the park at 7.30p.m. so allow plenty of time.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

EVAC Track & Field League on Wednesday 29th July.
County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.
Handicap 5K on Thursday 13th August.
Spartans Family Day at Ridlins, Saturday 29th August.
County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.
County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.
Club Handicap 10 mile race on Sunday 20th September.
Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on Sunday 11th October.
Abingdon Marathon on Sunday 18th October.
Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
Spartans Christmas Party on Friday 4th December.
County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to
suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ37 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy. You can also join online.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889; or Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509; Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 0773 467 8566

Club News

Challenge – 12, 18, 26 and Ultra results

Congratulations again to all who ran at one or more of our events over the Fairlands Valley Challenge Weekend.

Please find attached provisional results from Sunday’s Challenge events. (Last updated 30th July)

If you spot any errors please email

FVCResults2015 v 3

Club News

Challenge – 6 mile event results

Challengers! THANK YOU all so much for coming to support our inaugural 6 mile Challenge event today. We loved seeing you – thank you for the smiles, thanks and kind words. We counted 63 runners and walkers out … and safely back in! Thank you to all the volunteers who helped out to make today happen. We hope you enjoyed the brand new course – if you want it back next year, we want to hear from you! Also a big shout out to our Weekend Challengers who have completed day one … and will be back tomorrow doing anything from 12 miles to 50K as their day two challenge!!!

The results from today are attached

FVC6mResults complete



The Fairlands Valley Challenge is this weekend, 18th and 19th July and you can get involved.

What is it? An off-road running and walking event that starts and finishes at Marriotts Sports Centre, Stevenage. It is of the most popular events that Fairlands Valley Spartans hosts – and has been staged for the last 20 years. Participants use a route description and a map to self-navigate around countryside and villages surrounding Stevenage, passing through checkpoints where volunteers provide refreshments and encouragement. Unlike lots of other races, the course is not marshalled so participants do make minor variations to the route they take from start to finish! This year the Spartans are adding something new to run / walk, making it a weekend event. A brand new six mile Challenge is being offered on Saturday afternoon 18th July, whilst the classic Challenges of 12 miles, 18 miles, marathon (26.2 miles) and ultra marathon (50K) are offered on Sunday 19thJuly starting from 8a.m. with the last finishers coming in any time up to 7p.m.

Why is it important? The Fairlands Valley Challenge is extremely popular with runners and walkers internationally (yes- entrants have travelled from the U.S. and Europe to take part!). It helps build the reputation of the Spartans in the running community, and makes people come back to the club’s events for years to come! Any surpluses help to keep the club going and get more local people involved in running.

How can I be involved? You can run! Have a look at for more details. Or you can help! The success of the Challenge is down to the large number of volunteers, and their time, energy and effort in organising and putting on a safe enjoyable event for all participants. Without volunteers, many races would simply not take place. This year, we need all the help we can get, especially on Sunday 19th July. There are lots of jobs to cover: from manning checkpoints, to providing refreshments and helping at the finish line … all jobs, no matter how big or small they seem, ensure participants have the best possible experience on the day. You don’t need to have helped out before, or to hand over the whole of your day to the event: any time you can offer to help is appreciated. To say thank you, anyone who helps on Sunday 19thJuly can claim a free entry into the Saturday 6 mile event, where they will collect a highly desirable FVS branded kit bag as part of their finisher reward!

If you can help at the event, please contact Liam Herbert or Maddie Pritchard via the club’s Facebook, Twitter, forum or by email to They will be able to give you more information on what jobs are and what is involved in volunteering.

Ware Tens

A number of Spartans made the short trip to Ware for the New Ware 10, which this year was held in its new slot of July, instead of October and for the first time included a 10K option addition to the usual 10 miles.

The course was multi terrain and included beautiful tow paths following the canal between Ware and Hertford.

It was a really well organised event, superb and enthusiastic marshalling, with a technical shirt, tea and cake at the finish.

DANIEL BATES ran very well to finish in 1 hour 16 minutes 56 seconds, considering just 24 hours earlier he arrived home from an 11 hour flight from Vancouver after a four week holiday.

The other ten mile Spartans were Mark Goodwin 01:18:56; Andy Jay 01:27:24; Marie Colucci 01:38:16; Dawn Easby 01:38:20; Nick Witcombe 01:40:10 and Jan Fry 01:48:09.

MARTIN NICHOLAS ran the 10K in 53 minutes 33 seconds.

Ranscombe Twelve Hours

On Saturday Spartan CAROL PAUL ran the Ranscombe Summer Challenge in Kent. It was a 12 hour off road event which consisted of laps of 3.8 miles which were very hilly with 3870 feet of ascent. In very hot conditions Carol completed 38 miles in 8 hours 28 minutes 55 seconds.

Bishops Stortfold

Recently JOHN NELMS completed the Bishops Stortford 10 mile multi terrain race in 77 minutes 4 seconds. He said it was a really nice event – friendly and well organised.

Walking With A Purpose

DAVID BOWKER competed for Hertfordshire in the Inter-County Match in Crawley on Sunday. He raced in the 3K walk where he was 14th out of 24 in a new personal best of 17 minutes 24 seconds.

Parkrun Reports

LIZ CARVELL completed St. Albans Parkrun on Saturday in a time of 28:00. It was very hot. She was second in her age category and 226th out of 321.

Relays in the Park, Thursday 30th July

The Relays in the Park will be on Thursday evening 30th July. Join this fun team and enter your team now. Teams consist of three women or five men. Each runner races over a three kilometre stage in Fairlands Valley Park.
Great for running and the design of the course makes it great for spectating.
The event will also incorporate the Hertfordshire AAA Senior & Veteran Championships on Thursday 30th July at 7.30pm. It’s being held for the 23rd time.
For an entry form and further details please visit You must enter at least one team in advance.

Race headquarters will be in Marriotts Sports Centre, SG2 8UT but the games begin in the park at 7.30p.m. so allow plenty of time.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Midweek Mob Match in Welwyn Garden City (10K) on Thursday 16th July.
Fairlands Valley Off Road Challenge Weekend on Sunday 18th and 19th July.
EVAC Track & Field League on Wednesday 29th July.
County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.
County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.
County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.
Club Handicap 10 mile race on Sunday 20th September.
Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on Sunday 11th October.
Abingdon Marathon on Sunday 18th October.
Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
Spartans Christmas Party on Friday 4th December.
County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has
hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ37 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy. You can also join online.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889; or Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509; Andy Neatham 0777 197 5499 and 01438 816889 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 0773 467 8566


Spartans Secure MWL Promotion after a Fantastic turnout at Hitchin

Well done to each and every Spartan who supported and ran throughout the Mid Week League series.

Following a fantastic turnout in the last of the four scoring races on Thursday 2nd July in Hitchin, we are promoted to Division 1!


Results are attached.


Spartans Win The Hitchin Relays and RECORDS TUMBLE IN ATHLETICS LEAGUE

Spartans Win Hitchin Relays

Records tumbled in the second match of this year’s Eastern Veterans Athletics League due to some fine individual performances from the Spartans Vets team. On her EVAC debut YUKO GORDON produced the most outstanding performance in winning the W60 (women aged 60 plus) 1500 metres in 6:03.4. Not only did this beat the previous club age best by over a minute, it set a new EVAC league record by nine seconds (subject to confirmation). Her age grading of 92.6% was the best by any athlete in the match.

MONICA BROWN got her evening off to a flying start winning the W50 80metres hurdles in a personal best (PB) of 15.4 seconds and breaking her own club record. She also won the high jump in 1.30m and the 100m in 14.1 seconds (87.0% age grading). Second places in the Triple Jump and Javelin and fifth in the Discus meant she collected 36 points out of ladies team’s total score of 127. Her seventh event of the night came in the 400/200/200/400 relay, helping the W50 team to a comfortable 2nd place.

JULIE SIMMONS broke the club record for the 1 mile walk in 9:17.5, coming third in the A string race against some very strong opposition. Previous record holder SHARON CROWLEY won the B string in 11:09.6. Further ladies wins came from IRIS HORNSEY in the W60 javelin and CATHY CRAIG in the W60 high jump. Cathy also produced a fantastic finish to snatch 2nd place in the W60 400 metres. PETA WLSON, ANDREA WESTCOTT and STEPH MAYFIELD made up the W35 team and boosted the overall points total by ensuring every event in the ladies programme was covered.

In the men’s match, CHRIS WESTCOTT ran a fine 400 metres coming 3
rd in 57.1 seconds, a club M35 age best. An hour later he ran even faster (unofficially 55.8) with a brilliant lead leg in the men’s relay; STEVE MAYFIELD and MARK CHEADLE continued the good work and GRANT RAMSAY held on to second place, bringing the baton home in a new club record of 2:57.4, over 6 seconds inside the previous mark.

The club record also fell in the Javelin, with STEVE MAYFIELD throwing a new personal best (PB) of 28.98 metres for second place in the M35 category. He followed up with another PB and 2nd place in the triple jump (8.81m) and achieved season’s bests in the Discus, 400m and 100m. His 100m time of 13.1 seconds was an 83.2% age grading, the highest of the match for the Spartans men’s team.

DAVE BOWKER secured the only first place of the night for the men, winning the A string walk in 9:13.6. Dave then came third in the M50 1500 metres (5:13.1) as did GRANT RAMSAY in the M35 (4:32.4) and JIM BROWN in the M60 (6:49.0). JOHN HARRIS equalled his PB of 1.30m taking 2nd in the M50 High Jump and broke his PB in the M50 Triple Jump with 6.83m. MARK GLADING was 4th in both M50 throws, including a PB of 22.98m in the Discus. Team captain MARK FREEMAN completed the men’s line up.

Host club Bedford & County were comprehensive winners of the men’s match with 152 points, taking their total to 239 points and lifting them to the top of the league. Spartans were third with 97 and slipped to third overall after the two matches, with their combined total of 198 points leaving them 24 behind second placed Milton Keynes.

The Spartans women were a close second, just six points behind match winners Milton Keynes, but with 245 points to 228 Spartans remain first in the league. With third place Luton AC back on 98 points, FVS and Milton Keynes look well placed to earn the two female finalist positions.

Spartans Win The Hitchin Relays

Fairlands Valley Spartans A”, consisting of Grant Ramsay, Samantha Pretty & Ian Yenney won the Hitchin Relay Race competition.

Despite being one athlete down, the Spartans “A” team performed exceptionally well, to beat
forty other teams and win with a combined time of 40mins and 12 secs. A new course record. This was over a total distance of 12K, with each leg consisting of 1000m.

The Spartans entered a second team consisting of Nick Witcombe, Tracy Pez, Andrew Jay and Ken Jude, who finished 21st overall”.

Regent’s Park

KEITH COUGHLIN competed in the Regents Park 10k yesterday, finishing sixth out of 777 with a new personal best of 36 minutes 48 seconds

Marathon Quest

ROGER BIGGS continued his quest to run a 100 marathons in the United States, with a trail marathon in the Great River Bluffs State Park in Minnesota. This State Park is 20 miles from the Minnesota City of Winona, which borders the mighty Mississippi River.

The marathon started in a thunderstorm, making the trails very muddy & slippery, encouraging the organisers to change the 16 lap course to a better surface and now 17 laps!

By halfway the storm changed to humid conditions as the sun started to come into view. Even in the storms the temperature was around 15C, by the end this has soared to 30C.

Considering the conditions, Roger was pleased to complete the marathon in 5:40:42.

Whipsnade Zoo Stampede 10K

After three hot laps in the Whipsnade Zoo Stampede 10K PAUL HOLGATE was 321st in 58:51; AMY POTTER 413th in 62:52 and LISA POTTER 519tyh in 69:10. There were 645 finishers.

Poppyline Marathon

On Sunday Carol Paul and Mike Newbitt ran the off road Poppyline Marathon from Sheringham in Norfolk. It was a lovely sunny day with a bit of a breeze taking in the lovely North East country side of Norfolk. Carol completed the off road marathon in 5 hours 35 minutes and Mike’s time was 6:41.

Parkrun Reports

Down at Panshanger Parkrun, Mark Beasley finished 34th out of 260 runners in a time of 22:27 which is now a Parkrun PB. John Roxborough wasn’t very far behind in 44th place and gained a Parkrun PB in a time of 22:49. There was one more Parkrun PB with Tim Robinson finishing 53rd in 23:49.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

St. Albans Half Marathon on Sunday 14th June.
Midweek Road Race League race in Harlow (10K) on Wednesday 17th June.
EVAC Track & Field League in Biggleswade on Wednesday 1st July.
Midweek Road Race League race in Hitchin (10K) on Thursday 2nd July.
Bushey 10K including Herts Veterans road championships on Sunday 5th July.
County 10000 metres track championship in Biggleswade on Thursday 9th July.
Midweek Mob Match in Welwyn Garden City (10K) on Thursday 16th July.
Fairlands Valley Off Road Challenge on Sunday 19th July.
EVAC Track & Field League on Wednesday 29th July.
County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.
County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.
County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.
Club Handicap 10 mile race on Sunday 20th September.
Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on Sunday 11th October.
Kingston Marathon on Sunday 11
th October.
Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ37 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy. You can also join online.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566


Grant and Ian collecting the team prize for themselves and Samantha Pretty – congratulations to you all.



Fairlands Valley Spartans hold onto that key second place for promotion by just one point after race two in the Mid Week Road Race League series. They are just two points behind leaders Orion (on 32); one ahead of Harlow (on 29) and two ahead of Bishops Stortford (on 28) so the Spartans could still finish anywhere from winning to fourth out of the nine clubs. It all depends on the last two races which are in Harlow on 17th June and Hitchin on 2nd July.

45 Spartans made the difficult journey to the tough fixture just outside Chingford in the Epping Forest. The race over an unusual six miles rather than 10K was hosted by Orion Harriers on a partly trail course that included an “Essex mountain” that had to be climbed in both directions. A very strong turnout for their home fixture saw Orion win both the men’s and ladies races on Wednesday, but that did not stop a good performance from the Spartans to secure second place in the men’s race and six points in the ladies race to narrowly finish second overall on the evening, just ahead of rivals Bishop Stortford and Harlow on team score only as all three clubs finished with 14 points each.

In the separate men’s and women’s competitions Fairlands Valley Spartans continue to lead the men’s league and are third in the women’s league.

GRANT RAMSAY won the men’s race in 34 minutes 7 seconds with the rest of the men’s “A” team consisting of BRIAN BRACKSTONE (6th in 35:19); DANIEL THORBY (10th in 35:50); KEITH COUGHLIN (11th in 36:14); JASON ANDERSON (12th in 36:21); STEFFAN FORD (13th in 36:21); ANDREW PATTERSON (14th in 36:28), that’s seven in the top twenty then SIMON TANG (31st in 39:04); DAVID HODBOD (35th in 39:59); TIM SABAN (47th in 41:04); GRAHAM BLACKBURN (48th in 41:22) and DAVID BOWKER (52nd in 41:39). The first twelve counted.

The FVS “B” team was led in by STEVE ELDER (59th in 42:09) and beat “A” teams from Broxbourne and Herts Phoenix. BARRY OSBORNE (67th in 42:52); NICHOLAS CROWLEY (83rd in 44:23); PETE SMITH (92nd in 45:02); ANDREW JORDAN (96th in 45:12); MARK GOODWIN (101st in 45:44); THOMAS SAUKA (111th in 46:42); JIM BROWN (116th in 47:31); DANIEL SUTTON (121st in 48:17); JAMES KILROY (123rd in 48:25); TIM ROBINSON (133rd in 50:05) and MARK CHEADLE (135th in 50:41) made up the rest of the “B” team.

SAM PRETTY was third in the women’s race in 32 minutes 38 seconds. Once again JULIE SIMMONS won the veteran (55 plus) category, this time in 46:51. TRACY PEZ (19th woman in 46:55; LISA GRAY (28th in 48:49); PETA WILSON (51st in 53:11) and SUE HAMER (64th in 56:23) were the rest of the “A” team (six to count).

Only four of the nine clubs managed to field a women’s “B” team. The Spartans were CAREN BRIDGMAN (75th in 58:55); CLAIRE RENSHAW (78th in 1:00:30); MARIA THORNE (82nd in 1:01:20); LORRAINE THOMAS (86th in 1:01:43); ELIZABETH CROWLEY (88th in 1:07:19) and SHARON CROWLEY (89th also in 1:07:19).

The male veteran team finished third to hold onto second position overall, and the female vets scored six points to hold onto third position overall.

There was a total of 253 finishers.

Edinburgh Marathon

STEVE ELDER ran a new personal best (PB) of 3 hours 30 minutes 10 seconds at Edinburgh Marathon despite a headwind from mile 18 to near the finish. MOLLIE SMITH ran her first ever marathon in a brilliant 3:50.11 and was 2,024th.

Steve Elder Glasgow

A few days earlier STEVE ELDER ran the undulating Pollock Parkrun in Glasgow in 20 minutes 33 seconds. He was 43rd out of the 399 runners and fourth in his age category.

How Green Is My Valley / Mountain?

Greens in Wales. Whilst on holiday on the Llyn peninsula in Wales ISABEL GREEN ran the Abersoch 10k. This was a very scenic, hilly race with the last mile along the beach running through the sea and hurdling groynes. She clocked a very respectable 51 minutes 31 seconds.

STEVE GREEN ran the Snowdonia half marathon which was an incredibly hilly race starting in Llanwrst. Unfortunately the organisers had a couple of marshals missing resulting in lots of confusion! Steve finished in 2 hours 12 minutes after running an extra 3.5miles.

High Fives With A Womble

TIM SABAN and JIM BROWN tackled the Wimbledon Common Off Road Half Marathon on Sunday.

Overnight rain made some of the paths slippery and there was light rain / high humidity for much of the event but Tim was 60th out of the 616 finishers in 1:36:37. Running his fourth race in seven days Jim was 210th in 1:51:06. He was second Vet 60 and “high fived” a womble in the woods at seven miles.

Walled City Marathon

ROGER BIGGS was in Derry, Northern Ireland for the Walled City Marathon, held in and around Derry and the River Foyle.

In very changeable weather over an undulating course, Roger produced his best marathon of 2015, finishing in 4:53:12.

Parkrun Reports – Saturday 16th May

At Panshanger Park (Hertford), Mark Allen was first Spartan home in 47th position (out of 256 runners) in a time of 23:09. Nine places behind Mark, Danny Sutton finished 56th in a time of 23:40 and Tim Robinson finished 130th in 28:04.

John Roxborough went to South Oxhey and finished 18th of 49 in a time of 23:47 on his first visit to the venue, while Annette Bell finished 126th of 597 at Peterborough, crossing the line in 22:57.


Cool, wet and windy but despite it being his third race in five days JIM BROWN improved his 5K time by 32 seconds at Hyde Park on Friday. He finished in exactly 23 minutes (23:00).

Regent’s Park 10K

Paul Holgate enjoyed his third race in four days on Thursday evening in Regents Park and was delighted to keep his 10k time below 1 hour with 59:08 to finish 138th of 169 finishers.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

EVAC Track & Field League at Bedford on Wednesday 3rd June.
St. Albans Half Marathon on Sunday 14th June.
Midweek Road Race League race in Harlow (10K) on Wednesday 17th June.
EVAC Track & Field League in Biggleswade on Wednesday 1st July.
Midweek Road Race League race in Hitchin (10K) on Thursday 2nd July.
Bushey 10K including Herts Veterans road championships on Sunday 5th July.
County 10000 metres track championship in Biggleswade on Thursday 9th July.
Midweek Mob Match in Welwyn Garden City (10K) on Thursday 16th July.
Fairlands Valley Off Road Challenge on Sunday 19th July.
EVAC Track & Field League at venue TBA on Wednesday 29
th July.
County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.
County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.
County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.
Club Handicap 10 mile race on Sunday 20th September.
Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on Sunday 11th October.
Kingston Marathon on Sunday 11th October.
Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ37 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy. You can also join online.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566



Near Miss In London

Six Spartans were in action at the Hatfield Broad Oak 10K on Bank Holiday Monday.

JIM BROWN improved his 2015 time by 2 minutes 39 seconds to finish 305th out of the 1283 runners who finished. MICHAEL CONNELL was 417th in 49:01. SARAH PIKE got ahead of her dad and was 561st in 52:38. STEVE PIKE was 570th in 52:53; ROGER BIGGS 767th in 55:34 closely followed by PAUL HOLGATE 776th in 55:46.

The race was on a new course, often going in the reverse direction to the previous version but with a better, safer finish. Conditions were almost perfect, about 14 degrees, dry and only a little wind.

Near Miss

KEN JUDE missed his personal best by just one second at the London 10K. He finished in 49 minutes 6 seconds. TIM SABAN finished in 42 minutes 57 seconds.

Parkrun Reports – Saturday 16th May

STEVE ELDER ran a new Parkrun personal best at Panshanger on Saturday. He was 17th out of the 240 runners in 20 minutes 34 seconds; second in his age category and improved his PB by five seconds.

Westminster Mile

There were two very happy Spartans on the train home after a fab mile race.

ANDREA WESTCOTT took part in the picturesque Westminster Mile on Sunday. This year’s race celebrated the 30th Anniversary of Steve Cram’s World Mile record, and the great man was there to set the runners on the way. On a fast, flat course around St James’ Park, with a finish in front of Buckingham Palace, Andrea was very pleased to clock 7 minutes 21 seconds, a good 30 seconds ahead of her anticipated finish. Husband CHRISTOPHER also took part, finishing in 4:51. They highly recommend this event! Great party atmosphere, live bands, picnic area and loungers. Cool medal too.

