Club Handicap Races

Monthly 5K Handicap

The FVSpartans 5K handicap is held on a monthly basis on Thursday nights. It is a club only race timed by stopwatch. It is open to all members of the Spartans, regardless of speed, and follows a pre-set measured course.

Each runner is given a handicap based on their 5K personal best (PB) time. If they have never run a 5K before a suggested time based on current training is used.

The slowest runners are sent out first and subsequent runners are sent out at intervals depending on their PB time. The object is for all the runners finish at approximately the same time in a close race finish.

eg. A fast runner with a PB of 20mins would start 25mins behind a runner with a PB of 45mins. Therefore, the faster runner is chasing the slower runner. The faster runner may not catch the slower runner and can therefore be beaten.

Watch the club program and facebook for dates and results.

Annual 5 and 10 mile Handicap

The 5mile and 10mile handicap races are held annually on a Sunday morning in November. The format is the same as the 5k.