5K Series News Race Results Races


There were medals of all colours for Fairlands Valley Spartans at the second in the series of Hatfield 5K races which included the county championships for veterans.  ASHLEY JOHNSON won GOLD in the women 35 plus category with 18:56; ALISON WOOD won GOLD in the women 55 plus with 20:53; YUKO GORDON won SILVER in the women 65 plus with 22:19 and the men’s team of JONATHAN PARR (16:40); MIKE JEFFS (17:49); ROSS GALLAGHER (17:56) and GRANT RAMSAY (18:27) won team BRONZE.

22 Spartans ran and there were five new personal bests (PBs) – ROSS GALLAGHER by 35 seconds; PAUL SHELLEY by 11 seconds to 18:31; ASHLEY JOHNSON by 14 seconds; MATT TUTTON by 47 seconds to 22:53 and MEGAN SUTTON took another 22 seconds off her PB from only a week earlier with 26:48.  ANDREA WESTCOTT equalled her previous PB of 25:53.

16 of the Spartans who ran in the first race of the series improved on those times including HAZEL SMITH by 2:08 to 25:02; JIM BROWN by 2:01 to 26:54; PAUL HOLGATE by 1:42 to 32:07; JANE WADEY by 1:27 to 35:06 and SHARON CROWLEY by 1:21 to 29:08.

The next Hatfield 5K race is this Wednesday evening 11th September.

111042200Jonathan PARRMV4016:4081.1 %Team Bronze 
3229123991Mike JEFFSMV4017:4975.8 %Team Bronze
3632144400Ross GALLAGHERMV4017:5675.8 %Team Bronze (PB 0:35)
555085129Grant RAMSAYMV5018:2780.1 %Team Bronze
585293985Paul SHELLEYMV5018:3181.7 %PB (0:11)
70713993Ashley JOHNSONFV3518:5681.9 %GOLD (F35; PB 0:14) 
8777344517Mark COLLINSMV4019:2872.1 % 
1142114464Alison WOODFV5520:5385.4 %GOLD (F55)
1423324249Yuko GORDONFV6522:1998.0 %SILVER (F65)
165123524354Matt TUTTONMV4022:5358.4 %PB (0:47)
16643105116Marie COLUCCIFV4522:5768.8 % 
180128272202John NELMSMV5023:4563.2 % 
20063164350Hazel SMITHFV4525:0264.8 %2:08 Imp.
210141175127Andy JAYMV6026:0460.5 % 
21270184383Andrea WESTCOTTFV4525:5364.9 %=PB
21672194495Megan SUTTONFS26:4854.2 %PB (0:22)
21814674396Jim BROWNMV7026:5465.6 %2:01 Imp
2378684570Sharon CROWLEYFV6529:0867.5 %1:21 Imp
24491222199Monica SMITHSONFV5530:5658.2 % 
246155204348Paul HOLGATEMV6032:0752.3 %1:42 Imp
25192214589Samantha SUTTONFV4533:1548.4 % 
25696244367Jane WADEYFV5535:0650.8 %1:21 Imp

Bedford Festival of Running

Several Spartans ran a half marathon or 20 miles at the Bedford Festival of Running.  Despite a thunderstorm and some long sections of cross country, particularly near the end of the race, many got some really good times.

ANDY PRIOR said, “Myself and Kerstin ran Bedford Half Marathon today, a mixture of Road and trail which was a bit treacherous in the last two miles.

Luckily they were giving alcohol free beer to all finishers which helped with the wait to get away from venue!!!”

Andy finished in 1:43:06 and Kerstin in 1:57:12.

JIM BROWN needed a 13 mile training run and he got it with 2:02:19 for the 13.1, good enough for third in category, and CONOR ECCLESTON came in with 2:41:41.

Half – 869 finishers

125ANDREW PRIOR1:43:0650-594:53 m / km 
346KERSTIN PRIOR1:57:1250-595:33 m /km 
450JIM BROWN2:02:1970-795:47 m / km3rd MV70
826CONOR ECCLESTON2:41:4120-297:39 m /km 

20 – 298 finishers

CRAIG BACON said “20 miles for me at Bedford and finished in 2:44:56.  This was a milestone run in preparation for the Stevenage Marathon in six weeks time.

The plan was to run the first seven miles at a steady 9 minute/mile pace, then run the next 7 at 8:30 pace and the final 6 miles at target marathon pace of 8 minutes/mile.  Loved the first 7 miles despite the thunderstorm.  Nice and easy.  Second 7 I discovered that I can’t run at 8:30 pace and ended up with most of it at 8:15 minutes/mile.  Last 6 was a slog, including a fair portion of it being off road and muddy due to the earlier rain.  However, I managed to be on pace or under for 5 or 6 miles.

Final result was a 13 minute PB (although I’ve only run 1 other 20 mile race, which was 13 years ago).  Very happy.  Two more big weeks of training and then it’s downhill all the way to marathon day.”

ROSS GALLAGHER was the fastest from Fairlands at 28th out of the 298 finishers, top ten per cent, and pretty much spot on three hour marathon pace with 6:52 per min.

He was followed by PAUL SHELLEY 2:39:30; Craig, SAMANTH TOPHILL 3:05:57 and ALISON SHELLEY 3:33:53.