Big Race Wednesday

Fairlands Valley Spartans will be competing against eight other clubs in the second Mid Week Road Race League event of the season. A coach is being organised from Old Stevenage to this Wednesday evening’s five mile race which will be in Epping Forest on the outskirts of Chingford. The club is hoping for a good turnout of men and women to boost their campaign for promotion to division one, the top division, in the league.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Midweek Road Race League race in Chingford (5 miles) on Wednesday 27th May.
Wimbledon Common Half Marathon on Sunday 31st May.
EVAC Track & Field League at Bedford on Wednesday 3rd June.
St. Albans Half Marathon on Sunday 14th June.
Midweek Road Race League race in Harlow (10K) on Wednesday 17th June.
EVAC Track & Field League in Biggleswade on Wednesday 1st July.
Midweek Road Race League race in Hitchin (10K) on Thursday 2nd July.
Bushey 10K including Herts Veterans road championships on Sunday 5th July.
County 10000 metres track championship in Biggleswade on Thursday 9th July.
Midweek Mob Match in Welwyn Garden City (10K) on Thursday 16th July.
Fairlands Valley Off Road Challenge on Sunday 19th July.
EVAC Track & Field League at venue TBA on Wednesday 29
th July.
County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.
County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.
County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.
Club Handicap 10 mile race on Sunday 20th September.
Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on 11th October.
Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ37 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA
membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy. You can also join online.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566

Club News

Mid Week League Results, Race 1 sees FVS in 1st Place

Congratulations to all runners for their excellent performances last night at the first MWL race of the season.

Also, a huge well done to the race directing team and to all the wonderful marshals around the course. Thank you all for giving up your time to support another great FVS event.

Results here: race1stev2



Fairlands were faster at Flitwick as TIM SABAN, YLLKA ISTREFI and KEN JUDE all achieved new personal bests in the 10K race.

Tim Saban trimmed five seconds off his PB to finish 77th out of the 705 finishers with a time of 42 minutes 32 seconds. Yllka was second in her category, ninth woman and 113th overall in her new personal best of 44 minutes 5 seconds, an improvement of 29 seconds.

49 minutes 5 seconds was a new PB for Ken Jude by 1 min 54 secs over his previous attempt of the distance and his first run in a Spartans vest. He says the Power of the Stripes and the Spartans training sessions are really improving his running.

JOHN NELMS was 112th in 44:05. Running steadily ahead of next week’s London Marathon, JIM BROWN was 262nd in 49 minutes 44 seconds. ANDY JAY was 308th in 50:54 and NICK WITCOMBE 583 rd in 1:01:01.

Position Name Time Comments
77 TIM SABAN 42:32 PB (5 seconds)
112 JOHN NELMS 44:05
113 YLLKA ISTREFI 44:05 PB (0:29) & 2nd FV35.
246 KEN JUDE 49:05 PB (1:54)
262 JIM BROWN 49:44
308 ANDY JAY 50:54
583 NICK WITCOMBE 1:01:01

There were 705 finishers.

Two Out Of Four So Far

NICOLA HABERLAND and RICHARD KENNEDY completed the third out of their four marathons this month at Bungay on Sunday. They both finished in 3 hours 42 minutes 46 seconds. Nicola was third in her category and seventh woman overall. Not quite as fast as last week, but they were both still very happy to have managed a sub 3:45 marathon each again.

Parkrun Reports

DANIEL BATES completed his 50th parkrun at the Panshanger course in Hertford in hot conditions for this time of year. Going into the run recovering from the Paris Marathon and preparing for the St George’s Day marathon in Deal & Walmer (Kent) this Thursday, this was a good test to see how the legs are coping. The pacing was good, ground was hard, lots of flies which he had to avoid swallowing and he finished 22nd out of 205 runners in a time of 22 minutes 35 seconds, a new course PB for him. JEANETTE COLLINS got a parkrun PB by finishing the course 97th in 27-06.

Verity Fisher and Danny Sutton took part in the very first parkrun to be held at Luton’s Wardown Park. Danny put in a good effort by finishing 26th in a time of 21-47. Verity came in at 25-17 in 70th position.

Tim Saban completed the Finsbury park for the first time and finished the two lap course in 21-11 (41st out of 243 runners). Yllka Istrefi was third female home in a time of 22-24, a new parkrun PB beating her previous best time by 11 seconds. She finished in 68th place.

Lucy Field came in 206th out of 454 runners at the Cambridge parkrun finishing in 26-04.

Get The Bus To The London Marathon

Want an easy way to get to the start of the London Marathon? Fairlands Valley Spartans are organising a runners’ coach from Old Stevenage to Blackheath and there are still some places left. You do not have to be an FVS member to travel. The bus will leave Primett
Road at 6.30a.m. promptly and you must book in advance. It costs ÂŁ10. To book please contact Roger Biggs (07748 326301; as quickly as possible.

Crowleys In Calderdale

On Saturday 11th April, Sharon and Mike Crowley took part in the Calderdale Hike organised by the 24th (St. Paul’s) Pennine Calder Scout Group. They took 9 hours 42 minutes to complete the 26 mile route along parts of the Pennine Way, which included nearly 2000 metres of climb. And this was the ‘short route’! There were no written instructions for this event – it was a map reading exercise, which proved interesting up on the moors with no paths to follow.

They started from Sowerby Bridge in the rain, but this did ease, and the sun came out momentarily. But the rain returned, and this turned into hail. At various parts along the route, the hail could later be seen in sheltered areas at the bottom of the stone walls. This eased, only to return around lunchtime, but not quite so severe. But atop the moors, it was still not pleasant! The weather then eased, and the sun came out for a couple of hours in the afternoon. A couple of the check points were serving hot tea and cheese sandwiches – very welcome indeed.

Running London?

Twenty four Fairlands Valley Spartans have declared that they are running this Sunday’s London Marathon. Some have qualified on time; some came out of the draw; many are running for charity.


Dozens of other Spartans have volunteered to help at the finish. The event relies on voluntary help from running clubs.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.
Handicap 5K on Thursday 30th April.
County 1500 metres track championship in Stevenage on Monday 4th May.
County 5 miles senior championships at Pednor on Monday evening 4th May.
EVAC Track & Field League at Milton Keynes on Wednesday 6th May.
Midweek Road Race League race in Stevenage on Tuesday 12th May.
Midweek Road Race League race in Chingford on Wednesday 27th May.
EVAC Track & Field League at Bedford on Wednesday 3rd June.
Midweek Road Race League race in Harlow on Wednesday 17th June.
EVAC Track & Field League in Biggleswade on Wednesday 1st July.
Midweek Road Race League race in Hitchin on Thursday 2nd July.
Bushey 10K including Herts Veterans road championships on Sunday 5th July.
County 10000 metres track championship in Biggleswade on Thursday 9th July.
Midweek Mob Match in Welwyn Garden City on Thursday 16th July.
Fairlands Valley Off Road Challenge on Sunday 19th July.
EVAC Track & Field League at venue TBA on Wednesday 29th July.
County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.
County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.
County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.
Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on 11th October.
Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15
th November.
County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ37 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy. You can also join online.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary)



Fairlands Valley Spartans had two winners at Sunday’s Sandy 10 ten mile road race. GRANT RAMSAY won the veteran male (40 plus) category in 59 minutes 5 seconds and BARRY OSBORNE the veteran man (60 plus) award in 69 minutes 11 seconds. Grant was sixth overall out of the 470 finishers and Barry 53rd.

Ten other Spartans ran at Sandy. They were TIM SABAN (71:23); MATTHEW GILL (72:07); CLAIRE PULLEN (74:41); TRACY PEZ (77:18); MARK GOODWIN (78:20); JULIE SIMMONS, third female veteran 55 plus (79:00); DAN SUTTON (79:45); VERITY FISHER (84:55); MARK CHEADLE (91:47) and LINDA GREENE (119:20).








1st Veteran




1st Vet (60 plus)



















3rd FV55.













Steffan Goes Sub Three At Brighton Marathon

In the pursuit of a London Marathon place after several years of rejected ballots, Spartan STEFFAN FORD targeted the Brighton Marathon as his A race for 2015. The race that started six years ago has grown to be one of Europe’s top marathons. This was Ford’s first at the distance and breaking the 3 hour barrier for club runners was highly emotional on the day as it secured a good for age place for London 2016. He finished in 2 hours 59 minutes 21 seconds and was 95th out of the 9,000 Finishers.

Brighton was the first of four marathons for NICOLA HABERLAND and RICHARD KENNEDY this month and it went very well for both of them.

Nicola cut 12 minutes from her personal best (PB) set in Stevenage to finish in 3 hours 37 minutes 15 seconds and Richard Kennedy chopped five minutes off his PB set in Abingdon when he finished in 3:25:31.

Onwards and upwards for them to marathon number two of four next week in Bungay all in aid of the Animal Care Trust.

THOMAS SAUKA ran the associated 10K race and was pleasantly surprised with his time of 44 minutes 55 seconds.

Yllka goes faster at Hillingdon

Pavement running and a lot of junctions, twists and turns did not stop YLLKA ISTREFI running a new personal best for 13.1 miles at the Hillingdon Half Marathon on Sunday morning. In great conditions, albeit with a bit of a headwind in places, she raced round in 1 hour 36 minutes 36 seconds, an improvement of 2 minutes 27 seconds. Yllka was sixth woman and 70th overall out of the 367 finishers.

JIM BROWN ran the same race in 1:48:58. He was third veteran (60 plus) and 152nd overall.

Daniel Beats 3:30 and Paul Goes Sub 4 At Paris Marathon

From changing his training plan and dietary requirements (thanks to Spartans Head Coach Andy Prior) in January, DANIEL BATES results, training, health have improved and going into Sunday morning’s Paris Marathon full of confidence and everything went to plan. It

was the perfect marathon until 37 kilometres, he was ahead of the 3 hours 15 pacers, kept the same pace, and his thighs took a battering in the last 5km but it didn’t stop him. He finished in 3 hours 20 minutes 36 seconds and was 3,877th out of the 41,000 runners.

PAUL MARSHALL was glad to become a member of the sub 4 club with his time of 3 hours 59 minutes 46 seconds; ANDREA WESTCOTT finished in 4:32:47 and TIM ROBINSON in 4:42:27.

Caythorpe Canter

Barry King, Karen Liddle and Tricia Hopper ran the Caythorpe Canter cross country marathon in Lincolnshire on Saturday. Despite very wet and windy weather for the first two hours the day turned out sunny for the rest of the day and the Spartans finished the course in 5 hours 31 minutes 8 seconds.

South Downs Ultra

JOHN NELMS completed the South Downs way 50 mile race recently. 10 hours 24 minutes of non stop hills from Worthing to Eastbourne. His next target is the 100 mile Thames Path Ultra in May.

Parkrun Reports

ANDY PRIOR took part in the Scunthorpe Park run Saturday as a training run and finished in 23 minutes 46 seconds.

Running London?

With just a week to go so far 24 Fairlands Valley Spartans have declared that they are running this April’s London Marathon. Some have qualified on time; some came out of the draw; many are running for charity.



Please support them.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Flitwick 10K on Sunday 19th April.

London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.

Handicap 5K on Thursday 30th April.

County 1500 metres track championship in Stevenage on Monday 4th May.

County 5 miles senior championships at Pednor on Monday evening 4th May.

EVAC Track & Field League at Milton Keynes on Wednesday 6th May.

Midweek Road Race League race in Stevenage on Tuesday 12th May.

Midweek Road Race League race in Chingford on Wednesday 27th May.

EVAC Track & Field League at Bedford on Wednesday 3rd June.

Midweek Road Race League race in Harlow on Wednesday 17th June.

EVAC Track & Field League in Biggleswade on Wednesday 1st July.

Midweek Road Race League race in Hitchin on Thursday 2nd July.

Bushey 10K including Herts Veterans road championships on Sunday 5th July.

County 10000 metres track championship in Biggleswade on Thursday 9th July.

Midweek Mob Match in Welwyn Garden City on Thursday 16th July.

Fairlands Valley Off Road Challenge on Sunday 19th July.

EVAC Track & Field League at venue TBA on Wednesday 29th July.

County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.

County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.

County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.

Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.

Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on 11th October.

Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.

St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.

County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ37 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy. You can also join online.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566



EGGSELLENT EASTER  PBs for Tim and Yllka

The rain stopped and YLLKA ISTREFI improved her 10 mile personal best (PB) by 3 minutes 20 seconds when she finished Good Friday’s Maidenhead Easter Ten in 1 hour 11 minutes 36 seconds. TIM SABAN also achieved a new PB of 1 hour 10 minutes 48 seconds. Tim was 252nd and Yllka 276th out of the 915 finishers.

JIM BROWN had a steady run to finish in 1:28:05.

Reservoir Marathon

CAROL PAUL ran her fastest marathon in nearly two years on Sunday. She completed the six lap Reservoir Marathon in 4 hours 36 minutes 38 seconds. The race, in Northampton, was 50% off road and 50% on tarmac paths.

MIKE NEWBITT ran the same marathon but on Saturday and he completed the course in 5:48:48.

Parkrun Reports

DANIEL SUTTON managed to grab a top ten place at his first attempt at the parkrun in Corby. He finished tenth out of 81 runners with a time of 22-03, whilst VERITY FISHER was first lady home finishing in 23-37 (19th).

Down the road at Panshanger (Hertford), ANDY JAY kept up his impressive run of form and completed the course in 25-01 to finish 57th out of 226 runners. TIM ROBINSON achieved a new PB (personal best) crossing the line at 24-03 (44th) in his final warm up for next weekend’s Paris Marathon.

At St Albans, KEN JUDE hugely improved on last week, grabbed a new PB finishing the course in 23-09 and was 103rd out of the 367 runners.

LIZ CARVELL ran the St. Albans park run recently. With a sprint finish she finished in a new personal best of 27 minutes 46 seconds. She was seventh in her age category.

Many other Spartans enjoyed the club’s training 20 on Sunday – ideal preparation for London and many other spring marathons.

Running London?

With just over two weeks to go so far 24 Fairlands Valley Spartans have declared that they are running this April’s London Marathon. Some have qualified on time; some came out of the draw; many are running for charity.


Please support them.

Got a place in the London Marathon?

Got a Place in the London Marathon? Every year Fairlands Valley Spartans successful train thirty or more people, many of them first timers, to run the London Marathon. There are training groups from starters to fast fives to suit everyone. Why not have a look at or contact Jim Brown 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer 0773 467 8566? Newcomers very welcome.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Watford Open Graded Track Event on Wednesday 8th April.

Sandy 10 mile road race on Sunday 12th April.

Flitwick 10K on Sunday 19th April.

London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.

Handicap 5K on Thursday 30th April.

County 1500 metres track championship in Stevenage on Monday 4th May.

County 5 miles senior championships at Pednor on Monday evening 4th May.

EVAC Track & Field League at Milton Keynes on Wednesday 6th May.

Midweek Road Race League race in Stevenage on Tuesday 12th May.

Midweek Road Race League race in Chingford on Wednesday 27th May.

EVAC Track & Field League at Bedford on Wednesday 3rd June.

Midweek Road Race League race in Harlow on Wednesday 17th June.

EVAC Track & Field League in Biggleswade on Wednesday 1st July.

Midweek Road Race League race in Hitchin on Thursday 2nd July.

Bushey 10K including Herts Veterans road championships on Sunday 5th July.

County 10000 metres track championship in Biggleswade on Thursday 9th July.

Midweek Mob Match in Welwyn Garden City on Thursday 16th July.

Fairlands Valley Off Road Challenge on Sunday 19th July.

EVAC Track & Field League at venue TBA on Wednesday 29th July.

County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.

County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.

County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.

Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.

Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on 11th October.

Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.

St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.

County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ37 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy. You can also join online.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566


Wild, Wet and Windy at the Palace


Wild, Wet and Windy at the Palace 

With a time of 2 hours 3 minutes 54 seconds GRANT RAMSAY was fifth out of the 842 finishers and first veteran runner (40 plus) in Sunday’s wet and windy Oakley 20 mile race in Bedfordshire.    

STEFFAN FORD was 28th in 2:13:34; STEVE GREEN 199th in 2:38:38; SUZY HAWKINS 276th in 2:45:56; MOLLIE SMITH 339th in 2:52:37; LISA BURGESS 381st in 2:55:44 and AMANDA WHORWOOD 678th in 3:24:10. 

For several this was their last long run before the London and Brighton Marathons.


Classic 15 Miles Cross Country


Two Spartans competed in probably one of the best workouts before the London Marathon.  The Orion 15 is classic cross country with stiff hills, mud and kissing gates – all fifteen miles of it on a Saturday morning.  The first target is to get to a cut off point between 8 and 9 nine before a 90 minutes time limit.  That was challenging with a steep long gooey hill at five miles.  YLLKA ISTREFI was 139th in 2:12:14 and JIM BROWN 174th in 2:18:42.  There were 278 finishers.  Many other starters did not complete the full distance.


Wild, Wet and Windy at The Palace (Hampton Court) 

The first ever Half Marathon allowed in the grounds of Hampton Court Palace was held on Sunday.  Spartans Dave & Tessa Stephenson, Claire Drake, Jan Fry and Maria Rushton braved the very strong and gusty wind and rain on a course starting in front of the Palace and running both inside and just outside the grounds before finishing in the Home Park Gardens. Stretches of gravel and grass paths and tracks made the course quite hard work and slippery. Dave produced a season’s best time to finish in 1 hour 40 minutes and 14 seconds and was followed home by his wife Tessa in 2 hours 7 minutes 19 seconds. Claire, running in her first ever half marathon, did better than she expected to finish in 2 hours 17 minutes and 8 seconds, with Jan and Maria using this race in preparation for the London Marathon, finishing in 2 hours 24 minutes 15 seconds and 2 hours 30 minutes 19 respectively. 


It was bright, dry, cool with a northerly breeze for Friday’s Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park.  YLLKA ISTREFI was second woman 35 plus and 122nd out of the 269 finishers in a year’s best time of 21 minutes 23 seconds.  JIM BROWN improved his 2015 time by 1 minute 12 seconds when he finished 180th in 23:32.


Daffodil Dawdle 

Late results from yesterday’s Daffodil Dawdle off road marathon just outside Newmarket. 

Strong winds, rain and hailstones didn’t prevent some good times as Selvan Naicker, Tricia Hopper and Barry King completed the very muddy course in 6 hours 7 minutes, 11 minutes quicker than Barry and Tricia ran in 2014, while Paul Holgate ran 22 minutes quicker than last year to finish in 6:37. 

Sharon, Mike, Nicholas and Elizabeth Crowley made the walking options a family day out.  NICK and SHARON CROWLEY completed the 26.6 mile event in 6 hours 47 and 7 hours 47 respectively while LIZ and MIKE both went round the 17.3 in 4 hours 56 minutes.


Another Weekend in the States 

ROGER BIGGS moved to the Atlantic Coast of Florida for his last marathon of this trip to the States.  The Tomoka Marathon started in the City of Ormond Beach before heading north close to the Atlantic Ocean  into the Tomoka State Park, before returning back to Ormond Beach along the Halifax River.  The course was virtually flat until the last 1/2mile when a bridge brought you over the Halifax River back to the finish. 

The weather was again kind, a bit nippy at the start before sunrise, but soon in lovely sunshine, cooled by the northerly wind.  Roger finished in 6 hours 3 minutes 52 seconds.



There was drama before the start of the run at Wimpole Hall Estate on Saturday as part of course had more than fifty cows and bulls who did not want to clear the route.  Runners and marshals gave them a helping hand.  Running his last event before the Paris Marathon on the 12th April DANIEL BATES took on the tough course at Wimpole Hall Estate. He was first Spartan home in 17th place (out of 266 runners) in 21 minutes 4 seconds.  Daniel Sutton and Verity Fisher were running at Wimpole for the first time.  Daniel crossed the line in 24-06 (66th) and Verity in 28-26 (154th). 

Down at Panshanger (Hertford), Mark Allen put in an impressive performance by getting a new Parkrun PB of 22-48 (finishing in 37th out of 219 runners) and was first Spartan home here.  Andy Jay continued his impressive form by achieving a new Parkrun PB finishing in 24-21 (61st).  Emma Kinsley had to battle hard in her run after she rolled on her ankle and getting injured.  However she finished in 26-43 (84th). 

Ken Jude completed the St Albans parkrun finishing last (336 out of 336 runners) in 43-03. 

At the Cambridge parkrun, Lucy May Field completed her 100th parkrun (her 67th run at Cambridge) by finishing in 201st place (out of 362 runners) in 27-14. 


Running London?

With just over three weeks to go so far 24 Fairlands Valley Spartans have declared that they are running this April’s London Marathon.  Some have qualified on time; some came out of the draw; many are running for charity.


Please support them.  Over the next few weeks several stories on the Spartan entries will be released.  To get the ball rolling


Got a place in the London Marathon?   

Got a Place in the London Marathon?  Every year Fairlands Valley Spartans successful train thirty or more people, many of them first timers, to run the London Marathon.  There are training groups from starters to fast fives to suit everyone.  Why not have a look at or contact Jim Brown 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer 0773 467 8566?  Newcomers very welcome. 

Coming Events 

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:   

  • Maidenhead Easter Ten on Friday 3rd April.
  • Spartans’ Club Training 20 on Sunday 5th April.
  • Watford Open Graded Track Event on Wednesday 8th April.
  • Sandy 10 mile road race on Sunday 12th April.
  • Flitwick 10K on Sunday 19th April.
  • London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.
  • Handicap 5K on Thursday 30th April.
  • County 1500 metres track championship in Stevenage on Monday 4th May.
  • County 5 miles senior championships at Pednor on Monday evening 4th May.
  • EVAC Track & Field League at Milton Keynes on Wednesday 6th May.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Stevenage on Tuesday 12th May.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Chingford on Wednesday 27th May.
  • EVAC Track & Field League at Bedford on Wednesday 3rd June.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Harlow on Wednesday 17th June.
  • EVAC Track & Field League in Biggleswade on Wednesday 1st July.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Hitchin on Thursday 2nd July.
  • Bushey 10K including Herts Veterans road championships on Sunday 5th July.
  • County 10000 metres track championship in Biggleswade on Thursday 9th July.
  • Midweek Mob Match in Welwyn Garden City on Thursday 16th July.
  • Fairlands Valley Off Road Challenge on Sunday 19th July.
  • EVAC Track & Field League at venue TBA on Wednesday 29th July.
  • County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.
  • County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.
  • County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.
  • Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
  • Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on 11th October.
  • Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
  • St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
  • County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.



