Six Fairlands Valley Spartans accepted an invitation from Stevenage and North Herts Athletics Club to join them at their open track event.
Spartan SIMON JACKSON won the men’s 1500 metres race at the SNHAC Track Open event at Ridlins on Saturday afternoon. He finished in 4 minutes 38.61 seconds. NICK GILL was next in for Fairlands Valley with 5 minutes 3 seconds exactly.
PETER ORTON came in with 5:49.93; NICK KLEANTHOUS, running his first 1500, with 6:34.47 and JIM BROWN was first in his category with 8:08.62.
In the women’s race JANE WADEY, also running her first 1500, was sixth with 9:12.89.
Jane said that it was her first attempt at 1500m and although it was hard, she was pleased in the end as she managed my best pace yet.
Brighton Marathon Weekend
Spartans STEVE DOBNER and DAVE PATTMAN ran the Brighton Marathon on Sunday.
Steve said it was pretty chilly on arrival but the sun came out to warm the day. Lots of hairpin turns and hillier than they anticipated.
He was really pleased to complete it in 3:47:33 for a 25 minute PB and achieving a sub 4 after struggling for the last 3 or 4 miles.
Dave Pattman came home in 3:52 and said with his sub 4 he is retiring from marathons – well until he runs Beachy Head in October.
Paris Marathon
MIKE JEFFS took part in the Paris marathon on Sunday. He said that the event was incredible, really well supported and organised.
He completed the course in 3:13:18 taking 11 mins off his PB. Leading up to the day he had struggled with his knee but on the day it played ball and he was able to take in the sites and keep a good pace. He now has 3 weeks to rest before doing it all again in London!
London Landmarks Half Marathon
Spartan CHRIS WATLING finished the London Landmarks Half Marathon in (what he called) a respectable 1.55:02
He said it’s a race he’s always wanted to do and he thoroughly enjoyed it!
Danny Scanlon finished the Landmarks in 1:30:21.
Sandy 10
CLAIRE PULLEN finished in 1 hour 18 minutes 18 seconds for 84th place. JIM BROWN and TRICIA HOPPER raced together over the last mile with Jim finishing 172 in 1:31:15 and Tricia 173rd in 1:31:17. SHARON CROWLEY came in with 1:47:55 and PAUL HOLGATE with 1:49:50.
Serpentine 5k
Last Friday of the Month Serpentine 5K in Hyde Park, London. Spartan JIM BROWN was first man 70 plus in 28 minutes 29 seconds (28:29).
Parkrun Highlights
For all the Spartan Parkrun results from the weekend please click the link – Consolidated Parkrun Results 1st April 2023