Join The Spartans 

Live in or near Stevenage?  Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up!  The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010.  It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all.  The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.   

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m.  Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp.  Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m.  There are events to enter every Sunday.  Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session. 

Try a few sessions before joining.  Membership is only £37 per year, £25 without UKA membership.  Concessions are available.  Membership forms are available on the Spartans website  Please ask if you would like a paper copy.  

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566


Club News

Please renew your membership for 2015-2016

Dear members,

I hope your running year has gone well so far and that you are beginning to enjoy the prospect of lighter evenings.

It is now time to renew your membership of Fairlands Valley Spartans (1st April).

The annual subscription rates are as follows:

Full membership 1st claim (includes UKA affiliation)                         £37

Full membership 1st claim (excludes UKA affiliation)                       £25

Full membership 2nd claim (excludes UKA affiliation)                      £18

Full time student/unemployed/OAP (includes UKA affiliation)           £25

Full time student/unemployed/OAP (excludes UKA affiliation)         £13

Junior member (includes UKA affiliation)                                          £20

Junior member ( excludes UKA affiliation)                                        £8

Nominated Life member (includes UKA affiliation)                            £12

Nominated Life member (excludes UKA affiliation)                          £0

Associate member ( non running)                                                      £0

Please note that the UKA affiliation fee has gone up to ÂŁ12.

I hope that you will agree that these rates represent excellent value as the subscription covers:

  • hire of the premises at Marriotts
  • coach training is paid for by the club
  • use of the track every Saturday morning ( other local clubs pay a track fee on top of their subscription every time they use the track)
  • trophies for club championships
  • subsidies for social events
  • discounts at many local and online stores ( eg Sweatshop, Trisports, Countryside-a full list of benefits will be available to members once renewal has been completed)Renewal is done through the link on the website is a sad fact that some people forget to renew their membership on an annual basis and this is something we are working hard to rectify this year.If you do not renew your membership by the end of April you will no longer be deemed to be a member of the club. Anyone wishing to leave the club should email so that we are aware. We have had a few instances of people entering races as an FVS member even though their membership has not been renewed.Any UKA affiliated member wishing to leave FVS to join another club needs to fill in the relevant form from UKA and have it signed by an officer of FVS.I hope that you will feel able to renew your membership promptly – anyone with difficulties in being able to do this please email It is vital that we are up to full strength ready for the Midweek League season which starts on 12th May with our race. All those running for FVS must be paid up members of the club.Some of our members are 2nd claim members and I would just like to clarify the rules as regards competing.
  • The following is an extract from the UKA rules:


(1) (A) First Claim Club. The First Club joined by athletes will be known as their First Claim Club and such athletes will be defined hereinafter as First Claim members. This status will remain in place until they give notice that they wish to terminate their membership of that Club. Such termination shall only be effective once all outstanding tangible assets of the former Club held by the athlete have been returned. If athletes wish to commence membership of a new First Claim Club membership then they must comply with the requirements set out in paragraph (6) below and rule 5 (7-9).

(b) Athletes should be registered in the current year with their National Association in order to compete as a First Claim athlete in Open Team Competition.

(c) Once athletes have represented a Club in First Claim Open Team Competition they are ineligible to compete for another Club in Open Team Competition until the transfer process to that Club has been completed in accordance with these Rules.

(2) Second Claim Club. Notwithstanding athletes having a First Claim Club as defined in (1) above they are permitted to become a member of a Second Claim Club. Whilst this may be for social, coaching or other reasons that athlete may compete for that Club in competitions which specifically state in its rules that its competition is open to Second Claim members. Such an athlete is hereafter defined as a Second Claim member.

(3) Higher Competition Club. Senior and Under 20 track and field athletes may apply for registration to compete for a ‘Higher Competition Club’in Senior Track and Field league competitions only. The application, which shall be made to UK Athletics, must be accompanied by the requisite fee which will be determined annually by the Board of UK Athletics. The application will require approval and endorsement by UK Athletics.

The full rules can be found on the UKA website.

Social media is a wonderful form of communication, but all members are reminded not to post anything which could bring the club into disrepute. Please be positive in the way you portray our club in the public domain and, if you should have any complaints, please approach a member of the committee in the first instance.

I urge you to renew your membership promptly and look forward to working with you again in the 2015/16 season.

Kind regards,

Beverley Harlow

Club Chair



Welwyn Half Marathon * County Cross Country * Handicap 5K 

Fairlands Valley Spartans had a winner and some great performances at the Welwyn Half Marathon on Sunday morning.  After a cold start conditions were great for running as proved by new club member STEFFAN FORD who came third overall out of 348 finishers in 1 hour 20 minutes 5 seconds.  This was Steffan’s first outing as a Spartan.  He has been training with the club for the last two months.  The race was in the beautiful countryside of Hertfordshire and made for a good local race.   He says the race for third became a tactical affair over the last three miles. The final push with two miles to go was decisive and the final hill section of the course was his fastest mile split of the day. 

TIM SABAN improved his personal best (PB) to 1:32:45 and came 45th while MADDIE PRITCHARD cut her PB to 1:35:14. 

JIM BROWN got involved in a real scrap in his age category.  Although he didn’t know what position he was in at the time he caught the leader at 11 miles Jim produced a genuine sprint in the last 50 metres to win the Vet 60 prize by seconds.  He was 113th overall, beating his season’s best by 4 minutes 2 seconds, when he finished in 1:45:29. 

Men’s team captain DANIEL BATES was 49th in 1:33:59 and MARK GOODWIN completed the men’s team of four in 1:41:01.

IAN ALEXANDER was a real hero.  Running his first ever half marathon he went off course but still battled on to finish a total of about 14 miles in 2 hours 54 minutes 53 seconds. 

DAWN EASBY was 190th in 1:56:47; TRACEY SKINNER 250th in 2:08:43; NICK WITCOMBE 287th in 2:14:24; VIVIENNE HONEY 288th in 2:14:02 and LES BUTLER 339th in 2:33:09.  


Position Name Time Comments
3 STEFFAN FORD 1:20:05 New club member
45 TIM SABAN 1:32:45 PB
49 DANIEL BATES 1:33:59  
56 MADDIE PRITCHARD (F) 1:35:14 PB.   4th FS.
88 MARK GOODWIN 1:41:01  
113 JIM BROWN 1:45:29 1st MV60! SB (4:02)
190 DAWN EASBY (F) 1:56:47  
250 TRACEY SKINNER (F) 2:08:43  
287 NICK WITCOMBE 2:14:24  
288 VIVIENNE HONEY (F) 2:14:02 (Chip Time)
339 LES BUTLER 2:33:09  
346 IAN ALEXANDER 2:54:53 1st Half Marathon. Extra mile.


Gold for Iris; Silver for Julie.  

Seven Spartans competed in the Hertfordshire County Cross Country Championships for veteran runners on Sunday morning.  IRIS HORNSEY won the gold medal for women over 75 and JULIE SIMMONS the silver for women over 55.  The women’s team were fifth. 

In the men’s race over eight kilometre BERNIE BARNABY was 32nd in 37:55; THOMAS SAUKA 45th in 40:15 and ANDY JAY 52nd in 45:19 while in the women’s over 6.5K JULIE SIMMONS was ninth overall in 32:46; PETA WILSON 23rd in 38:13; SHARON CROWLEY 30th in 43:48 and IRIS HORNSEY 33rd in 44:49.


Tim and Liz Win Handicap 5K 

Eighteen Spartans took part in Thursday evening’s Handicap 5K race.  The winner on the night was Tim Robinson in a new personal best (PB) of 22:59, a 58 seconds improvement.  Daniel Bates was second also improving his PB, this time by 17 seconds to 19:28.  Last month’s winner Andy Jay was third, 44 seconds faster than February, in 23:29. 

Liz Carvell was first female in a new PB of her own, 49 seconds quicker in 29:18, with newcomer Jane McFarlane second in 28:22 and Fiona Thornton third in her debut 5k, with 27:11. 

Daniel Bates was quickest runner with his 19:28, with Callum Beasley second quickest in 21:49, and Mark Goodwin third fastest with 22:33.  Verity Fisher was fastest female in 23:00, with Fiona Thornton second quickest and Jane McFarlane third fastest.

There were also PBs for Mark Allen 22:43, Ken Jude 24:09, and Carmel Thornton 31:10, and year best times for Callum Beasley, Mark Goodwin, Paul Holgate, Mark Cheadle, Nick Witcombe and Sharon Crowley. 

Next Handicap 5k will be on Thursday 30th April 2015.


Roger Challenges Whale

Roger Biggs partly made up for missing USA marathons on the last two weekends, with a three medal haul in Virginia Beach.  He took part in the Whale Challenge, that meant running an 8km race on Saturday, and a marathon on Sunday.  One medal for each race, then an extra medal for completing both. 

Despite weather forecasts to the contrary, both days were almost perfect for running, with both event courses virtually flat.  Roger not only will return to the UK with three medals, add to that two long sleeve t-shirts, two shoe bags, one cap and one towel.  They may not be cheap races, but you certainly get your share of ‘bling’, as all the items are referred to in the States.

Roger’s times were 1:02:26 for the 8km and 6:07:51 for the marathon.



The first ever Parkrun at Hatfield Forest just south of the main runway of Stansted Airport was held on Saturday.  Daniel Bates went to give the event a boost and fly the flag for Stevenage and the Spartans.  However there was no repeat performance of the Thursday night’s Stevenage 5km Handicap (finishing that event in 19-28) and he crossed the line in 11th place (out of 188 runners) in 20-37.  However the one-lap course was an excellent warm up for the next day’s half marathon in Welwyn.  The course goes through the heart of Hatfield Forest, consists of gravel path, wooden walkways and grassy patches and a tour of the lake is included.  A great flat course, not a PB course but one which makes runners run hard.

Down at the Spartans favourite local Parkrun, Panshanger in Hertford, Steve Elder was first home for the blue stripes finishing in 10th (out of 190 runners) with a time of 20-39. Verity Fisher (60th) finished in 24-45, Daniel Sutton (61st) in 24-46, Emma Kinsley (63rd) in 24-55 and Mark Allen (64th) in 24-56.  Jeanette Collins came in 94th with a new Parkrun PB of 27-13.   

JASON ANDERSON was in Ireland at thes weekend for a wedding. He took the opportunity to run his first park run and came third in the Kilkenny race with a time of 18 minutes 20 seconds.  Not a PB but he reckons he had a sore head from drinking too much Guinness the night before!


Running London?

With just over four weeks to go so far 24 Fairlands Valley Spartans have declared that they are running this April’s London Marathon.  Some have qualified on time; some came out of the draw; many are running for charity. 


Please support them.  Over the next few weeks several stories on the Spartan entries will be released.  To get the ball rolling


Got a place in the London Marathon?   

Got a Place in the London Marathon?  Every year Fairlands Valley Spartans successful train thirty or more people, many of them first timers, to run the London Marathon.  There are training groups from starters to fast fives to suit everyone.  Why not have a look at or contact Jim Brown 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer 0773 467 8566?  Newcomers very welcome.


Coming Events 

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:   

  • Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park on Friday 27th March.
  • Orion 15 classic cross country on Saturday 28th March.
  • Oakley 20 mile road race on Sunday 29th March.
  • Maidenhead Easter Ten on Friday 3rd April.
  • Sandy 10 mile road race on Sunday 12th April.
  • Flitwick 10K on Sunday 19th April.
  • London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.
  • Handicap 5K on Thursday 30th April.
  • County 1500 metres track championship in Stevenage on Monday 4th May.
  • County 5 miles senior championships at Pednor on Monday evening 4th May.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Stevenage on Tuesday 12th May.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Chingford on Wednesday 27th May.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Harlow on Wednesday 17th June.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Hitchin on Thursday 2nd July.
  • Bushey 10K including Herts Veterans road championships on Sunday 5th July.
  • County 10000 metres track championship in Biggleswade on Thursday 9th July.
  • Midweek Mob Match in Welwyn Garden City on Thursday 16th July.
  • Fairlands Valley Off Road Challenge on Sunday 19th July.
  • County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.
  • County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.
  • County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.
  • Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
  • Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on 11th October.
  • Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
  • St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
  • County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.



Join The Spartans 

Live in or near Stevenage?  Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up!  The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010.  It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all.  The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.   

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m.  Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you! 

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp.  Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m.  There are events to enter every Sunday.  Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.   

Try a few sessions before joining.  Membership is only £35 per year, £25 without UKA membership.  Concessions are available.  Membership forms are available on the Spartans website  Please ask if you would like a paper copy. 


If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website





It was cold on Silverstone Gran Prix Circuit but nine Fairlands Valley Spartans had a great day and many achieved excellent results in the half marathon.  

ANDREW PATTERSON was 17th in a tremendous 1 hour 17 minutes 54 seconds.  That’s a new personal best by 16 second and in the top 0.3% of the 6,656 finishers.  He says it was a good race, but the wind was tough going at the front of the pack with limited people to draft behind.  Andy did not think Lewis Hamilton’s lap times were not threatened!! 

Running only his third ever race JASON ANDERSON improved his half marathon time by 7 minutes 40 seconds to 1 hour 22 minutes 50 seconds.  He was in the top 100 at 69th place.  DAVIE STAFFORD was 153rd in 1:26:48.

HELEN NUTTALL was the Spartans’ fastest female.  She was 400th and 17th woman in 1 hour 32 minutes 22 seconds; MICHELLE REEVES ran her first half marathon in 1:36:59 and MOLLIE SMITH finished in 1:43:22. 

PAUL HOLGATE improved on his run last week by 4.5 minutes to finish in 2:07:20 and PAUL CADOGAN completed the race in 2 hours 7 minutes 58 seconds.


Position Name Time Comments
69 JASON ANDERSON 1:22:50 PB (7:40). 3rd race.
153 DAVIE STAFFORD 1:26:48  
400 HELEN NUTTALL (F) 1:32:22 17th woman
677 MICHELLE REEVES (F) 1:36:59 First half marathon. 42nd woman
1257 MOLLIE SMITH (F) 1:43:22 101st woman
3252 CHRIS HOLLAND 1:59:11  
4079 PAUL HOLGATE 2:07:20  
4142 DAVID CADOGAN 2:07:58  


Ranscombe Reverse 

On Saturday 14th March CAROL PAUL took part in the Ranscombe Challenge at the Ranscombe Reverse near Rochester, Kent.  There was an eight hour time limit where you could run as many laps as you wanted in the 8 hours.  The lap was 3.8 miles off road with the first half of the lap being very hilly and the second half being nearly flat or down hill.  Carol completed 9 laps 34.2 miles in 7 hours 4 minutes 38 seconds.




At one of the most technical courses in the area, three Spartans made the journey to Harlow for the weekend’s parkrun.  The parkrun nearly didn’t happen as there were no marshals but with five minutes before the start, volunteers came forward and the run was saved.   Daniel Bates came home 9th (out of 154 runners) with a time of 20-55, a course PB (personal best) by 42 seconds despite still recovering from last weekend’s half-marathon and a 17 mile training run just 48 hours earlier.  Steve Elder competing in his first ever parkrun finished well in 13th with a time of 21-35 and Thomas Sauka was not far behind in 16th with a time of 21-47 (a new course PB by two minutes). 

In the Milton Keynes Parkrun at Willen Lake, super-newbie Spartans Verity Fisher and Danny Sutton put on a fine performance on their first run there.  Daniel finished in 26:09 (186th) and Verity in 26:11 (188th) and there were 624 runners.  

At Panshanger (the Spartans favourite local course), Brian Brackstone finished first (out of 223 runners) with a time of 17:09.  Andy Jay finished 54th in a time of 24-51, a new Parkrun PB which was a great way to prepare for the Stevenage Handicap 5km this coming Thursday evening as he defends his handicap title (he is going for three in a row!)


Late Result 

JASON ANDERSON also ran the Finchley 20.   

He was 98th out of the 485 finishers in the excellent time of 2 hours 19 minutes 29 seconds.


Running London? 

With just over five weeks to go so far 24 Fairlands Valley Spartans have declared that they are running this April’s London Marathon.  Some have qualified on time; some came out of the draw; many are running for charity. 


Please support them.  Over the next few weeks several stories on the Spartan entries will be released.  To get the ball rolling


Running London – Jason Anderson 

Jason Anderson started running in October last year and his goal is to run the London Marathon 2015.  Running for MACs charity. 

Jason says, “The London Marathon is something I always wanted to do as a kid.  I have been going along every year for the past four years to watch my older brother run London and have said every year that I’ll do it, and my wife has said every year ‘you should definitely do it next year’!  I had an operation on my hip in December 2012 and was told running was out of the question.  Decided after not getting a ballot place that I would run for a children’s charity. MACs  is my chosen charity. My brother has inspired me and my family have supported me it what is proving to be one of the biggest challenges in my life!” 

MACs is the Micro and Anophthalmic Children’s Society – the UK’s national charity for children born without eyes or with underdeveloped eyes.  They support families of children born with Microphthalmia (small eyes), Anophthalmia (no eyes) and/or Coloboma (cleft of the eye).  Their services are accessed by around 500 families around the UK and some who are further afield.


Got a place in the London Marathon?   

Got a Place in the London Marathon?  Every year Fairlands Valley Spartans successful train thirty or more people, many of them first timers, to run the London Marathon.  There are training groups from starters to fast fives to suit everyone.  Why not have a look at or contact Jim Brown 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer 0773 467 8566?  Newcomers very welcome.


Coming Events 

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:   

  • Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th March.
  • County Cross Country Championships for Veterans in Trent Park on Sunday 22nd March.
  • Welwyn Half Marathon on Sunday 22nd March.
  • Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park on Friday 27th March.
  • Orion 15 classic cross country on Saturday 28th March.
  • Oakley 20 mile road race on Sunday 29th March.
  • Maidenhead Easter Ten on Friday 3rd April.
  • Sandy 10 mile road race on Sunday 12th April.
  • Flitwick 10K on Sunday 19th April.
  • London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.
  • County 1500 metres track championship in Stevenage on Monday 4th May.
  • County 5 miles senior championships at Pednor on Monday evening 4th May.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Stevenage on Tuesday 12th May.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Chingford on Wednesday 27th May.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Harlow on Wednesday 17th June.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Hitchin on Thursday 2nd July.
  • Bushey 10K including Herts Veterans road championships on Sunday 5th July.
  • County 10000 metres track championship in Biggleswade on Thursday 9th July.
  • Midweek Mob Match in Welwyn Garden City on Thursday 16th July.
  • Fairlands Valley Off Road Challenge on Sunday 19th July.
  • County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.
  • County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.
  • County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.
  • Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
  • Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on 11th October.
  • Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
  • St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
  • County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.



Join The Spartans 

Live in or near Stevenage?  Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up!  The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010.  It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all.  The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons. 

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m.  Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday 

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp.  Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m.  There are events to enter every Sunday.  Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session. 

Try a few sessions before joining.  Membership is only £35 per year, £25 without UKA membership.  Concessions are available.  Membership forms are available on the Spartans website  Please ask if you would like a paper copy. 

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566




GOLDEN TRACK GIRLS, Twenty’s Plenty and a few Halves

Six Spartans ran 20 mile races on Sunday as part of their Spring Marathon preparation.

Four were at the Finchley 20 which was actually based in Ruislip.  YLLKA ISTREFI cut her personal best (PB) by 3 minutes 41 seconds when she finished 181st out of the 485 finishers in 2 hours 34 minutes 16 seconds.

RICHARD KENNEDY was 269th in 2:49:22 and NICOLA HABERLAND 287th in 2:52:07.

JIM BROWN put the nightmare of Bramley three weeks ago behind him by running within the limits of his current fitness and finishing 311th in 2 hours 56 minutes 16 seconds – an improvement of 15 minutes 55 seconds.

RUTH REILLY ran the Milton Keynes 20 on Sunday.  Her time was -3:18:35.  BERT BUTLER finished the same race in 2:54:30.

BMAF Golden Girls

Spartans were in action at the BMAF (British Masters Athletics Federation) Championships at the weekend.  On Saturday 7 March MONICA BROWN competed in the women over 50s 60 metre sprint.  She ran in the second heat to win in a time of 8.97 and then went on to win the Gold in the final in a season’s best time of 8.85 seconds.

 Also running on the Saturday IRIS HORNSEY competed in the women’s over 70 400 metres where she finished in a time of 1:39.4.

On Sunday 8 March Iris was again at Lee Valley running in the 800m which she ran in a season’s best time of 3:45.21 to win the gold medal – a good 10 seconds better than she ran in the BMAF Inter Area competition last week.

CHRISTOPHER WESTCOTT was delighted to claim the silver medal in the British Masters Indoor Championships on Sunday.  He ran a new veteran personal best (PB) of 2:06.58 to clinch second place in the V40 800m.  Christopher has now improved his best three times in the last four weeks 

GRANT RAMSAY was fourth in the BMAF Indoor Championships over 1500 metres.  Although he missed out on third place by just one 100th of a second he was happy with his time – his best for nine years.

A Few Halve 

Six Spartans ran the popular Cambridge Half Marathon and two achieved new personal bests.  TIM SABAN ran a new PB of 1 hour 35 minutes 11 seconds while LIZ MORGAN cut hers by a massive 11 minutes to 2:18:38 

SIMON JACKSON was the fastest Spartan.  He was 19th out of the 3,597 finishers in 1:17:47.  Recovering from illness SUZY HAWKINS jogged round in 1:41:15 and BEV HARLOW finished in 2 hours 2 minutes 48 seconds.

It was a lovely day for running and a well organised race.


Position Name Time Comments
19 SIMON JACKSON 1:17:47  
275 LIAM HERBERT 1:31:28  
409 TIM SABAN 1:35:11 PB
746 SUZY HAWKINS (F) 1:41:15  
2328 BEV HARLOW (F) 2:02:48  
3099 LIZ MORGAN (F) 2:18:38 PB (11 minutes)


3,597 finishers 

MADDIE PRITCHARD improved her personal best (PB) by six minutes to 1:36:50 when she ran the Surrey Half Marathon in Woking on Sunday morning.

DANIEL BATES scored a second personal best (PB) this weekend, this time in the half marathon distance down in the Cirque Ports town of Lydd in the Romney Marsh area of Kent.  One of Britian’s flattest courses so a good place to go for a PB if the conditions are right. He managed to gain a PB by 56 seconds in the race with a time of 01:31:51 but was unable to get a sub 1:30 because of the strong wind towards the finish.  Finishing 43rd out of 394 runners was a great result and hopefully that sub1h30 will come at the Welwyn half in two weeks time.

ANDREA WESCTOTT achieved a new personal best (PB) of 2 hours 3 minutes 49 seconds in the Milton Keynes Half Marathon.  PAUL HOLGATE finished in 2:11:43, 55 seconds quicker than last year and 1:17 better than this year’s Watford Half.  He says he’s looking forward to Silverstone next weekend.  CRAIG BACON was the fastest Spartan.  He was 290th out of the 1,921 finishers in 1:39:44. 

SOPHIE COWAN was very pleased with her run in the Milton Keynes 10K.  She took more than two minutes off her personal best to finish in 52:09.  LINDA GREENE took 1 hour 10 minutes 24 seconds.


Cross Country Medals

 The individual results from the cross country league have been published.  Over the five race series MADDIE PRITCHARD was second senior woman with MICHELLE REEVES fifth and NIKKI WILBY seventh. 

JULIE SIMMONS won the women over 55 category and ANDY NEATHAM was third man over 40.



 Daniel Bates and Tim Saban headed off to Malahide in Ireland for their first ever international parkrun.  Located eight miles north of the capital, Dublin, breezy conditions were in store for the one lap & a half course located in the beautiful woodland grounds of Malahide castle. Daniel carried on with the good form in 5kms this year by finishing 10th (first Spartan home and first person from the UK) out of 403 runners in 19-25, gaining a new 5km parkrun personal best, beating his previous time by thirty seconds. Celebrations were to be had at the finishing line but there was more as Tim came home 21st with a new personal best of 20-14.

 Back in the UK and in south west London at the Bushy Parkrun, Verity Fisher got her 5km parkrun pb and first sub-23 minute time in 22-48.  However this course always attracts a huge amount of runners and she finished 206th out of 1013 runners. Daniel Sutton was 113th in 21:16.

 Down at the Spartans favourite local parkrun course in Hertford, Andy Jay got a new parkrun PB at Panshanger. He finished the course in 26-31 and come home in 84th out of 223 runners. Steve Watkins came in 179th with a time of 33-15.  

 Running London?

 With seven weeks to go so far 22 Fairlands Valley Spartans have declared that they are running this April’s London Marathon.  Some have qualified on time; some came out of the draw; many are running for charity.


 Please support them.  Over the next few weeks several stories on the Spartan entries will be released.  To get the ball rolling

This year Nick will be running the London Marathon for the second time, the first in 2011, after his name being drawn in the club ballot. 

After being given this opportunity Nick decided to run for a charity and has chosen Braintrust.  

They are a UK Brain tumour charity, dedicated to helping people affected by a brain tumour. They improve clinical care for brain tumour sufferers and provide co-ordinated support in their search for treatment. They provide support and advice from the point of diagnosis and beyond.

A fellow Spartan, Caren Bridgman, spoke of the great support the charity offered her during her illness and beyond including support when dealing with her concerns and worries, explain the terminology, track her treatment even helped with travelling costs. Caren explained the difficulties she faced so I decided that this was the charity I would like to support in some way. 

My just giving page is


Got a place in the London Marathon?   

Got a Place in the London Marathon?  Every year Fairlands Valley Spartans successful train thirty or more people, many of them first timers, to run the London Marathon.  There are training groups from starters to fast fives to suit everyone.  Why not have a look at or contact Jim Brown 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer 0773 467 8566?  Newcomers very welcome.


Coming Events 

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:   

  • Silverstone Half Marathon on Sunday 15th March.
  • Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th March.
  • County Cross Country Championships for Veterans in Trent Park on Sunday 22nd March.
  • Welwyn Half Marathon on Sunday 22nd March.
  • Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park on Friday 27th March.
  • Orion 15 classic cross country on Saturday 28th March.
  • Oakley 20 mile road race on Sunday 29th March.
  • Maidenhead Easter Ten on Friday 3rd April.
  • Sandy 10 mile road race on Sunday 12th April.
  • Flitwick 10K on Sunday 19th April.
  • London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.
  • County 1500 metres track championship in Stevenage on Monday 4th May.
  • County 5 miles senior championships at Pednor on Monday evening 4th May.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Stevenage on Tuesday 12th May.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Chingford on Wednesday 27th May.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Harlow on Wednesday 17th June.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Hitchin on Thursday 2nd July.
  • Bushey 10K including Herts Veterans road championships on Sunday 5th July.
  • County 10000 metres track championship in Biggleswade on Thursday 9th July.
  • Midweek Mob Match in Welwyn Garden City on Thursday 16th July.
  • Fairlands Valley Off Road Challenge on Sunday 19th July.
  • County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.
  • County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.
  • County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.
  • Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
  • Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on 11th October.
  • Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
  • St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
  • County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.



Join The Spartans 

Live in or near Stevenage?  Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up!  The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010.  It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all.  The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons. 


The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m.  Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you! 

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday 

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9a.m. sharp.  Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m.  There are events to enter every Sunday.  Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session. 

Try a few sessions before joining.  Membership is only £35 per year, £25 without UKA membership.  Concessions are available.  Membership forms are available on the Spartans website  Please ask if you would like a paper copy. 

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website 



More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566





GRANT RAMSAY and YLLKA ISTREFI are Fairlands Valley Spartans new club champions.  Having won the short and long distance championship Grant was the obvious candidate for the overall male award.  In just a few months of Spartan membership Yllka improved enough to win the women’s long distance championship and come second in the short so she took the overall female championship.  Grant is champion of champions. 

Fairlands Valley Spartans gathered at Chesfield Downs on Friday evening for their Presentation Evening and Dinner – “Champions Night” and a chance to celebrate many other achievements during 2014.  A total of 75 women and 96 men recorded times in the club’s short distance championship; 54 women and 65 men in the long. 

MADDIE PRITCHARD won the most improved female award and the short distance women’s championship with a score of 71.2%.  Yllka Istrefi was second on 67.6% and NIKKI WILBY third with 61.0%. 

HELEN NUTTALL (73.8%); JENNY BIRKIN (67.0%); MICHELLE REEVES (66.6%); JULIE SIMMONS (66.2%); CLARE MOORE (65.6%) and ISABEL GREEN (62.1%) had good averages but only recorded times for two out of the minimum of three qualifying distances.  Similarly Julie (82.1%); IRIS HORNSEY (80.2%) and BARBARA WILSON (75.8%) had amazing age related scores but for only two distances. 

GRANT RAMSAY won the men’s short distance championship with an excellent 77.53% with CHRISTOPHER WESTCOTT second on 74.3% and ANDY NEATHAM close behind on 74.1%.  Most improved male DAVIE STAFFORD was fourth on 68.9%.   

YLLKA ISTREFI won the women’s long distance championship with 63.9%.  Scores are calculated from the best three of 10 miles; half marathon; 20 miles and full marathon during the whole calendar year.  NICOLA HABERLAND was second on 57.2% and ANDREA WESTCOTT third with 52.0%.  JEANETTE COLLINS was not far behind on 50.0%. 

Looking to 2015 several other women recorded good long distance scores but for only two distances.  They included Maddie Pritchard (65.8%); Isabel Green (59.4%); Clare Moore (57.7%); BEV HARLOW (56.9%); RUTH REILLY (56.3%); LISA GRAY (55.8%) and VICKY NASH (52.9%).

Completing his double Grant Ramsay won the men’s championship with 78.3% with Chris Westcott second on 72.0% and Davie Stafford third with 68.0%.  Todd Gray was fourth on 64.1% and Pete Smith snapping at his heels on 64.0%.  ANDREW PATTERSON (73.3%); SIMON JACKSON (72.1%) and GRAHAM BLACKBURN (65.7%) had good averages but for only two qualifying distances. 

Fairlands Valley Spartans value their veterans as well as their younger runners and also present annual age related awards.  The winners in the women’s short distance age related championship were 1st Tracy Pez; 2nd Beverley Harlow and 3rd Sharon Crowley.  Jan Fry, Jeanette Collins and Sharon Crowley were the top three in the long distance awards.

 For the men BARRY OSBORNE, Andy Neatham and JIM BROWN were the top three in the short championship with Chris Westcott; Pete Smith and Steve Elder top three for the longer contest.

SOPHIE COWAN was Starter of the Year having made great progress from starting to run with the club to now training with the mainstream groups.

IRIS HORNSEY and STEVE MAYFIELD were the club’s track and field champions. 

ISABEL GREEN and NICK WITCOMBE won the Captains’ Awards for their participation in the Mid Week and Cross Country leagues while TESSA and DAVE STEPHENSON received the Chair’s Award for maintaining the success of the Spartan Starter group.

The Spartan of the Year is ANDY PRIOR who stepped up to become an inspirational and dedicated head coach during 2014. 

Special mention was made of ROGER BIGGS who ran his 800th marathon during 2014.  Also ANDY NEATHAM; CHRIS WESTCOTT; STEVE MAYFIELD and MADDIE PRITCHARD who broke several club track records during the year.  GRANT RAMSAY won a BRONZE medal at the European Marathon Championships at part of Team GB and he broke the club’s 5,000 metres record for runners over age 35.


Short distance championships consist of the best three from 1500 metres; 5 kilometres; 5 miles and 10 kilometres.  Long distance championships the best three from 10 miles; half marathon; 20 miles and full marathon.


Another PB for Yllka at Serpentine

YLLKA ISTREFI had qualified for the “A” race by squeezing under 22 minutes in her last 5K road race but on Friday she made another big improvement by completing the Hyde Park race in just 21 minutes 19 seconds.  That’s 39 seconds faster than ever before.  She was 134th out of the 282 finishers in the popular lunch time event.


Two PBs and a Win at Berkhamsted Half Marathon 

New female club champion YLLKA ISTREFI burst through the 100 minute barrier at the Berkhamsted Half Marathon.  Despite the hills and wind on exposed sections of the course she improved her personal best (PB) by 1 minute 38 seconds.  She was 178th out of the 1,010 runners in 1 hour 39 minutes 3 seconds.  New male club champion GRANT RAMSAY was fourth overall in the event and first veteran runner in 1 hour 17 minutes 34 seconds. 

TIM SABAN improved his personal best by 1 minute 11 seconds to 1:36:04.  He was 126th.


ADAM MIMPRESS was 67th in 1:31:27 and TIM ROBINSON 554th in 1:53:57 

Medal for Jim 

JIM BROWN had recovered sufficiently from a very bad race experience two weeks ago to win his first county road medal for many years on Sunday.  He completed a club short distance championship series for this year by finishing the Berkhamsted Five mile race which was the County Championship for veterans.  Jim was third veteran (60 plus) and 100th out of the 709 finishers in 40 minutes 5 seconds 

Jim had run Friday’s Serpentine 5K in a year’s best time of 24:44 and already had a 10K “in the bank” from New Year’s Day.

The short distance championship is calculated from the best of three out of 1500 metres; 5 kilometres; 5 miles and 10 kilometres.  Improvements can be made right through to 31st December.

Spartans At British Masters

Spartans Chris Westcott, Monica Brown and Iris Hornsey were selected to represent Eastern Veterans in the British Masters Inter Area Track and Field Competition at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre.

There were eight regional teams in the men’s competition and seven in the women’s. 

Chris was chosen to compete in the male 40 plus 800 metres and 4×200 metres relay.  He ran an excellent 800 in 2:08.25 to come second, just a half second behind the leader.  That broke the club’s 800 metres record.  Later Chris ran the first leg in the relay and the team did really well to get a second place.

Monica competed in the female 50 plus 60 metres and also the 4×200 relay.   She was second in the 60m against fierce competition in a time of 8.92.  Then she ran the third leg in the relay and her team won a great first place! 

Iris Hornsey was chosen for the female 70 plus 800m and Long Jump.  She won the 800m in a time of 3:55.9 and was second in the Long Jump with a jump of 2.42m. 

Eastern Veterans came a very good second overall in the competition. 

Cambridge Boundary Run

 TRICIA HOPPER and KAREN LIDDLE finished the Cambridge Boundary run in 5 hours 32 minutes 30 seconds.  It was part road part off road.  The route markers had blown down in places which meant they had to be a bit creative (!) with the route.


Running London?


With nine weeks to go so far 22 Fairlands Valley Spartans have declared that they are running this April’s London Marathon.  Some have qualified on time; some came out of the draw; many are running for charity. 


Please support them.  Over the next few weeks several stories on the Spartan entries will be released.  To get the ball rolling


Got a place in the London Marathon?   

Got a Place in the London Marathon?  Every year Fairlands Valley Spartans successful train thirty or more people, many of them first timers, to run the London Marathon.  There are training groups from starters to fast fives to suit everyone.  Why not have a look at or contact Jim Brown 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer 0773 467 8566?  Newcomers very welcome. 

Coming Events


Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:   

  • Finchley 20 mile road race on Sunday 8th March.
  • Silverstone Half Marathon on Sunday 15th March.
  • Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th March.
  • County Cross Country Championships for Veterans in Trent Park on Sunday 22nd March.
  • Welwyn Garden City Half Marathon on Sunday 22nd March.
  • Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park on Friday 27th March.
  • Orion 15 classic cross country on Saturday 28th March.
  • Oakley 20 mile road race on Sunday 29th March.
  • Maidenhead Easter Ten on Friday 3rd April.
  • Sandy 10 mile road race on Sunday 12th April.
  • Flitwick 10K on Sunday 19th April.
  • London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.
  • County 1500 metres track championship in Stevenage on Monday 4th May.
  • County 5 miles senior championships at Pednor on Monday evening 4th May.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Stevenage on Tuesday 12th May.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Chingford on Wednesday 27th May.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Harlow on Wednesday 17th June.
  • Midweek Road Race League race in Hitchin on Thursday 2nd July.
  • Bushey 10K including Herts Veterans road championships on Sunday 5th July.
  • County 10000 metres track championship in Biggleswade on Thursday 9th July.
  • Midweek Mob Match in Welwyn Garden City on Thursday 16th July.
  • County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.
  • County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.
  • County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.
  • Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
  • Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on 11th October.
  • Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
  • St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
  • County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.



Join The Spartans 

Live in or near Stevenage?  Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up!  The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010.  It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all.  The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.   

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m.  Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you 

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.30a.m. sharp.  Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m.  There are events to enter every Sunday.  Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session. 

Try a few sessions before joining.  Membership is only £35 per year, £25 without UKA membership.  Concessions are available.  Membership forms are available on the Spartans website  Please ask if you would like a paper copy. 

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566



A Tale Of Three Halves


There was a double A win as a miserable, cold, wet & windy evening did not dampen the spirits of the 19 Spartans taking part in the February Handicap 5K on Thursday.

ANDY JAY was first to finish, winning his 2nd handicap 5k in 3 months. He won in December and improved that time by 1 minute 50 seconds to 24 minutes 13 seconds – a whole 3 minutes ahead of handicap.

Andy was closely followed by ANDREW GARDINER, returning from injury to beat his handicap by 2:50, in a new season best time of 18:08. NICK EMMETT was third in a new personal best time of 23:37, 24 seconds quicker than before.

New member DAVID HODBOD finished fourth, 2:24 ahead of handicap, in 19:51, while DANIEL THORBY and SIMON TANG also beat 20 minutes as Simon improved his PB to 18:32, as did JASON ANDERSON with a new PB of his own of 18:16, and DANIEL BATES just missed beating 20 minutes by 2 seconds as he recorded his fastest 5k of the year in his 10th 5k in 9 weeks, with 20:02.

ANDREA WESTCOTT was first woman in 26 minutes 41 seconds, 1:34 better than handicap. MICHELLE REEVES was second female in 22:10 and SUE HAMER third in 27:33.

ANDREW GARDINER was the fastest runner on the night with his 18:08, with JASON ANDERSON’s 18:16 second quickest and DANIEL THORBY & SIMON TANG’s 18:32 third quickest.

MICHELLE REEVES 22:10 was the fastest ladies time, with ANDREA WESTCOTT’s 26:41 second and SUE HAMER’s 27:33 third.

New members TIM ROBINSON and IAN ANDERSON ran their first 5K races in 23:57 and 36:45 respectively. STEVE ELDER recorded a time of 21:11; with BERNADETTE MILLWOOD finishing in 32:15; PETER CARPENTER in 30:34; DAVID PEACH in 28:52: VICKY MEREDITH in 33:42 and HAYLEY PEACH in 37:02.

Event Pos’n




Speed Pos.




1:50 improvement 





Fastest man. SB





PB (by 0:24)





1st 5K race





Third fastest man. 





PB (by 0:28)





2nd fastest man. PB (0:09)





Year’s best (by 0:06)





Second fastest woman 





1st 5K race





Fastest woman.





Third fastest woman 










4th fastest woman 





1st 5K race















5th fastest woman 





6th fastest woman 


Next month’s handicap will be on Thursday 19th March 2015.

Hampton Halves

Spartans TESSA and DAVE STEPHENSON took part in their first of two races in Hampton Court over the next few weeks. “Henry VIII” gave high fives as they passed the Palace with Tessa finishing the Half Marathon in 2 hours 5 minutes and 52 seconds despite falling on the muddy trail towards the end. Due to confusion over the route, Dave did an extra small lap near the start but still finished in 1 hour 54 minutes 50 seconds.

Madeira Halves

NICOLA HABERLAND and RICHARD KENNEDY ran the Funchal half marathon in Madeira on Sunday as part of their training for their four Spring marathons. Richard ran a good 1:41:48 and Nicola a big personal best (PB) of over 3 minutes for a 1:44:41.

Malta Half

BEV HARLOW ran the Malta half marathon in 1:59:35 on Sunday. She was very pleased as she had been suffering with a bad back for the last two weeks and up until Thursday was doubtful whether she would be able to start.

The course started on top of a hill in the small medieval village of Mdina and ran down to the coast. The weather provided runners with all seasons in one day – strong wind, rain and warm sun.

Park Runs

YLLKA ISTREFI ran a park run personal best of 22 minutes 35 seconds at Finsbury Park on Saturday morning. She was first in her category; fourth woman and 50th overall out of the 183 finishers.

DANIK BATES took on the Beckton Parkrun which located under the flight path of London City airport. The two lap course around Beckton Park which 70% was concrete paths and 30% running across football fields which were turned into a bog. It was an enjoyable but a hard run. Danik finished third out of 36 runners in a time of 20-05.

Further afield down in Somerset, DANIEL SUTTON and VERITY FISHER took on the Yeovil Montacute parkrun. Daniel finished 38th out of 195 runners with a time of 24-05 (a new course PB) whilst Verity finished 79th with a time of 26-41.

Several other Spartans enjoyed the Gade Valley Pre-London 17 mile training run in Hemel Hempstead on Sunday morning.

Champions Night

Celebrate with the champions. Fairlands Valley Spartans’ Presentation Evening, Dinner and Dance will be at Chesfield Downs this Friday 27th February. Tickets are only £20 and they are available now. Go to

Running London?

With nine weeks to go so far 22 Fairlands Valley Spartans have declared that they are running this April’s London Marathon. Some have qualified on time; some came out of the draw; many are running for charity.


Please support them. Over the next few weeks several stories on the Spartan entries will be released. To get the ball rolling

Got a place in the London Marathon?

Got a Place in the London Marathon? Every year Fairlands Valley Spartans successful train thirty or more people, many of them first timers, to run the London Marathon. There are training groups from starters to fast fives to suit everyone. Why not have a look at or contact Jim Brown 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer 0773 467 8566? Newcomers very welcome.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Serpentine 5K on Friday 27th February.

Presentation Evening, Dinner and Dance at Chesfield Downs on Friday 27th February. Tickets available now.

County Veterans Five Mile Championship, and open road race, at Berkhamsted on Sunday 1st March.

Finchley 20 mile road race on Sunday 8th March.

Silverstone Half Marathon on Sunday 15th March.

Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th March.

County Cross Country Championships for Veterans in Trent Park on Sunday 22nd March.

Welwyn Garden City Half Marathon on Sunday 22nd March.

Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park on Friday 27th March.

Orion 15 classic cross country on Saturday 28th March.

Oakley 20 mile road race on Sunday 29th March.

Maidenhead Easter Ten on Friday 3rd April.

Sandy 10 mile road race on Sunday 12th April.

Flitwick 10K on Sunday 19th April.

London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.

County 1500 metres track championship in Stevenage on Monday 4th May.

County 5 miles senior championships at Pednor on Monday evening 4th May.

Midweek Road Race League race in Stevenage on Tuesday 12th May.

Midweek Road Race League race in Chingford on Wednesday 27th May.

Midweek Road Race League race in Harlow on Wednesday 17th June.

Midweek Road Race League race in Hitchin on Thursday 2nd July.

Bushey 10K including Herts Veterans road championships on Sunday 5th July.

County 10000 metres track championship in Biggleswade on Thursday 9th July.

Midweek Mob Match in Welwyn Garden City on Thursday 16th July.

County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.

County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.

County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.

Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.

Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on 11th October.

Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.

St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.

County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.00a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ35 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566



Bramley 20/10 * More For London


Fairlands Valley Spartans sparkled at the last cross country race in the series and achieved their best result in at least five years. 

With only a one point advantage going into the last race some tremendous performances on Therfield Heath confirmed the women’s team in second place (out of 21); and the female masters’ team (all veterans 35 plus) leapt from sixth to third.  JULIE SIMMONS was first woman veteran (55 plus).

The Spartans “A” team consisted of NATALIE LAWRENCE (3rd in 40 minutes 43 seconds); ALISON WOOD (6th); MADDIE PRITCHARD (13th); MICHELLE REEVES (16th) and JULIE SIMMONS (17th).

TRACY PEZ (25th) and HAZEL CLARK (37th) were not far behind leading in the “B” team which also included SARAH PIKE (58th); LISA BURGESS (73rd) and KATY JINKS (74th). 

So many Spartan were keen to run there was also a “C” team of JO BOWDERY (78th); KAREN LIDDLE (79th); PETA WILSON (82nd); STEPHANIE MAYFIELD (89th) and SHARON CROWLEY (104th).

In the men’s race GRANT RAMSAY was second in 33 minutes 21 seconds; ANDREW PATTERSON 6th in 34:22; SIMON JACKSON 7th in 34:48; ANDY NEATHAM 13th in 35:26; IAN YENNY 23rd in 36:15; LIAM HERBERT 54th in 38:43; MARTIN WOOD 74th in 40:54* and STEVE GREEN 81st in 41:59.  They made up the “A” team (eight to count). 

A total of twenty Spartan men ran.  Their “B” team was NICK CROWLEY (88th); BERNIE BARNABY (91st); THOMAS SAUKA (104th); MARK GOODWIN (128th); DAVE STEPHENSON (139th); ANDY CHURN (146th); STEVE PIKE (162nd) and MARK CHEADLE (165th).  They were backed up by ANDY JAY (168th); ANTHONY WHITE (171st); MARK FREEMAN (177th) and PAUL HOLGATE (180th). 

There may be other individual Spartans prizes but the full results have not been published yet.


Bramley 20/10 

ANDREA WESTCOTT continued her build up to the Paris Marathon with another personal best at the Bramley 10 Mile race on Sunday.  Andrea clocked 91:33 for a new best by nearly 2 minutes. 

YLLKA ISTREFI became the first woman to complete a series for the 2015 long distance Spartans championship when she finished the Bramley 20 mile race in 2 hours 37 minutes 57 seconds.  The series is the best of three out of 10 miles; half marathon; 20 miles and full marathon.  She was 308th out of the 743 finishers in this high quality race which is popular for many targeting the London Marathon.  JIM BROWN became unwell during the race but finished 594th in 3:12:11.


Gold For Christopher 

Meanwhile CHRISTOPHER WESTCOTT made the shorter journey to Lee Valley where he claimed Gold in the veterans (40 plus) 800 metres Southern Masters and EVAC (East of England) Championships.  Christopher’s time of 2:09.72 improved his own club V40 record.


Beat the Baldock Beast 

Three Spartans beat the Baldock Beast Half Marathon.  DANIEL BATES was 48th in 1 hour 35 minutes 7 seconds; PAUL WHYTE 76th in 1:37:52 and PAUL MAGUIRE 105th in 1:43:14.  There were 320 runners.


Love Welwyn 10K 

Club Secretary KAREN PALMER ran the Love Welwyn 10K in one hour and one second (1:00:01) on Sunday morning.  She says she will do much better when she has had some training.


Parkruns 14th February 2015 

Valentine’s Day and there was no other place to celebrate than with a Parkrun at Valentine’s Park in Ilford, in the east end of London.  Spartan men’s captain Danik (DANIEL BATES) was flying the flag and despite being stuck on the North Circular and making it to the park with just ten minutes to spare.  This was a two lap run (where The Great British Bake-Off is filmed).  After a very brisk warm Daniel was completed in 20-18.  He was 15th out of 264 runners (double the amount of runners which the Valentine’s Parkrun usually gets due to the date and the park’s name!). This was a perfect warm-up for the Baldock Half Marathon which took place the next day.

Two Spartans did one better on their tour of the Parkrun circuit, Verity Fisher and Daniel Sutton landed up in Barnstable, north-west Devon. Daniel finished the course in 26th place in a time of 22-24 and Verity was fifth female home with a time of 23-47 (37th place).  There was a total of 148 runners.

Down at the Spartans favourite local course at Panshanger, Hertford, Hazel Clark finished 99th out of 175 runners with a time of 30-08.


Champions Night 

Celebrate with the champions.  Fairlands Valley Spartans’ Presentation Evening, Dinner and Dance will be at Chesfield Downs on Friday 27th February.  Tickets are only £20 and they are available now.  Go to


Running London? 

With ten weeks to go so far 22 Fairlands Valley Spartans have declared that they are running this April’s London Marathon.  Some have qualified on time; some came out of the draw; many are running for charity. 


Please support them.  Over the next few weeks several stories on the Spartan entries will be released.  To get the ball rolling 

London Marathon – Suzy Hawkins

SUZY HAWKINS, 39 is a district nurse.  She first entered the London Marathon ballot ten years ago and has had four unsuccessful attempts to get in.  The last few years she’s been very busy with the arrival of small children and she is delighted and excited to be running.  This will be her second marathon but first London.  Suzy is hoping for around 3:30.  Ran the recent Watford Half Marathon in 1 hour 39 minutes 56 seconds. 

With wonderful support from Fairlands Valley Spartans (especially the Sunday long runs), Suzy feels like her training is back on track now: maybe not for a personal best, but definitely to finish with a smile. 

She hopes to raise some money for cancer research, as with many of us, people close to her have been devastatingly effected by cancer.  She hopes that will help her to keep her motivated when it starts getting tough.


London Marathon – Yllka Istrefi 

YLLKA ISTREFI is a concert pianist.  Yllka had already qualified for the London Marathon but was so impressed by the Fairlands Valley Spartans coaching team that she joined the club late in 2014.  Yllka ran the Amsterdam Marathon in 3L54:05 and Edinburgh in 3:42:05.  She ran the recent Watford Half Marathon in 1:40:41, and continued her build up with Sunday’s Bramley 20 in 2:37:57.  She hopes to beat 3:30, maybe 3:25 on 26th April.

London Marathon – Ruth and Jackie 

RUTH REILLY was lucky enough to get a ballot  place and is helping JACKIE DOWNES with her fundraising  for Children with Cancer UK.  Fundraising is going well, we have held cake sales, a race night and had a charity Christmas lights display.  It will be their first marathon so they are really excited!  They have a blog if people want to see what they have been getting up to in training: 


Got a place in the London Marathon?   

Got a Place in the London Marathon?  Every year Fairlands Valley Spartans successful train thirty or more people, many of them first timers, to run the London Marathon.  There are training groups from starters to fast fives to suit everyone.  Why not have a look at or contact Jim Brown 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer 0773 467 8566?  Newcomers very welcome.


Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:   

  • Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th February.
  • Serpentine 5K on Friday 27th February.
  • Presentation Evening, Dinner and Dance at Chesfield Downs on Friday 27th February. Tickets available now.
  • County Veterans Five Mile Championship, and open road race, at Berkhamsted on Sunday 1st March.
  • Finchley 20 mile road race on Sunday 8th March.
  • Silverstone Half Marathon on Sunday 15th March.
  • Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th March.
  • County Cross Country Championships for Veterans in Trent Park on Sunday 22nd March.
  • Welwyn Garden City Half Marathon on Sunday 22nd March.
  • Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park on Friday 27th March.
  • Orion 15 classic cross country on Saturday 28th March.
  • Oakley 20 mile road race on Sunday 29th March.
  • Maidenhead Easter Ten on Friday 3rd April.
  • Sandy 10 mile road race on Sunday 12th April.
  • Flitwick 10K on Sunday 19th April.
  • London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.
  • County 1500 metres track championship in Stevenage on Monday 4th May.
  • County 5 miles senior championships at Pednor on Monday evening 4th May.
  • Bushy 10K including Herts Veterans road championships on Sunday 5th July.
  • County 10000 metres track championship in Biggleswade on Thursday 9th July.
  • County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.
  • County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.
  • County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.
  • Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
  • Great Eastern Run in Peterborough on 11th October.
  • Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
  • St. Neots Half Marathon on Sunday 15th November.
  • County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.



Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage?  Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up!  The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010.  It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all.  The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons. 

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m.  Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you.

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday 

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.00a.m. sharp.  Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m.  There are events to enter every Sunday.  Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session. 

Try a few sessions before joining.  Membership is only £35 per year, £25 without UKA membership.  Concessions are available.  Membership forms are available on the Spartans website  Please ask if you would like a paper copy. 

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website

E N D S 

More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566



50 Miles for John * Paul’s Enigma * Maddie Second 

With eleven weeks to go so far twenty Fairlands Valley Spartans have declared that they are running this April’s London Marathon.  Some have qualified on time; some came out of the draw; many are running for charity. 


Please support them.  Over the next few weeks several stories on the Spartan entries will be released.  To get the ball rolling


London Marathon – Jim Brown 

Those of you that know Jim will know why he was so pleased to be able to complete the London Marathon in 2014 after a break of four years – and why he was so much slower than he used to be!   Jim thought that “comeback” was his last but it was great fun and he was delighted when the Ron Pickering Memorial Fund gave him the chance to run this year. Brilliant. It’s almost the ideal charity for someone running the London Marathon, all the money raised goes to supporting young athletes. 

So come on everyone.  He’s been given a target of ÂŁ1500.  Let’s see if we can bust through that – and maybe Jim can be a wee bit quicker than last time.  Please go to now

Jim is press officer and part of the coaching team for Fairlands Valley Spartans.  This will be his 21st London Marathon – 18 running and three helping as a volunteer. 

The Ron Pickering Memorial Fund (RPMF) raises funds to help young aspiring athletes become the next generation of British Olympians 

The RPMF helps recipients make the difficult transition from junior to senior level through support for equipment, specialist coaching or travel and importantly helps build the athletes’ confidence and self esteem through recognition. 

The fund has raised and awarded over £1.5 million in small but significant grants to over 2000 talented young British athletes, including all of the London 2012 Olympic athletics medallists. 

Over 75% of the British athletics team in the 2008 and 2012 Olympics had at some stage in their careers received support from the fund.

Ron Pickering, OBE, was one of British sport’s great visionaries.  He was a former Physical Education teacher and national athletics coach, training Lynn Davies to Tokyo Olympic long jump gold.  Ron is best remembered as the voice of athletics during his 25 years spent commentating alongside David Coleman for the BBC and iconic programmes such as Superstars.

When Ron unexpectedly died in 1991, his wife Jean, herself an Olympic medallist from the 1952 Helsinki games, and children Kim and Shaun set up the Ron Pickering Memorial Fund to help aspiring young athletes fulfil their potential.

Sadly, Jean passed away in March 2013 but the Fund continues her legacy by supporting the next generation of Olympic champion. 

Jim’s first contact with an Olympian was ROBBIE BRIGHTWELL.  A silver medallist at Tokyo and his geography teacher in 1964.


London Marathon – Grant Ramsay 

GRANT RAMSAY will be running this year’s London Marathon, for his charity Asthma UK.  He will be aiming for another sub 2 hours 40 minutes finish and hopefully smash his 2:37 finish. 

Grant wants London to be a building block for this year’s World Marathon Champs for Veterans in Lyon, where he will be aiming for a top 10 finish (overall), and push on for a time around 2 hours 30.  The champs will take place in August.  He’s feeling very bullish, due to excellent progress being made in training.


London Marathon – Nicola and Richard, Four in Four

Richard Kennedy and Nicola Haberland will be running the London Marathon.

Nicola was lucky enough to get her Virgin London Marathon space in the Fairlands Valley Spartans club ballot and Richard has got a charity place for the Hertfordshire based Animal Care Trust.  Between them they aim to raise £1000 for them. 

Nicola and Richard both love running and to date have run the entire 26.2 miles 6 times.

This year they wanted to challenge themselves a little bit more by running the following four marathons in four weeks (104.8 miles in total by the time they cross the last finish line) to raise money, as mentioned above, for the Animal Care Trust:  Brighton on Sunday 12th April; Bungay on Sunday 19th April; London on Sunday 26th April and Milton Keynes on Monday 4th May. 

Funds raised for the Animal Care Trust not only contribute towards improving animal care, but also support their Care Farm Project which is a series of short farm-based courses and activities aiming to make a positive difference to the lives of disadvantaged and disabled individuals who are experiencing social or educational exclusion.

Nicola and Richard are paying all their own expenses so any donations received will go directly to the Animal Care Trust.  They would be extremely grateful and appreciative of any donations members of the public can possibly give, they only need to find 1000 people to all donate £1 each (25p a marathon) and they will hit our target.  Just in case you can include the fundraising information here are their Just Giving page details: 

Just Giving Website: 

Alternatively you can text:  Text: NHRK47, followed by the amount, e.g. £1, £2,£5.  To: 70070 

As said above they both really love running, it’s a great way to keep fit, meet other people and feel a real sense of personal achievement each time they cross a finish line at a race. 

They say their love of running has only been enhanced even more since becoming members of Fairlands Valley Spartans in November 2013.  All the coaches (and all fellow FVS members) they run with are so encouraging and they both feel they have benefited and developed so much more as runners since joining the club.  They encourage anyone interested in running or thinking about starting to run to join the club.

Since starting running back in the summer of 2006 their main aim has always been to run the London marathon.  This is the first time we will be running the London marathon, so it is really exciting. 

They both remember watching the London marathon on the television when we were little admiring all those 1000s of runners raising money for such good causes, and now this year they are both so lucky enough to have places as well. 

Nicola’s personal best to date was at the Stevenage Marathon last year which was 3 hours 49 minutes and 21 seconds.  This year she is hoping to go under 3 hours 45 minutes. 

Richard’s personal best to date was at the Abingdon marathon last year which was 3 hours 30 minutes and 6 seconds.  This year he is hoping to go under 3 hours 20 minutes 

For more information please contact Nicola Haberland – Email:

Tel: 07946 786 336 or Richard Kennedy – Email: rtckennedy@gmail.comTel: 07814 166 765


Got a place in the London Marathon?   

Got a Place in the London Marathon on 26 April?  Every year Fairlands Valley Spartans successful train thirty or more people, many of them first timers, to run the London Marathon.  There are training groups from starters to fast fives to suit everyone with sessions available five days a week.   Why not have a look at or contact Jim Brown 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer 0773 467 8566?  Newcomers very welcome.


Nelms Goes Ultra 

JOHN NELMS completed the Thames Trot 50 mile trail race in 10 hours 43 minutes.  He wants to thank all the coaches and fellow runners at Fairlands Valley Spartans who have encouraged him and helped him train for this ultra marathon event.


Paul’s Enigma 

PAUL HOLGATE ignored the snow showers to take the opportunity for a Thursday marathon in Milton Keynes consisting of 7.5 laps around a very cold Caldecote Lake.  He finished in a very satisfying 5 hours 26 minutes 23 seconds.


Maddie Second In 5K 

MADDIE PRITCHARD ran the Norton 5K in Norton, Letchworth on Saturday morning.  It was icy and muddy but she still finished in an excellent time of 22 minutes 11 seconds  Maddie was second lady, and 13th overall.   CRAIG BACON was 17th in 22:42.  There were 63 finishers.


Parkrun Report 

This Saturday’s Parkrun down the A1 had drama and some pretty fast action for the boys from the Spartans at Barnet.  Oak Hill was the venue and is one of the fastest parkrun courses in North London.  Danik aiming to beat his course personal best (PB) of 20-06 (and maybe an overall PB) and Thomas Sauka improving all the time on the circuit.  However there was some drama before the start after the warm-up where Danik’s laces couldn’t be sorted out before getting to the start on time.

During the run after taking the lead, good pacing, all was going well until after 3.5km mark where Daniel Bates laces became undone and took around twenty seconds to sort out with cold hands.  Dropping places and around twenty valuable seconds and finishing 9th with a time of 20-09. Thomas Sauka put in another superb performance to wrap up the run in 21-29 (14th).  There were 90 runners in this week’s run.

Down the road at our favourite local course of Panshanger (Hertford), Daniel Sutton was first Spartan home finishing 27th (out of 171 runners) with a time of 22-12, Mark Allen finished with a time of 23-15 with Verity Fisher not far behind in 23-34.  Emma Kinsley powered home in 25-20.  

At St Albans Graham Hill completed the three laps of the lakes next to the beautiful cathedral in 32-33 (256th out of 311 runners).


Met X/C at the Scrubs 

GRANT RAMSAY raced in the final match of the Metropolitan Cross Country League at Wormwood Scrubs, London on Sunday. 

Over five miles he was 63rd out of 400 runners in 28 minutes 19 seconds.  Grant was 54th in the overall classification for the whole series and fifth in the very tight veterans contest – he missed out on winning by only four points.


Punchbowl Marathon 

On Sunday CAROL PAUL and MIKE NEWBITT took part in the Punchbowl Marathon which is 30 miles off road taking in the Devils Punchbowl.  On a lovely sunny day Carol completed the event in 7:12:10 and Mike completed it in 7:52:30.


Got a place in the London Marathon?   

Got a Place in the London Marathon?  Every year Fairlands Valley Spartans successful train thirty or more people, many of them first timers, to run the London Marathon.  There are training groups from starters to fast fives to suit everyone.  Why not have a look at or contact Jim Brown 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer 0773 467 8566?  Newcomers very welcome.


Coming Events 

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:   

  • Cross Country League at Therfield Heath, Royston on Sunday 15th February.
  • Bramley 20 mile road race on Sunday 15th February.
  • Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th February.
  • Serpentine 5K on Friday 27th February.
  • Presentation Evening, Dinner and Dance at Chesfield Downs on Friday 27th February. Tickets available now.
  • County Veterans Five Mile Championship, and open road race, at Berkhamsted on Sunday 1st March.
  • Finchley 20 mile road race on Sunday 8th March.
  • Silverstone Half Marathon on Sunday 15th March.
  • Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th March.
  • County Cross Country Championships for Veterans in Trent Park on Sunday 22nd March.
  • Welwyn Garden City Half Marathon on Sunday 22nd March.
  • Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park on Friday 27th March.
  • Orion 15 classic cross country on Saturday 28th March.
  • Oakley 20 mile road race on Sunday 29th March.
  • Maidenhead Easter Ten on Friday 3rd April.
  • Sandy 10 mile road race on Sunday 12th April.
  • Flitwick 10K on Sunday 19th April.
  • London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.
  • County 1500 metres track championship in Stevenage on Monday 4th May.
  • County 5 miles senior championships at Pednor on Monday evening 4th May.
  • Bushy 10K including Herts Veterans road championships on Sunday 5th July.
  • County 10000 metres track championship in Biggleswade on Thursday 9th July.
  • County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.
  • County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.
  • County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.
  • Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
  • Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
  • County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.



Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage?  Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up!  The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010.  It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all.  The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons. 

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m.  Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.00a.m. sharp.  Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m.  There are events to enter every Sunday.  Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session. 

Try a few sessions before joining.  Membership is only £35 per year, £25 without UKA membership.  Concessions are available.  Membership forms are available on the Spartans website  Please ask if you would like a paper copy. 

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website 



More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566



Come Back for London Winter 

Cold and windy but there was no sign of the threatened snow for Sunday’s Watford Half Marathon which included the Hertfordshire County Championship within the open race.

The Watford Half is a race of hills and this year there was a new tough one avoid the floods encountered in previous years.

Despite this GRANT RAMSAY beat the 80 minute barrier to finish in 1 hour 19 minutes 28 seconds.  He was fourth veteran (40 plus) and 34th overall out of 1,821 finishers.  There were new personal bests by TIM SABAN, 367th in 1:37:15, improving his time on the fast St Neots course by nine seconds; YLLKA ISTREFI, 508th in 1:40:41, improving on her Bedford time by 2 minutes 41 seconds and a season’s best 1:49:31 for JIM BROWN who was 838th and improved by exactly two minutes.

SUZY HAWKINS was 476th in 1:39:56 and ANDREW JORDAN, coming from a long way back, 493rd with a chip time of 1:39:22. 

AMANDA WHORWOOD finished in 2 hours 8 minutes 48 seconds and ANTHONY WALLER in 2:12:47.  Despite the extra hill PAUL HOLGATE improved his time from 2014 by six minutes to finish in 2 hours 13 minutes 1 second. 

Position Name Time Comments
34 GRANT RAMSAY 1:19:28 4th Veteran (40 plus)
367 TIM SABAN 1:37:15 Personal Best (PB)
476 SUZY HAWKINS (F) 1:39:56  
493 ANDREW JORDAN 1:39:22  
508 YLLKA ISTREFI (F) 1:40:41 Personal Best (PB)
838 JIM BROWN 1:49:31 Season’s Best (SB)
1529 AMANDA WHORWOOD (F) 2:08:48  
1596 ANTHONY WALLER 2:12:47  
1597 PAUL HOLGATE 2:13:01 6 mins improvement on 2014

1821 finishers.  A huge number did not start.


30 Year Comeback at London Winter


New Spartans PAUL and HANNAH WEST (father and daughter) completed their first 10K race today at the Cancer Research UK London Winter Run 2015.  Paul (MV45), who had not run in over 30 years until joining the club recently, finished in 1 hour 15 minutes 28 seconds, and Hannah, still a junior, finished in 1:09:21.  They are both looking forward to their next race. 

HAZEL SMITH and DAWN HARDY ran their first race for Fairlands Valley Spartans at the same event.  It was a very cold day with a bitterly cold wind and the snow machines around the route made it feel even colder.  Hazel ran well, only slowing down for the last 2K to finish in an amazing 58 minutes.  Dawn finished in 1 hr 19 mins.  Both times were personal bests.  Joining Hazel for this run was her Mum CATHY CRAIG, a second claim Spartan who finished in 1 hr 1 min.



Looking ahead to Sunday’s race JIM BROWN had a steady run round the Hyde Park 5K on Friday. 

On a cold, dry but windy day he was 197th out of the 265 runners in 24 minutes 55 seconds (24:59 gun time).


Parkrun Report 

The Spartans were out in force on the weekly Saturday parkrun circuit, this time heading up to Cambridgeshire for the scenic run around Wimpole Hall Estate north of Royston. The snow showed signs that this could have been a whiteout but was not to happen, instead the runners got an offering of ice and mud on the one lap course.  A lot of runners couldn’t cope with the steep hill after 2km due to heavy snow and the slippery conditions but it didn’t stop the group from Stevenage running up it.   

First Spartan home was Daniel Bates still recovering from last week’s marathon in Gran Canaria but finished just outside the top ten places with a time of 22-07.  Thomas Sauka wasn’t far behind finishing in 22-46 whilst Mark Allen paced home in 24-44.  Emma Kinsley was sixth female in 26-19.  Thomas, Mark and Emma were running Wimpole for the first time.  There were 201 runners. 

12th – Daniel Bates – 22-07; 19th – Thomas Sauka – 22:46; 34th – Mark Allen – 24-44 and 57th – Emma Kinsley – 26-19. 

However a lot of parkrun courses were cancelled due to the extreme icy and snowy conditions across the country which caused problems for Verity Fisher and Danny Sutton at the Southampton parkrun course.  The run was cancelled but they ran round the course in about 30:52.


Running London? 

Got a place in the London Marathon?   

Every year Fairlands Valley Spartans successful train thirty or more people, many of them first timers, to run the London Marathon.  There are training groups from starters to fast fives to suit everyone.  Why not have a look at or contact Jim Brown 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer 0773 467 8566?  Newcomers very welcome.


Coming Events 

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:   

  • Cross Country League at Therfield Heath, Royston on Sunday 15th February.
  • Bramley 20 mile road race on Sunday 15th February.
  • Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th February.
  • Serpentine 5K on Friday 27th February.
  • Presentation Evening, Dinner and Dance at Chesfield Downs on Friday 27th February. Tickets available now.
  • County Veterans Five Mile Championship, and open road race, at Berkhamsted on Sunday 1st March.
  • Finchley 20 mile road race on Sunday 8th March.
  • Silverstone Half Marathon on Sunday 15th March.
  • Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th March.
  • County Cross Country Championships for Veterans in Trent Park on Sunday 22nd March.
  • Welwyn Garden City Half Marathon on Sunday 22nd March.
  • Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park on Friday 27th March.
  • Orion 15 classic cross country on Saturday 28th March.
  • Oakley 20 mile road race on Sunday 29th March.
  • Maidenhead Easter Ten on Friday 3rd April.
  • Sandy 10 mile road race on Sunday 12th April.
  • Flitwick 10K on Sunday 19th April.
  • London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.
  • County 1500 metres track championship in Stevenage on Monday 4th May.
  • County 5 miles senior championships at Pednor on Monday evening 4th May.
  • Bushy 10K including Herts Veterans road championships on Sunday 5th July.
  • County 10000 metres track championship in Biggleswade on Thursday 9th July.
  • County and Open 3K Relay Championship in Stevenage on Thursday 30th July.
  • County 5K Senior Championships on 2nd September.
  • County 5K Veterans Championship on 16th September.
  • Standalone 10K (inc. country senior champs) in Letchworth on Sunday 4th October.
  • Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.
  • County 10 miles Veterans Championship at Buntingford on 27th December.



Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage?  Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up!  The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010.  It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all.  The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.   

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m.  Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday 

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.30a.m. sharp.  Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m.  There are events to enter every Sunday.  Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session. 

Try a few sessions before joining.  Membership is only £35 per year, £25 without UKA membership.  Concessions are available.  Membership forms are available on the Spartans website  Please ask if you would like a paper copy. 

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566




Roger’s 50th Country 

Snow Saturday and snow forecast for Sunday morning but there was none, not even any ice on the roads, so the Fred Hughes 10 mile road race, incorporating the County senior championships, went ahead with no problems.  In temperatures of about two degrees and tackling the St Albans undulations nine Spartans did the club and themselves proud. 

There were two new personal bests and a season’s best.  STEVE GREEN was 124th out of the 732 finishers in a new personal best of 69 minutes 55 seconds and TIM SABAN 151st in a new PB of 71:36.  JIM BROWN ran a new season’s best 79:15 and was fifth in his category. 

YLLKA ISTREFI was first female for the Spartans.  She was 37th out of the 300 women in 74:56. 

TESSA STEPHENSON ran her first ten mile race for 11 years and finished in 98:30.

DAVE STEPHENSON was 294th in 78:49; ISABEL GREEN 401st overall in 83:34; Club chair BEV HARLOW 542nd in 90:38 and ROGER HARDMAN 571st in 92:26. 

Position Name Time Comments
124 STEVE GREEN 69:55 PB (personal best)
151 TIM SABAN 71:36 PB (personal best)
221 YLLKA ISTREFI (F) 74:56 37th woman out of 300
301 JIM BROWN 79:15 SB. 5V60.
401 ISABEL GREEN (F) 83:34  
542 BEV HARLOW (F) 90:38  
571 ROGER HARDMAN 92:26  
643 TESSA STEPHENSON (F) 98:30 First 10 for 11 years.

The next county championships will be in Watford on 1st February and Berkhamsted on 1st March.


Saturday Parkruns 

Saturday’s Parkrun in Bedford threw up some interesting results.  Snow showers were expected but did not come, so a group of Spartans endured cold temperatures whilst running the flat two and half lap course around Bedford Park.  Fast times were expected and delivered.

First to cross the line for the Spartans was men’s team captain Daniel Bates in a new Parkrun personal best (PB) of 19-57 (missed out on an overall PB by two seconds and gained a course PB as well, destroying the previous result by 37 seconds).  He was 11th out of the 267 finishers.  Tim Saban was second home with a time of 21-02.  Thomas Sauka improved on last week’s result by coming home in 22-04.  Not far behind was Danny Sutton in 22-23.  Verity Fisher also gained a Parkrun PB by 17 seconds to finish in 23-05.  Mark Allen came home in 23-13 whilst Emma Kinsley finished in 26-05. 

Elsewhere on the Parkrun circuit, there was more good news for the Spartans down the road at Panshanger, Hertford.  Martin Wood finished 16th (out of 215 runners) in 20-29 whilst Alison Wood was right behind in and finished 17th in 20-36.  

Further joy was to be had in the Roman town of St Albans where Brian Brackstone finished 3rd in a very impressive time of 17-16, finishing just 20 seconds behind the leader. There were 364 runners for this run.


Andrea in Bushy 

Andrea Westcott ran the Bushy Park 10km on Sunday.  In her first race as part of the Asics / Runners World training group for the Paris Marathon, Andrea clocked a new personal best of 55:26.


Roger’s 50th Country 

ROGER BIGGS travelled to the Bahama Islands in the Northern Caribbean, to run a marathon based in the capital Nassau, taking in much of New Providence Island. Basically flat other that two bridges to climb in the first two miles, the marathon scenery ranged from average to stunning, as at times you ran a few feet away from white sandy beaches.  

It was already 20C when the race started at 6am, topping out at around 27C at the finish.

This was the 50th country in which Roger has run a marathon.  He finished in 6:07:13.


Running London?

Got a place in the London Marathon?   

Every year Fairlands Valley Spartans successful train thirty or more people, many of them first timers, to run the London Marathon.  There are training groups from starters to fast fives to suit everyone.  Why not have a look at or contact Jim Brown 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer 0773 467 8566?  Newcomers very welcome.


Coming Events 

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:   

  • Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 22nd January.
  • Serpentine 5K on Friday 30th January.
  • Watford Half Marathon (County Seniors) on Sunday 1st February.
  • Cross Country League at Therfield Heath, Royston on Sunday 15th February.
  • Bramley 20 mile road race on Sunday 15th February.
  • Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th February.
  • Serpentine 5K on Friday 27th February.
  • Presentation Evening, Dinner and Dance on Friday 27th February.
  • County Veterans Five Mile Championship, and open road race, at Berkhamsted on Sunday 1st March.
  • Finchley 20 mile road race on Sunday 8th March.
  • Silverstone Half Marathon on Sunday 15th March.
  • Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th March.
  • County Cross Country Championships for Veterans in Trent Park on Sunday 22nd March.
  • Welwyn Garden City Half Marathon on Sunday 22nd March.
  • Orion 15 classic cross country on Saturday 28th March.
  • Oakley 20 mile road race on Sunday 29th March.
  • Maidenhead Easter Ten on Friday 3rd April.
  • Sandy 10 mile road race on Sunday 12th April.
  • Flitwick 10K on Sunday 19th April.
  • London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.
  • County 1500 metres track championship in Stevenage on Monday 4th May.
  • Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.



Join The Spartan 

Live in or near Stevenage?  Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up!  The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010.  It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all.  The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.  

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m.  Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday 

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.30a.m. sharp.  Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m.  There are events to enter every Sunday.  Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session. 

Try a few sessions before joining.  Membership is only £35 per year, £25 without UKA membership.  Concessions are available.  Membership forms are available on the Spartans website  Please ask if you would like a paper copy. 

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566


Spring Marathon training and guide

Training for a Spring Marathon?  You may find the attached useful!

VLM Marathon Sunday run training plan



Spartan Women Hanging Onto Second

After four races Stevenage based Fairlands Valley Spartans women’s cross country team is hanging onto second place in the Sunday League by the slimmest of margins. The final race will depend on the last race which is at Therfield on 15th February.

A tremendous 28 Spartans, 18 men and 10 women raced round the weekend’s Sunday Cross Country League fixture in Trent Park, north London. Running over 5 miles BRIAN BRACKSTONE was fifth out of about 400 runners in 29 minutes 42 seconds. Also beating 30 minutes and gaining a top ten place GRANT RAMSAY was seventh in 29:51.

JULIE SIMMONS led in the women’s “A” team. She was 15th female in 39 minutes 2 seconds with MADDIE PRITCHARD 16th in 39:25. The rest of the team consisted of NIKKI WILBY, 30th in 41:08; CLARE MOORE, 31st in 41:11 and HAZEL CLARK, 38th in 41:45. They were fourth out of the 21 teams on the day but are holding onto second place overall by just one point. Fairlands Valley Spartans have 76 but both Harpenden Arrows and St Albans Striders have 75.

The men’s team were fourth on the day and have moved up to fourth out of 21 in the league. The others in the Spartan “A” team were ANDY NEATHAM, 12th in 30:33; DAVIE STAFFORD, 45th in 32:56; MARTIN WOOD, 66th in 34:22; NICHOLAS CROWLEY, 120th in 36:53; STEVE GREEN, 127th in 37:11 and BERNIE BARNABY in 37:37.

Fairlands Valley Spartans also succeeded in finishing complete women’s and men’s “B” teams. The women’s “B” team were led in by VERITY FISHER, 45th female in 42:36 who was supported by LISA GRAY, 55th in 43:19; ISABEL GREEN, 90th in 47:32; STEPH MAYFIELD, 131st in 57:32 and SHARON CROWLEY, 132nd in 58:34. They were fourth out of the six clubs that managed to get teams round.

TIM SABAN was first in for the men’s “B” team. He was 134th in 37 minutes 38 seconds with STEVE MAYFIELD not far behind at 146th in 38:34. PETE SMITH was 171st in 39:52. MARK GOODWIN, 182nd in 40:17; THOMAS SAUKA, 184th in 40:25; ANDY CHURN, 207th in 41:52; JIM BROWN, 255th in 44:03; ANDY PRIOR, 262nd in 44:22 made up the rest of the team. They were fourth out of the eight clubs who managed to get complete male “B” teams round.

In addition JOHN WALLACE was 352nd in 54:02 and PAUL HOLGATE, 360th in 55:26.
























































































The next cross country race will be on Therfield Heath on Sunday 15th February.


A group of Spartans travelled down the A414 to Harlow for Saturday’s parkrun at Harlow Town park. This was a new course which had to be tested but to be honest, it gave the Spartans a bigger test. The two and a bit lap course was not going to be easy with the grassy sections turning into swamps and the gale force winds certainly slowed down all the runners.

First Spartan home was Daniel Bates who finished the course in 21-37 in fifth place despite taking and holding the lead for most of the first lap until he came unstuck in the ‘swamp’ and a minute later Tim Saban strolled down to the line. Thomas Sauka completed his first ever parkrun in 23-46. Mark Allen finished the parkrun in fine style in 25-07, finishing ahead of his partner Emma Kinsley in 26-46. Verity Fisher (28-24) had the last laugh by beating Danny Sutton (28-46) because he decided to do an extra lap. There were 113 runners for this run.

The results for all the Spartans were 5th place – Daniel Bates – 21 minutes 37 seconds; 7th place – Tim Saban – 22:37; 12th place – Thomas Sauka – 23:46; 23rd place – Mark Allen – 25:07; 39th place – Emma Kinsley – 26:46; 51st place – Verity Fisher – 28:24; and 55th place – Danny Sutton – 28:46.


Metropolitan Cross Country League

GRANT RAMSAY was also running cross country on Saturday. In the Metropolitan Cross Country League race over 5.5 miles at Perivale he was 75th out of 400 runners.

Running London?

Got a place in the London Marathon?

Fairlands Valley Spartans have a marathon training clinic at Marriotts Sports Centre at 8p.m. this Thursday (15th). The marathon clinic is going to introduce the club’s marathon training plan to runners that are planning to undertake a spring marathon (e.g. London). There will also offering advice on other aspects of the training, nutrition and kit leading up to and also what to expect on race day. So if that are a new runner or just want to pop along to learn more about distance events, this is a free club event.

Every year Fairlands Valley Spartans successful train thirty or more people, many of them first timers, to run the London Marathon. There are training groups from starters to fast fives to suit everyone. Why not have a look at or contact Jim Brown 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer 0773 467 8566? Newcomers very welcome.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Marathon / Half Marathon seminar at Marriotts Sports Centre at 8p.m. on Thursday 15th January.

Fred Hughes 10 (County Seniors) in St. Albans on Sunday 18th January.

Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 22nd January.

Watford Half Marathon (County Seniors) on Sunday 1st February.

Cross Country League at Therfield Heath, Royston on Sunday 15th February.

Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th February.

Presentation Evening, Dinner and Dance on Friday 27th February.

County Veterans Five Mile Championship, and open road race, at Berkhamsted on Sunday 1st March.

Finchley 20 mile road race on Sunday 8th March.

Silverstone Half Marathon on Sunday 15th March.

Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 19th March.

County Cross Country Championships for Veterans in Trent Park on Sunday 22nd March.

Welwyn Garden City Half Marathon on Sunday 22nd March.

Orion 15 classic cross country on Saturday 28th March.

Oakley 20 mile road race on Sunday 29th March.

Maidenhead Easter Ten on Friday 3rd April.

Sandy 10 mile road race on Sunday 12th April.

Flitwick 10K on Sunday 19th April.

London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.

Stevenage Half Marathon (includes County Veterans) on Sunday 1st November.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.30a.m. sharp. Spartan track training

sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not yet done very much running might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ35 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566



December’s 5k Handicap

Very well done to the 13 Spartans who braved the breezy conditions to take part in the club’s final Handicap 5k of 2014, and a big thank you to Roger Biggs, Jim Brown, Mike Crowley and Nick Witcombe for their help and support with the start and finish.

Winner of the club’s 83rd Handicap 5k was ANDY JAY in 26:03, 59 seconds quicker than his November time, with ROBERT SHAW 2nd in 27:20, 50 seconds faster than last month, and DANIEL BATES 3rd in 20:13, 23 seconds better than his previous Handicap 5k.

Daniel was also quickest runner on the night, with GRAHAM BLACKBURN 2nd quickest in 20:55, and TIM SABAN 3rd fastest in21:16. TRACY PEZ was the quickest female time with 23:00.

The difference between 1st-11th finisher was only 2:19 and 77% of finishers were within 2 minutes of their calculated handicap time. Very well done to you all.

Result 18Dec14,

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY – 2015 Handicap 5k’s will be on the following dates:

22nd January 2015

19th February 2015

19th March 2015

30th April 2015

13th August 2015

17th September 2015

22nd October 2015

19th November 2015

17th December 2015



Runners were getting wet before the start but the clouds parted to give the Spartans a dry run and sunshine finish in the Bedford Harriers Half Marathon from Wootton on Sunday.

This was a rural race basically up hill and into the wind for seven miles then two miles pretty level followed by a downhill tailwind swoop most of the way to the finish.

RYAN DUNNING was the first Spartan to finish. He was 248th out of the 957 finishers in 1 hour 39 minutes 18 seconds. Running her first ever half marathon YLLKA ISTREFI was 319th in 1:43:22. JIM BROWN was running his first half marathon in three years and got round in 1:51:31. He was 509th.

Malaga Marathon

DANIEL BATES says that after what seems like long years hard grind of getting nowhere he got a personal best time in Sunday’s Malaga marathon. He finished in 3 hours 32 minutes 21 seconds beating his previous PB by 2 minutes and 26 seconds. He didn’t quite achieve his target of getting under 3 hours 30 minutes and said that and if he wasn’t mentally strong, he would have given up at half way. Now he’s glad he didn’t.

ROGER BIGGS completed the same event in 5:01:40.

Dymchurch Marathon

On Saturday CAROL PAUL travelled in Dymchurch in Kent to run the Dymchurch marathon. The marathon consisted of five and a half up and back laps along the sea wall. It was a very

cold morning with the sun trying to break through. Carol completed the race in 4 hours 47 minutes 44 seconds.

Cross Country

There was another good turnout of 17 men and 10 women for Sunday’s Cross Country League fixture which was in Cassiobury Park, Watford. The team results are not yet available from the organiser. A full report will be included next week.

The next cross country league race will be in Trent Park on Sunday 11th January.

Running London?

Got a place in the London Marathon? Every year Fairlands Valley Spartans successful train thirty or more people, many of them first timers, to run the London Marathon. There are training groups from starters to fast fives to suit everyone. Why not have a look at or contact Jim Brown 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer 0773 467 8566? Newcomers very welcome.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 18th December

Serpentine 5K In Hyde Park on Friday 19th December (not 26th)

Spartans’ Christmas Drinks and Disco at the Shephall Centre, Stevenage, SG2 9XR from 7.30p.m. on Friday 19th December

Witham Boxing Day Five on Friday 26th December

Buntingford Year End Ten (County Vets Champs) on Sunday 28th December

Ely New Year’s Eve 10K on Wednesday 31st December

Serpentine New Year’s Day 10K in Hyde Park on Thursday 1st January

Herts County Cross Country Championships in St Albans on Sunday 4th January.

Cross Country League at Trent Park on Sunday 11th January.

Fred Hughes 10 (County Seniors) in St. Albans on Sunday 18th January.

Watford Half Marathon (County Seniors) on Sunday 1st February.

Cross Country League at Therfield Heath, Royston on Sunday 15th February.

Presentation Evening, Dinner and Dance on Friday 27th February.

County Veterans Five Mile Championship at Berkhamsted on Sunday 1st March.

Finchley 20 mile road race on Sunday 8th March.

County Cross Country Championships for Veterans in Trent Park on Sunday 22nd March.

London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.00a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not done very much running yet might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ35 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566

Club News

Results from Cross Country Watford

Results from the third Cross Country match of the season, held at Cassiobury Park, Watford are now available





Goo Sunday

Fairlands Valley Spartans fielded three women’s and two men’s teams for the recent Sunday Cross Country League fixture. Achieving one of their best over results they were third overall out of the 21 clubs taking part.

A magnificent 16 Spartan women and 17 men descended on a very wet Grovelands Park, Southgate for the second cross country league race of the season. Over three laps, five miles and a lot of liquid mud many Fairlands Valley runners finished well up in the men’s and women’s races.

In the men’s race the Spartans had two in the top ten. LEE REYNOLDS was fifth in 30 minutes 48 seconds and BRIAN BRACKSTONE seventh in 31:25. The rest of the “A” team consisted of ANDY NEATHAM, 11th in 31:54; DAVIE STAFFORD, 48th in 34:16; LIAM HERBERT in 35:42; MARTIN WOOD, 91st in 36:44; STEVE GREEN, 128th and BERNIE BARNABY, 129th both in 38:58.

ROSIE CANHAM was first in for the women, ninth in 39:24. MADDIE PRITCHARD, 21st in 41:21; MICHELLE REEVES, 28th in 42:20; NIKKI WILBY, 37th in 42:59; and RHIANNON GRIFFIN, 46th in 43:53 made up the rest of the “A” team. Men’s consisted of eight and women’s teams of five runners.

NICHOLAS CROWLEY led in the men’s “B” team. He was 133rd in 39:30 and supported by STEVE MAYFIELD, 138th in 39:58; ANDY CHURN, 181st in 42:39; MARK GOODWIN, 183rd in 42:47; DAVE STEPHENSON, 194th in 43:16; JIM BROWN, 220th in 46:41; MARK

FREEMAN, 225th in 47:07 and PAUL HOLGATE, 238th in 52:44.

HAZEL CLARKE, 48th in 44:07 was first in the women’s “B” team with VERITY FISHER, 55th in 45:38; LISA GRAY, 66th in 46:24; HAYLEY FAULKNER, 67th in 46:25 and LISA LIVERSIDGE, 84th in 48:06.

The other Spartan runners were ISABEL GREEN, 85th in 48:07; JEANETTE COLLINS, 98th in 50:24; TESSA STEPHENSON, 110th in 53:26; NICK WITCOMBE, 240th man in 53:55; LISA GAVIGAN, 115th woman in 54:15; STEPH MAYFIELD, 119th in 55:12 and SHARON CROWLEY, 130th in 58:43..

The women’s and men’s “A” teams were fifth but lack of consistency amongst other clubs gave Fairlands Valley Spartans its third place overall. Amongst the “B” teams the Spartan women were third and the men fourth. Going into the third race the club are 1324 to 1438, just 114 points clear of fourth placed St. Albans Striders but have some work to do to catch Harpenden Arrows.

The next cross country league race will be in Watford on Sunday 7th December.

Carol’s 300th

On Sunday CAROL PAUL completed her 300th marathon or ultra marathon at the Havana Marathon in Cuba. In temperatures of 30 degrees plus on a two lap course of the city Carol completed the marathon in 5 hours 20 minutes 14 seconds. She ran her first marathon in October 1992 at the Snowdon Marathon. In November 2004 saw Carol complete her 100th at the Stevenage marathon. Carol’s 200th marathon was in May 2010 in Hannover Germany.

London Mo-Run

On a beautiful calm late November morning two Spartans ran the London Mo-Run 10K on Saturday morning.

On a hilly 10K course in Greenwich Park new member YLLKA ISTREFI ran a new personal best (PB) time of 45 minutes 48 seconds. She was 10th woman out of 622 and in the top 100 overall (98th out of 1421 finishers).  

In his third race in less than a week Jim Brown was second in his category with 49 minutes 34 seconds. He was 241st.

Already a good runner in the short time since she discovered Fairlands Valley Spartans Yllka has improved from 25 minutes 18 seconds on a fast, flat 5K course to 45:48 for a tough 10K.

50th Anniversary Wolverton

It was a beautiful day for the 50th Anniversary of the Wolverton 5 race.

GRANT RAMSAY was third veteran and 31st overall out of the 284 finishers in 27 minutes 54 seconds; new club treasurer BARRY OSBORNE second veteran (60 plus) and 90th overall in 32:22; RYAN DUNNING 140th in 35:47; STEVE MAYFIELD 151st in 36:24; club chair BEV HARLOW fifth veteran woman (55 plus) in 43:26; and PAUL HOLGATE 243rd in 44:23.

Inaugural Hatfield Five

Christopher Westcott ran the inaugural Hatfield 5 on a beautiful Sunday morning. Christopher finished in 11th place in 29:22, and was the first veteran (V40) finisher.

The three other Spartans taking part ran personal bests STEVE GREEN (32:28); MATT GILL (33:49) and ISABEL GREEN (39:16). The course is a fantastic flat loop of Hatfield.


With a 40 second improvement since last month Jim Brown ran Friday’s Serpentine 5K race in 22 minutes 40 seconds. He was 135th out of the 264 finishers. His time moved him up to 71.1% in the series score. Hazel Clark was 157th in 23 minutes 20 seconds. Conditions in

Hyde Park were mild, dry and there was a medium breeze.

San Sebastian Marathon – Sunday, 30th November 2014

Roger Biggs travelled to the Basque region of Northern Spain and the lovely city of San SebastiĂĄn. The marathon was a two lap, basically flat course that took in the city and the lovely Bay Area, finishing inside the Anoeta Stadium, home of Real Sociedad football club. Roger kept going to finished in 4:41:35.

Parkrun News

New men’s captain Daniel Bates completed the Milton Keynes Parkrun (5km) in 20-09 finishing 13th out 368 runners.

Five Spartans were at the Panshanger Parkrun in Hertford.

Martin Wood was fifth out of the 132 runners in 20 minutes 4 seconds; Tim Saban – 21-42 (15th); Daniel Sutton – 22:59 (28th); Verity Fisher – 24:52 (43rd); and Jeanette Collins – 27:39 (70th).

New Committee

About 50 members attended Fairlands Valley Spartans’ AGM on Friday evening. The club had a fantastic year celebrating its 30th Anniversary; including a successful Stevenage Marathon and with the women’s team doing really well in the cross country league.

The club’s new committee consists of Chair Bev Harlow; Secretary Karen Palmer; Treasurer Barry Osborne; Men’s Captain Daniel Bates; Women’s Captain Nikki Wilby; Press Officer Jim Brown plus Tony Argyrou; Paul Holgate; Paul Marshall; Tracy Pez; Tessa Stephenson; Andrea Westcott and Nick Witcombe.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Cross Country League at Watford on Sunday 7th December

Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 18th December

Serpentine 5K In Hyde Park on Friday 19th December (not 26th)

Spartans’ Christmas Social in Stevenage on Friday 19th December

Buntingford Year End Ten (County Vets Champs) on Sunday 28th December

Ely New Year’s Eve 10K on Wednesday 31st December

Serpentine New Year’s Day 10K in Hyde Park on Thursday 1st January

Herts County Cross Country Championships in St Albans on Sunday 4th January.

Cross Country League at Trent Park on Sunday 11th January.

Fred Hughes 10 in St. Albans on Sunday 18th January.

Watford Half Marathon on Sunday 1st February.

Cross Country League at Therfield Heath, Royston on Sunday 15th February.

Presentation Evening, Dinner and Dance on Friday 27th February.

County Cross Country Championships for Veterans in Trent Park on Sunday 22nd March.

London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.00a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not done very much running yet might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ35 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Karen Palmer (07734678566) or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Karen Palmer (Secretary) 07734678566


5k Handicap November Results

A good turnout for last night’s November handicap 5k despite the cold weather. Many thanks to Roger Biggs, Nick Witcombe and Mike Crowley for their assistance with the start and finish, and also to Andy Prior and Martin Dudley for their support to runners around the course.

Winner on the night, in her debut 5k with the club was new member Jane Foster in an excellent time of 31:25, 4:35 ahead of handicap, followed closely by another new member, Vicky Meredith, in an equally impressive 32:25, 3:35 better than handicap. 

Jason Anderson led the men home, in 3rd position overall, smashing his October handicap 5k PB by 1 massive 1:20 to a superb 18:25, with Michelle Reeves 3rd female overall in a new PB time of her own as she took 41 seconds off her previous PB to 22:15, closely followed by another newcomer, Helen McLean in 5th position with a time of 30:39, 2:21 quicker than handicap. 

David Bate was 2nd man home, taking 5 seconds off his PB to 27:58, with newcomer Martin Nicholas 3rd man in 25:15, 1:20 ahead of handicap, and Callum Beasley improving his PB by 23 seconds to 21:05 in 8th position overall.

There were also PBs for Liz Carvell (+0:49 to 30:53), Elizabeth Crowley (+0:44 to 29:59) and new member Hannah West (37:01) in her 1st 5k, and a season best time for Peter Carpenter (+0:43 to 29:57) and year best times for Pete Smith (+0:46) to 21:55 and Sharon Crowley (35:41), while Felicity Evans (+1:23), Sofia Carpenter & Martin Dudley (+1:17) and Paul Holgate (+0:06) all improved on their previous handicap 5k time recorded.

Jason Anderson’s 18:25 was the fastest time of the evening, with Dean Carpenter 2nd quickest in 20:30 and Tim Saban 3rd fastest in 21:00. Michelle Reeves was quickest female (22:15), with Tracy Pez 2nd fastest in 22:33, Lisa Gray 3rd fastest (24:25) and Sofia Carpenter 4th quickest in 26:31.

62% of finishers were within 1 minute of their handicap and the time difference between 3rd-27th positions as only 2:40.

The December handicap 5k will be on Thursday 18th December. Hope to see as many runners as possible taking part.




A Spartan Army of 23 club members descended on St. Neots for the town’s popular half marathon. In damp conditions Fairlands Valley had two finishers in the top twenty. RICHARD BATE was 13th in 1 hour 17 minutes 39 seconds and SIMON JACKSON 17th in 1:18:37.

DAVIE STAFFORD was 56th in a new personal best of 1 hour 25 minutes 37 seconds and STEVE ELDER 206th in a season’s best 1:36:30. GRAHAM BLACKBURN was the fourth fastest Spartan, 112th in 1:30:13.

SUZY HAWKINS was the club’s fastest woman, 263rd out of the 915 finishers in 1:40:26. TRACY PEZ was 349th in 1:44:16 and MADDIE PRITCHARD 350th in 1:44:19. RUTH REILLY ran an excellent 1:55:58.

Other Spartan times included TIM SABAN (1:37:33); STEVE MAYFIELD (1:39:18); MARK GOODWIN (1:42:59); MATT GILL (1:44:27); VISH SHAH (1:52:08); JAMES ULPH (1:51:59); NICK EMMETT (1:55:56); BARRY KING (1:56:15); Club chair BEV HARLOW (1:56:14); SUE HAMER (2:06:36); JACKIE DOWNES (2:10:11).

ANDY PRIOR and NICK WITCOMBE came over the line in 2.30:29, after a morning of selfies and fun with those around them and the marshals. JO CAHILL finished in 2 hours 33 minutes 27 seconds.

Spartan Times:



Chip Time











Personal Best (PB)







Season’s Best (SB)























































915 finishers.

Shillington Shuffle Off Road Marathon – Sunday, 16th November 2015

Six Spartans tackled the Shillington Shuffle Off Road Marathon on Sunday. This event starts from Barton-Le-Clay, and goes into the surrounding countryside and the local villages of Lilley, Pirton, Stondon & Shillington. It is on a combination of tracks, paths, fields and the odd minor road. There was visibility of no more than 100 metres as the mist stayed most of the day, until a rain storm finally cleared it.

MIKE NEWBITT finished in 6 hours 26 minutes 3 seconds with KAREN LIDDLE and TRICIA HOPPER following in 6:29:15; ROGER BIGGS in 6:37:37 and ROBERT HARDY in 6:46:14.

PAULINE HARDY completed a 12 mile route in 3 hours 35 minutes 33 seconds.

Panshanger Parkrun

MARTIN WOOD and STEVE GREEN competed in Saturday’s Panshanger Parkrun. On a muddy and undulating cross country 5K run Martin finished in 20:54 and Steve in 21:28. The race was free!

Maybe Mud, Mud Glorious Mud

The next Sunday League cross country fixture for the Spartans is in Grovelands Park, North London on Sunday 23rd November. It starts at 10.30a.m. in Grovelands Park, Broad Walk, Southgate, London, N21 3DA. The race is over about 8,000 metres (five miles). No need to enter. There’s a club entry so it’s free for Spartans. Just bring your FVS kit.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 20th November

Cross Country League at Grovelands on Sunday 23rd November

Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park on Friday 28th November

Spartans’ AGM on Friday 28th November

Wolverton Five on Saturday 29th November

Cross Country League at Watford on Sunday 7th December

Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 18th December

Serpentine 5K In Hyde Park on Friday 19th December (not 26th)

Spartans’ Christmas Social in Stevenage on Friday 19th December

Buntingford Year End Ten (County Vets Champs) on Sunday 28th December

Ely New Year’s Eve 10K on Wednesday 31st December

Serpentine New Year’s Day 10K in Hyde Park on Thursday 1st January

Herts County Cross Country Championships in St Albans on Sunday 4th January.

Cross Country League at Trent Park on Sunday 11th January.

Fred Hughes 10 in St. Albans on Sunday 18th January.

Watford Half Marathon on Sunday 1st February.

Cross Country League at Therfield Heath, Royston on Sunday 15th February.

County Cross Country Championships for Veterans in Trent Park on Sunday 22nd March/

London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.00a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not done very much running yet might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ35 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Vivienne Honey 07702 846304 or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Vivienne Honey (Secretary) 07702 846304




Christopher and Andrea Westcott were among the World Record number of 50,564 finishers when they completed the TCS New York marathon recently. Despite winds gusting at over 40mph and some challenging climbs, Chris clocked a time of 2 minutes 57 minutes 46 seconds while Andrea took a huge 61 minutes off her previous best to finish in 4:37:28. The support throughout the race was amazing with a Gospel choir, rappers, soul bands and bagpipes along the way.

Marathon Des Alpes Maritimes- Sunday, 9th November 2014

The Marathon des Alpes Maritimes is billed as the second biggest marathon in France behind Paris. The course runs along or near to the Cote D’Azur, from Nice to Cannes. For the first half, it was dry and flat with no wind and a perfect temperature. However by the time runners reached half way, it was raining, hilly, windy and cooler.

Overall it was still a good day for running as Roger Biggs produced his second best marathon of the year, finishing in 4 hours 34 minutes 16 seconds. Paul Holgate went one better, with his best marathon of the year, finishing in 5:13:29.

Met League

MADDIE PRITCHARD and BERNIE BARNABY ran as guests in the Metropolitan League cross country race at Stevenage on Saturday. The men’s race was eight kilometres and Bernie was 348th out of 450 in 37 minutes 20 seconds. In the women’s race, over six kilometres, Maddie was 85th, well in the top half of the field.

The next Sunday League cross country fixture for the Spartans is in Grovelands Park on Sunday 23rd November.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 20th November

Cross Country League at Grovelands on Sunday 23rd November

Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park on Friday 28th November

Spartans’ AGM on Friday 28th November

Wolverton Five on Saturday 29th November

Cross Country League at Watford on Sunday 7th December

Handicap 5K in Stevenage on Thursday evening 18th December

Serpentine 5K In Hyde Park on Friday 19th December (not 26th)

Spartans’ Christmas Social in Stevenage on Friday 19th December

Buntingford Year End Ten (County Vets Champs) on Sunday 28th December

Ely New Year’s Eve 10K on Wednesday 31st December

Serpentine New Year’s Day 10K in Hyde Park on Thursday 1st January

Cross Country League at Trent Park on Sunday 11th January.

Fred Hughes 10 in St. Albans on Sunday 18th January.

Watford Half Marathon on Sunday 1st February.

Cross Country League at Therfield Heath, Royston on Sunday 15th February.

London Marathon on Sunday 26th April.

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.00a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not done very much running yet might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ35 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Vivienne Honey 07702 846304 or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Vivienne Honey (Secretary) 07702 846304




There was a Fairlands Valley Spartans one two in the Stevenage 30th Anniversary Marathon On Sunday.

GRANT RAMSAY led throughout to win in 2 hours 43 minutes 42 seconds. ANDREW PATTERSON was second with a new personal best of 2 hours 52 minutes 35 seconds.

There was driving rain for the first 13.1 miles lap but 234 completed the full marathon. 544 finished the supporting half marathon race. The marathon incorporated the Hertfordshire County Championships.

The local club had huge success in the team events. The Spartans’ male and female teams were winners. The men’s team of Grant Ramsay (2:43:42); Andrew Patterson (2:52:35); SIMON JACKSON (3:09:05) and DAVIE STAFFORD (3:12:57) won the open event and won the county championship.

NATALIE LAWRENCE (3:35:02); NICOLA HABERLAND (3:39:40) and KERSTIN WEINER (4:05:01) won the women’s open race and county championship.

MICHAEL GREEN (3:22:02); RICHARD KENNEDY (3:32:41); DAVID BATES (3:42:24) and JOHN NELMS (3:58:39) won BRONZE in the county championship.

The Spartans also won SILVER in the women’s race with CAROL PAUL (4:57:51), KAREN LIDDLE (5:04:24) and TRICIA HOPPER (also 5:04:24). Carol, Tricia and SHARON CROWLEY (6:03:17) won SILVER in the County team race.

The Spartan men also won SILVER in the male veterans’ (over 40s) team race with Grant, Michael, JOHN NELMS (3:56:05) and ROBERT EVANS (4:02:05).

In addition to Grant’s GOLD and Andrew Patteron’s SILVER there was lots of individual success in the county championships. NATALIE LAWRENCE (3:34:19) won GOLD in the senior women’s championship; NICOLA HABERLAND (3:49:21) won the women veteran’s (35 plus) GOLD; KERSTIN WEINER (4:04:30) took SILVER in the 35 plus category; MICHAEL GREEN (3:21:30) BRONZE the men’s 50 plus category; CAROL PAUL (4:57:51) and TRICIA HOPPER (5:04:24) took SILVER and BRONZE in the women’s 45 plus category.

Sunday’s Stevenage Marathon was Spartan SHARON CROWLEY’s 200th Marathon. She ran her first marathon at the first Stevenage Marathon back in 1984, has since run the Stevenage Marathons in 1994 and 2004. And now 2014. Her son, Nicholas, was running this Stevenage Marathon as his first marathon. Roger Biggs, Mike Newbitt & Robert Hardy have run all 4 Stevenage marathons

In the half marathon Spartans SUZY HAWKINS (1:38:21); TRACY PEZ (1:42:24) and JENNIFER BIRKIN (1:45:05) won the women’s team prize. Suzy was second veteran woman (35 plus).

The fastest women in the full marathon was Fiona Oakes from Vegan Runners in 3:06:47. She was nearly 27 minutes ahead of her nearest rival.

Mark Vaughan from North Herts Road Runners won the half marathon in 1 hour 14 minutes 46 seconds just ahead of James Cordwell from Victoria Park Harriers and Tower Hamlets AC (n.b. one club name) in 1:14:56

The Stevenage Marathon is only organised every ten years. This year’s event was held on the precise 30th anniversary of the founding of Fairlands Valley Spartans.  Full results are here:

Spartan Marathon Results:


First Name

Last Name







Male V40-49


Winner. GOLD. 1St V40.




Male Open


County SILVER.




Male Open





Male Open





Male V50-59






Male Open





Female Open


3rd woman. County GOLD




Male Open





Female V35-44






Male V40-49





Male V40-49





Female V35-44






Male Open





Male V40-49





Male V40-49





Male Open





Male Open





Female V45-54






Male Open





Female V55-64





Female V45-54






Male V40-49





Male V60-69





Male V50-59





Male V60-69





Female V55-64





Male V60-69


Spartan Half Marathon Results


First Name

Last Name






Male V40-49





Female V35-44





Male Open





Male V40-49





Male V40-49





Male V50-59





Female V35-44





Male Open





Female V35-44





Female V35-44





Female V45-54





Female V45-54





Female Open





Male V60-69





Female Open





Male V40-49





Female V45-54


Spartan Women Win Cross Country

Fairlands Valley Spartans WON the women’s race against 20 other teams in the first race in the Cross Country League.

Overall the Spartans were sixth on 694 points just behind Team Trisports on 665 but well ahead of London Heathside who had 966.

MADDIE PRITCHARD was the fastest woman for the club. She was eighth in 37 minutes 21 seconds. JULIE SIMMONS was 12th in 37:46; TRACY PEZ 14th in 38:12; NIKKI WILBY 17th in 38:32; CLARE MOORE 19th in 38:59; MICHELLE REEVES 30th in 40:02; HAYLEY FAULKNER 60th in 43:07 and FELICITY EVANS 112th in 50:44.

The next cross country league race will be on 23rd November.


First Name

Last Name











































Spartan Men


First Name

Last Name














































































Summer At Serpentine

The last Friday of the Month lunch time 5K was held in incredible conditions for the 31st October. MADDIE PRITCHARD and JIM BROWN enjoyed a Halloween Summer with temperatures around 23 degrees in Hyde Park. Maddie was 77th out of the 248 finishers in 20 minutes 39 seconds and Jim 144th in 23:20. That lifts his series average to 70.7%.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Cross Country League at Grovelands on Sunday 23rd November

Wolverton Five on Saturday 29th November

Cross Country League at Watford on Sunday 7th December

Buntingford Year End Ten on Sunday 28th December

Ely New Year’s Eve 10K on Wednesday 31st December

Serpentine New Year’s Day 10K in Hyde Park on Thursday 1st January

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.00a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not done very much running yet might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ35 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Vivienne Honey 07702 846304 or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Vivienne Honey (Secretary) 07702 846304



Cheshunt Cross Country Results

Fantastic result, well done to all who ran, the ladies are currently in top place!!

Hope to see many of you out again at Grovelands on 23 November!



Club News

Catch A Coach, October

This month the focus is on injuries, not for any particular reason, but occasionally injuries happen so preparation can be key!

Catch A Coach (October)



GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE, PBs at Peterborough

Heavy rain leading up to the second race in the Hatfield 5k Series did not stop Fairlands Valley Spartans coming away with Gold, Silver & Bronze medals in the Hertfordshire County Senior championship which was included in Wednesday’s race.

Maddie Pritchard, Suzy Hawkins and Clare Moore won GOLD in the women’s team event, while Grant Ramsay, Simon Jackson, Ian Yenney and Davie Stafford came away with the SILVER medal in the men’s team race. Grant Ramsay also won an individual BRONZE medal, finishing third in the men’s race.

The Spartan ladies also won the team event in the main race and now lie in second position overall after two races, just one point behind the leaders, while the men were second in their main event and after two races are first equal with St Albans Striders going into the final race which is on Wednesday 22nd October.

Grant Ramsay finished fourth overall in 16 minutes 30 seconds, 4 seconds quicker than race one, to also win the male veteran (40 plus) category, with Simon Jackson ninth in 16:59, 3 seconds faster than two weeks previously. Ian Yenney was 14th in 17:31 – exactly the same time as on the 24th September.

Maddie Pritchard was fourth in the ladies race in a new personal best (PB) of 20:43, 23 seconds quicker. Suzy Hawkins was tenth, smashing her PB by 1 minute 42 seconds to 21:52 and Clare Moore was 11th, in a new PB of 21:57, 2 seconds faster than in race 1. Barry Osborne was also second overall in the male veteran (60 plus) category in a new season’s best time of 20:03.

Altogether eleven Spartans completed the race in total. The others were Davie Stafford 18:25 (PB); Steve Elder 20:20 (PB); Andy Churn 22:18 and Paul Holgate 27:25.








Team Silver. County Bronze. YB




Team Silver.




Team Silver.








2nd Vet 60. SB








Team Gold. PB




Team Gold. PB




Team Gold. PB








Peterborough Half Marathon

It was a beautiful, although perhaps a little too warm at times, morning for the Peterborough Half Marathon, but that did not prevent some fantastic times by the sixteen Spartans taking part. There were new life time personal bests for Chris Westcott (91 out of the 3,787 finishers in 1:19:43); Ruth Reilly (1,656 in 1:54:12); Andy Smith (1,821 in 1:56:56); David Peach (1,953 in 1:58:36); Jackie Downes (2:06:55); Julien Stoll (2:19:50); Jo Cahill (2:23:50); and Hayley Peach (2:28:30). Jayne Pinner put her first aid skills to good use assisting a fellow runner who had collapsed on the course, before continuing with her own run. Vicky Nash finished in 2 hours 7 minutes 22 seconds.

Spartan Times:



Time (Chip Time)





PB (3:10)










PB (2:52)




PB (0:32)








PB (22:07)











PB (6:28)














PB (0:42)




PB (8:31)




Ware Ten

Spartan GRANT RAMSAY WON the new Ware 10 in 57 minutes 36 seconds. TIM SABAN covered the ten miles in 1 hour 14 minutes 52 seconds and was 51st overall. ANDREW JORDAN and MARK GOODWIN were only separated by two seconds at the end – Andrew 60th in 76:37 and Mark 61st in 76:39. STEVE GREEN was 120th in 1:24:57; JEANNETTE COLLINS 170th in 1:33:58; JAN FRY ran a new personal best of 1 hour 44 minutes 35 seconds and DAWN EASBY finished in 1:56:13..

Isle of Wight Marathon

On Sunday CAROL PAUL ran the Isle of Wight marathon. Not a course for the faint hearted, quite a few hills with roads open to traffic and heavy rain in the last six miles. Carol was second female veteran (45 plus) in 5 hours 6 minutes 19 seconds.

Royal Parks Half Marathon

Returning to 13.1 miles after foot surgery PETE SMITH ran the Royal Parks Half Marathon in 1:37:18

Yorkshire Marathon

ROGER BIGGS took the train to York for a popular marathon starting/finishing in the City of York, but also taking in the local area. A few hills, but generally a good day for running, although not for spectating, as a mist hung around all day.

Struggling with an Achilles for the whole year, Roger managed to all run the marathon in 4:23:02, a full 37 minutes quicker than his previous best in 2014.

Studland Stampede

On Sunday Martin Price made a return from injury by running the 12 kilometres Studland Stampede in Dorset in a time of 1:06:29. He says it was a fantastic race with amazing views all the way round.

Stevenage Marathon and Half Marathon

Get Sunday 2nd November in your diary. The Stevenage Marathon is only organised every ten years and it takes place this Autumn. The annual half marathon will be on the same day. It’s the exact 30th Anniversary for Fairlands Valley Spartans. Visit for more information.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Cross Country League at Cheshunt on Sunday 26th October

Stevenage 30th Anniversary Marathon and Half Marathon on Sunday 2nd November

Cross Country League at Grovelands on Sunday 23rd November

Cross Country League at Watford on Sunday 7th December

Buntingford Year End Ten on Sunday 28th December

Ely New Year’s Eve 10K on Wednesday 31st December

Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.30a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not done very much running yet might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or

Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ35 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Vivienne Honey 07702 846304 or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Vivienne Honey (Secretary) 07702 846304


Club News


Dear Spartans,
We are fast approaching the AGM which is on Friday 28th November, 7:30pm, at the Ellen Terry Suite at the Gordon Craig – please put the date in your diaries.
There will be coffee available and, as last year, there will be a pay bar. We also hope to be holding the Virgin London Marathon draw, and there will be a draw for a free place for the Milton Keynes Marathon (4th May 2015) which anybody present at the AGM is able to enter, so please do come along and join the fun.
If you would like to contribute more to your club, there will be vacancies in the coming year. In particular we are looking for a treasurer, a membership secretary and a race promoter, but there will also be a need for other committee members. If you think you would like to know more, or think you could help out please contact Viv Honey on
Any nominations for life members must be notified to Viv Honey by 21st October so that they can be discussed by the committee in advance of the AGM.
The official notice of the AGM along with any changes to the constitution will be sent out at least 28 days in advance of the meeting.
Beverley Harlow

Club News

Stevenage Half and Stevenage Marathon Entry List

The current entry list for the full and half marathon being held on 2nd November is now available here:

SHM & MAR Entries 2014 (Updated 19/10/14)

Entries are still open, details of how to enter and of the route are available here:



The Spartan Army was out in force in Letchworth and Bournemouth at the weekend. MADDIE PRITCHARD was second senior woman at the Standalone 10K.

31 Fairlands Valley Spartans ran the Standalone 10K on Sunday. Maddie Pritchard was second senior woman (18 to 34s) and in the top 10% of the whole race with her time of 42 minutes 8 seconds.

There were new lifetime personal bests for STEVE ELDER (43:08); ISABEL GREEN (48:29); RUTH REILLY (53:00) and JACKIE DOWNES (55:15).

IAN YENNEY was the fastest Spartan, 22nd out of the 1,138 finishers in 37 minutes 26 seconds. He was followed in by two more sub 40s – MICHAEL GREEN, 61st in 39:47 and DAVID BOWKER, 65th in 39:53. MANESH CHUDASAMA was fourth Spartan, 74th in 40:13.

TRACY PEZ ran her fastest ever time on the Standalone course. She was 184th in 44:33. CLAIRE PULLEN was the Spartans’ third woman, 214th in 45:14 and NIKKI WILBY fourth, 227th in 45:30.

All 31 Spartan times:









Senior Men

9th senior




Male 50 plus

11th 50+




Male 50 plus

12th 50+




Senior Men




Senior Men




Male 40 plus




Senior Ladies

SECOND senior woman!




Male 40 plus




Male 50 plus

PB by 1:48




Male 40 plus




Senior Men




Female 35+

Course PB (8th FV35)




Male 50 plus




Male 40 plus




Female 45+

4th FV45




Senior Ladies

5th senior woman




Female 55+

4th FV55




Male 40 plus




Female 35+

PB (personal best)




Male 50 plus




Senior Ladies

PB (personal best)




Senior Ladies




Male 40 plus




Female 35+




Female 35+

PB (personal best)




Senior Ladies




Male 50 plus




Female 35+




Female 35+




Female 55+




Male 70 plus

Bournemouth Marathon

Spartans SUE HAMER, VISH SHAH, HANNAH SYPULA, JON SYPULA and KERSTIN WEINER were at the Bournemouth Marathon Festival.

Kerstin knocked five minutes of her previous marathon best when she finished in 4 hours 8 minutes 6 seconds. Jon finished in the same time. Sue ran her first marathon in 5 hours 19 minutes 12 seconds and Hannah finished in 5:19:30.

Vish ran the half marathon in 1:47:59.

Monaghan Phoenix Marathon – Sunday, 5th October 2014

Roger Biggs travelled to the town of Monaghan in North Central Ireland for the inaugural running of the Monaghan Phoenix Marathon,

The course involved five laps, of which 90% was on hilly trails inside the Rossmore Forest Park. A dull and breezy day, but protected from the winds inside the park. Almost perfect for running once temperatures warmed up from the early 8am start.

Once again Roger ran a consistent race to finish the tough event in 5:09:23.


Stevenage Marathon and Half Marathon

Get Sunday 2nd November in your diary. The Stevenage Marathon is only organised every ten years and it takes place this Autumn. The annual half marathon will be on the same day. It’s the exact 30th Anniversary for Fairlands Valley Spartans. Visit for more information.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Henlow 10 on Wednesday 8th October

County 5K Senior Championship in Hatfield on Wednesday 8th October

Cross Country League at Cheshunt on Sunday 26th October

Stevenage 30th Anniversary Marathon and Half Marathon on Sunday 2nd November

Cross Country League at Grovelands on Sunday 23rd November

Cross Country League at Watford on Sunday 7th December

Buntingford Year End Ten on Sunday 28th December

Ely New Year’s Eve 10K on Wednesday 31st December

Join The Spartans

Live in or near ? Like running? Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the ’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at – a , , (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.00a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not done very much running yet might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ35 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Vivienne Honey 07702 846304 or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Vivienne Honey (Secretary) 07702 846304


SPARTANS WIN IN HATFIELD – Gold for Julie and Silver for Grant

Gold for Julie and Silver for Grant

Fairlands Valley Spartans GRANT RAMSAY, SIMON JACKSON, CHRIS WESTCOTT and IAN YENNEY WON the men’s team race at Wednesday’s Hatfield 5K.

CLARE MOORE, JULIE SIMMONS and HAYLEY FAULKNER were third team in the women’s race, while Clare, Julie & ANDREA WESTCOTT won bronze in the county vets ladies championship which was incorporated in the race.

Julie also WON the women’s (55 plus) category in both the open and county veterans events and Grant was second male veteran (40 plus), in both the open and county veterans race.

FVS results:


First Name

Last Name









Silver. Team winner.






Third senior. Team winner.






PB. Team winner.






Team winner.
















PB. Bronze team.











Gold and bronze team.












PB. Third senior woman






PB. Bronze team.






There were 140 finishers. The second race in the series is on Wednesday 8th October.

PB PPPB for Maddie

There was a personal best for improving Spartan MADDIE PRITCHARD in the Preston Park Parkrun, Brighton on Saturday morning. She was third woman in 20 minutes 27 seconds.

Wicked Walden

TIM SABAN ran the “Wicked Walden” 10K in 44 minutes 23 seconds. He was 51st in the race at Saffron Walden.


Just 12 hours after enjoying the club’s 30th anniversary celebrations, two Spartans were on Biggleswade Track chasing fast times at the end of season open meeting. The excesses of the previous night didn’t affect GRANT RAMSAY who came second in the 5000 metres with a time of 16 minutes 22 seconds, his fastest for five years. STEVE MAYFIELD finished 4th in the 800 metres in 2 minutes 22.8 seconds taking over two seconds off his personal best (PB) from three years ago.

Spartans’ GRANT RAMSAY has recovered well since taking part in the European Championships Marathon in Turkey. Much of this down to the ongoing support from his sponsors Osteopathy First in Stevenage, in the form of gym and strength work from Rob Hill, which is greatly appreciated.

Jim Tops 70%

JIM BROWN ran the Last Friday 5K round the Serpentine in a slightly disappointing 23 minutes 47 seconds but it was good enough to lift his series average past 70 to 70.4%.

Windsor Half Marathon

ISABEL GREEN ran in the Windsor half marathon in a time of 1 hour 54 minutes 48 minutes and was 806th out of the 4,097 finishers. It was a surprisingly warm day and the course was undulating but very scenic. The long finishing straight was towards the castle, and in the distance she was sure the queen was waving from an upstairs window! Well, it was a hot day.

KERSTIN WEINER was 2,301st in 2:12:37.

Ely Marathon

DAVID BOWKER ran a rather flat and warm Ely Marathon on Sunday with a time of 4 hours 11 minutes. He was surprised by the amount of road in what was advertised as a multi terrain event and commented that there were some very long straight sections which were not for the feint hearted. He says his highlight of the day was running alongside several miles of onion fields!


ROGER BIGGS travelled to North Devon for the inaugural running of The Barnstaple Marathon. The organisers had managed to find a basically flat course using the Tarka Trail on both sides of the River Taw.

On a glorious warm day, Roger ran a good even event, but still had to find a sprint finish to cross the line in 4:59:59, his best marathon in 2014.

30th Anniversary

Fairlands Valley Spartans enjoyed their 30th Anniversary Ball at Aston Golf Course on Friday evening. The actual anniversary falls on 2 November 2014. The exact day of this year’s Stevenage Marathon and Half Marathon.

Stevenage Marathon and Half Marathon

Get Sunday 2nd November in your diary. The Stevenage Marathon is only organised every ten years and it takes place this Autumn. The annual half marathon will be on the same day. Visit for more information.

Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

Henlow 10 on Wednesday 8th October

County 5K Senior Championship in Hatfield on Wednesday 8th October

Cross Country League at Cheshunt on Sunday 26th October

Stevenage 30th Anniversary Marathon and Half Marathon on Sunday 2nd November

Cross Country League at Grovelands on Sunday 23rd November

Cross Country League at Watford on Sunday 7th December

Buntingford Year End Ten on Sunday 28th December

Ely New Year’s Eve 10K on Wednesday 31st December

Join The Spartans

Live in or near ? Like running? Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the ’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at – a , , (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.00a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not done very much running yet might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ35 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Vivienne Honey 07702 846304 or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Vivienne Honey (Secretary) 07702 846304





Steve Second at St. Paul’s Walden

There was a superb turnout with many fantastic performances for Thursday night’s warm and humid Handicap 5K on the Fairlands and Martins Way course in Stevenage. 47 runners took part including 17 newcomers to Fairlands Valley Spartans 

Winner on the night was JIM MOORE, paced round by wife Clare, in a fantastic time of 28 minutes 52 seconds (3:08 quicker than handicap). Newcomer LIZ CARVELL was first female over the line, in 31:42 (1:18 ahead of handicap), closely followed by second male Callum Beasley, in a new personal best (PB) of 22:03. Another newcomer, Daniel Thorby, was third man home, in a very quick 18 minutes 23 seconds. Sofia Carpenter was second female and 10th overall, in 24:50, and Sue Hamer third woman in25:54, an improvement of 45 seconds on her PB..

Daniel Thorby’s 18:23 was the quickest time of the evening, with Davie Stafford second fastest in a new PB time of 18:56. David Bowker was third quickest, in 19:55.

The fastest female was Nicola Haberland in 23:27, with Sofia second fastest (24:50) and Hayley Faulkner third fastest in a new PB of 24:53.

In handicap races the slower runners, based on previous performances, start first. In theory if everyone runs “to form” they will finish together. Therefore the winners are the greatest improvers.

All 47 times:

Position First Name Last Name Time Time Position Female Time Comments
1 JIM MOORE 28:52 32   1st 5K
2 CLARE MOORE 28:52 33 9  
3 LIZ CARVELL 31:42 38 11 1st 5K
4 CALLUM BEASLEY 22:03 13   PB (0.01)
5 DANIEL THORBY 18:23 1   1st 5K
6 DAVID PEACH 27:04 27   PB (0:34)
7 CHARLIE CRACHTON 28:40 30   1st 5K
8 MARTYN PHILLIPS 28:43 31   1st 5K
9 MARTIN DUDLEY 24:50 20    
10 SOFIA CARPENTER 24:50 21 2  
11 SUE HAMER 25:54 24 5 PB (0:45)
12 JOSH SMITH 21:12 11   1st 5K
13 NICOLA HABERLAND 23:27 16 1  
14 STEVE ELDER 21:00 8   PB (0:20)
15 JACKIE ANGUS 34:03 41 14 1st 5K
16 BEVERLEY HARLOW 27:04 26 7  
17 DEAN CARPENTER 20:09 4   YB
18 DAVIE STAFFORD 18:56 2   PB (0:23)
19 JOHN NELMS 21:27 12   1st 5K
20 VISHAL SHAH 22:44 14    
21 SIMON TANG 20:18 5   1st 5K
22 ROBERT SHAW 27:19 28    
23 MATT GILL 20:20 6    
24 DAVID BATE 29:21 34   SB
25 HAYLEY FAULKNER 24:53 22 3 PB (0:22)
26 MARK BEASLEY 21:07 10    
27 VIVIENNE HONEY 27:55 29 8 SB
28 PAUL MARSHALL 23:58 19   PB (0:00)
29 RICHARD KENNEDY 21:03 9   PB (0:18)
30 DONNA LEE 35:48 42 15 1st 5K
31 SELVAN NAICKER 23:50 17   YB
32 STEVE GREEN 20:37 7   PB (1:21)
33 DAVID BOWKER 19:55 3    
34 RUTH REILLY 26:10 25 6 PB (0:28)
35 KRYSIA MALLABAR 32:30 39 12 1st 5K
36 ANNE SPILLER 25:02 23 4  
37 HAYLEY PEACH 32:35 40 13 PB (1:17)
38 DAVE STEPHENSON 23:53 18   YB
39 HILARY DAVIES 30:46 37 10 1st 5K
40 PAUL MAGUIRE 23:16 15   PB (0:07)
41 PETER CARPENTER 30:40 36   SB
42 BEN CRISP 29:42 35   1st 5K
43 JOHN MAHONEY 38:33 43   1st 5K
44 LOUISE HOLMES 51:02 44 16 1st 5K
45 CHERYL HORTON 51:02 44 16 1st 5K
46 TANYA FRASER 51:02 44 16 1st 5K
47 TESSA STEPHENSON 51:02 44 16 SB


October Handicap 5k will be on Thursday evening 23rd October.


David at Masters

DAVID BOWKER ran in the British Masters Athletics Federation 10K in the Birmingham Alexander Stadium on Sunday. He was fourth in 40 minutes 46 seconds.


Swansea Bay

Despite very warm weather in South Wales, ROB EVANS smashed his previous personal best by over a minute in the Swansea Bay 10k. His time was 44 minutes 31 seconds.

Future Spartans Hywel Evans and James Evans ran the 1k races in around 5 minutes and 7 minutes respectively.


Second At St Paul’s

STEVE GREEN ran the St Paul’s Walden, off road, scenic and undulating 10K on Sunday in a new personal course best of 44mins 16 sec and surprised himself by finishing second man and third overall. Georgina & Daniel Green both completed the 2k fun run in 15mins 57 sec. Steve says the Nigerian food afterwards was fantastic!


Hursley, Hampshire

DANIEL BATES finished 57th out of 525 runners in the 10 kilometres race at Hursley, Hampshire on Sunday this morning with a time of 44-57


Grunty Fry

Recently Spartan JAN FRY completed the Grunty Fen Half Marathon in 2 hours 21 minutes 39 seconds. She was third in her category.


Stevenage Marathon and Half Marathon

Get Sunday 2nd November in your diary. The Stevenage Marathon is only organised every ten years and it takes place this Autumn. The annual half marathon will be on the same day. Visit for more information.


Coming Events

Many Spartans will be enjoying a busy programme of races, social and training events over the next few weeks including the:

  • Wear red for training at 7p.m. on Tuesday 23rd September (Air Ambulance Appeal)
  • County 5K Veteran Championship in Hatfield on Wednesday 24th September
  • Serpentine Last Friday 5K on Friday 26th September
  • Spartans Fall Ball (Autumn Social) in Stevenage on Friday 26th September
  • Henlow 10 on Wednesday 8th October
  • County 5K Senior Championship in Hatfield on Wednesday 8th October
  • Cross Country League at Cheshunt on Sunday 26th October
  • Stevenage 30th Anniversary Marathon and Half Marathon on Sunday 2nd November
  • Cross Country League at Grovelands on Sunday 23rd November
  • Cross Country League at Watford on Sunday 7th December
  • Buntingford Year End Ten on Sunday 28th December
  • Ely New Year’s Eve 10K on Wednesday 31st December


Join The Spartans

Live in or near Stevenage? Like running? Fairlands Valley Spartans is your local running club and is on the up! The club was voted the UK’s Best Running Club in 2010. It now has hundreds of members and encourages participation by all. The Spartans have a varied training programme to suit those who want to run 5 kilometres through to full marathons.

The Spartans weekday training sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Go along to the new sports centre at Marriotts School – a Sports College, Telford Avenue, Stevenage (SG2 8UT) at 7p.m. Up to five running groups go out on training nights – there will be one to suit you!

The Spartan Starter group starts from Marriotts at 7.30p.m. every Monday (except public holidays) and 7p.m. every Thursday.

Most long Sunday morning training sessions start 9.00a.m. sharp. Spartan track training sessions are held at Ridlins Athletics Track, Woodcock Road, Stevenage most Saturdays from 9.15a.m. There are events to enter every Sunday. Newcomers are very welcome – those who have not done very much running yet might prefer to start with a Thursday, Saturday or Monday session.

Try a few sessions before joining. Membership is only ÂŁ35 per year, ÂŁ25 without UKA membership. Concessions are available. Membership forms are available on the Spartans website Please ask if you would like a paper copy.

If you want to know more about the Spartans please contact Jim Brown (0793 968 7509), Vivienne Honey 07702 846304 or visit their website


More from Jim Brown (Press Officer) 0793 968 7509 or Vivienne Honey (Secretary) 07702 846304


5k Handicap Results with 29 PB’s!!!!!

A superb turnout with many fantastic performances for last night’s warm and humid Handicap 5k, with 47 runners taking part including 17 newcomers to the club. Thank you to everybody who took part.

A big thank you also to Roger Biggs for his support with the start and finish; to Clare Moore, Tessa Stephenson and Martin Dudley for their support to runners around the course; and also to Rob Shaw for his support at the finish.

Winner on the night was Jim Moore, paced round by wife Clare, in a fantastic time of 28:52, 3:08 quicker than handicap. Newcomer Liz Carvell was first female home, in 31:42, 1:18 ahead of handicap, closely followed by 2nd male Callum Beasley, in a new PB of 22:03, with another newcomer, Daniel Thorby, 3rd man home, in a very quick 18:23. Sofia Carpenter was 2nd female in 10th position overall, in 24:50, and Sue Hamer 3rd lady in a 45 seconds PB of 25:54.

Daniel Thorby’s 18:23 was the quickest time of the evening, with Davie Stafford 2nd quickest in a new PB time of 18:56, and David Bowker 3rd quickest, in 19:55.

Fastest female was Nicola Haberland in 23:27, with Sofia 2nd fastest (24:50) and Hayley Faulkner 3rd fastest in a new PB of 24:53.

In total there were 29 PBs recorded, including also Steve Green +1:21 to 20:37, Hayley Peach + 1:17 to 32:35, David Peach +0:34 to 27:04, Ruth Reilly +0:28 to 26:10, Steve Elder +0:20 to 21:00, Richard Kennedy +0:18 to 21:03 and Paul Maguire +0:07 to 23:16, as well as first time 5k’s by Charlie Crachton 28:40, Martyn Phillips 28:43, Josh Smith 21:12, Jackie Angus 34:03, John Nelms 21:27, Simon Tang 20:18, Donna Lee 35:48, Krysia Mallabar 32:30, Hilary Davies 30:46, Ben Crisp 29:42, John Mahoney 38:33, and, Louise Holmes, Cheryl Horton & Tanya Fraser 51:02.

There were also season best times for David Bate, Vivienne Honey, Peter Carpenter and Tessa Stephenson, and year best times for Dean Carpenter, Selvan Naicker and Dave Stephenson.

71% of finishers finished within 1 minute of their adjusted handicap, and whilst there was a time difference between the fastest runner and the slowest of 32:39, the difference between 4th  finisher and 41st was just 2:13.

October Handicap 5k will be on Thursday 23rd October.


Result 18Sep14

Club News


Catch A Coach (September)

The latest issue of Catch-A-Coach is now available!  Full of interesting news, particularly to those in Group 3 who have unwittingly been p