28ROSS GALLAGHER2:17:246:52 min/mile 
78PAUL SHELLEY2:39:307:58 min/mile 
98CRAIG BACON2:44:568:14 min/milePB
154SAMANTHA TOPHILL3:05:579:17 min/mile 
246ALISON SHELLEY3:33:5310:41 min/mile 

5K / 10K

On Saturday JAY PAPA ran the Bedford 5K race in 19:07 and was 11th out of the 350 finishers.  CHARLES ARNOLD ran the Bedford Twilight 10k in 47:22.

Tremendous Trio at the Great North Run.

The biggest half marathon and three Spartans were at the Great North Run with MIKE JEFFS running an excellent 1 hour 23 minutes 54 seconds (1:23:54 and 587th); CHRIS WATLING 1:57:20 (13,305th) and SARAH ILLINGWORTH 2:14:24 (23,856th).  There were 60,000 runners.  Mike said, ”The crowds, the atmosphere was electric throughout the whole race even with it hammering it down with rain.”

St Albans Stampede

Karen Liddle and Tricia Hopper took part in the St Albans Stampede 2024; a 12 hour endurance challenge on Saturday 7 September 2024, starting at 9am.

The route is 4.01 miles around Heartwood Forest, Wheathampstead, over varying off road terrain.  Karen completed 9 laps (36 miles – 1st female in her age category) and Tricia completed 11 laps (44 miles – 2nd female in her age category) in 10 hrs.56 mins.

A thoroughly enjoyable day with perfect weather conditions, great support from the volunteers and friendly atmosphere

Inter Area Championships

YUKO GORDON represented Eastern Masters at the England Masters Athletics Association Inter Area Championships at Corby on Saturday 7th.  She ran 400m, 800m and 1500m and came second in all of them.  Eastern Masters won overall championship along with women’s and men’s trophies.  Teams came from nine regions including Scotland and Wales.

Round The Garden

JOHN HARRIS did the Run around the Garden 5K in Letchworth.

He was second man 60 plus and 24th in the race with 21:21.

NIKKI NATION won her category with 31:25.  There were three other Spartans – BRIAN WHITE 22:58; KEITH ABRAHAM 27:27 and NICK GILL 31:26.

Club News Races


LUKE GURNEY thoroughly enjoyed his first marathon which was at Brighton.  He said it was a difficult final few miles but the gorgeous sea views and the mass crowds kept him going.  He finished in 4 hours 28 minutes 6 seconds.

Tom Happy in the New Forest

Spartan THOMAS SAUKA said “I’ll have that” after running the off road New Forest Marathon in 5 hours 41 minutes 53 seconds.  He added, “43.13 kilometres of beautiful New Forest trails, well happy and they even had beer at the finish line.”

Great North Run Half Marathon

STEVEN DOBNER said the Great North Run was an awesome race.  He loved every second and really enjoyed this year’s out and back course.  He ran at his planned marathon pace but kicked on as he felt good and finished in 1 hour 54 minutes 47 seconds.

ADRIAN DONNELLY ran 1:28:01 in the Great North Run, and was thrilled to beat my personal best (PB) by four minutes.  The route was changed to an out and back finishing back in Newcastle so we had the added bonus of crossing the iconic Tyne bridge twice.  He said, “It was great to get also get unexpected cheer from another Spartan going in the opposite direction.”

Baldock Rat Run 5K

Spartan JOHN HARRIS ran the Baldock Rat Run 5K in 21 minutes 59 seconds.  He was 11th overall whilst TIM ROBINSON completed in 30:27.

SUE HAMER and ERICA GRAYSON also did the Baldock Rat Run.

Sue finished in 29 minutes and 32 seconds and Erica in 29:35.

Sue said it was an interesting run, the dark tunnel being an interesting challenge, especially if you were still wearing sunglasses!!

Richmond Run Festival

FIONA CLARKE ran her second road marathon finishing in 5:48:55 whilst SAM SIMMONS finished in 3:41:58. 

MATT CLARKE and CHLOE CHAPMAN completed the half marathon in 1:31:58 and 2:13:38 respectively.

Parkrun Highlights

Thirty Fairlands Valley Spartans ran in Parkrun Events across the UK this week.  A total of 324 people ran at Stevenage.

ANDREW PATTERSON dominated the Hove Promenade event coming first overall in a time of 16 minutes 18 seconds.  While JONATHAN PARR demonstrated similar flair coming second, in 17 mins 13 secs, at the Cassiobury run.  Finishing in the top 20 on the Sandy water course, CRAIG BACON ran a time of 21 mins and 33 secs (16th).

In Stevenage, four Spartans finished in the top 40 females, GAIL MACKIE was 13th in 25 minutes 51 seconds closely followed by JULIE SIMMONS (17th) in 26 minutes and 14 seconds, DEBBIE BLANTERN (28:45) and PENNY SCHENKEL (29:34).

NICK KLEANTHOUS ran his 90th parkrun.

(You can find all the Spartan parkrunners in a table near the end of this release).

The 70th Fly 5K

Four Spartans enjoyed the 70th Fly 5K on Saturday.  They were NICK KLEANTHOUS 70th in 28:02; JIM BROWN 84th in 29:30; PENNY SCHENKEL 85th in 29:34 and PAUL HOLGATE 87th in 29:50.

Fly 5K was one of the stars of lockdown keeping runners moving and in touch during the restrictions.  The first virtual race was in June 2020.

Entries Open for the Stevenage Half Marathon

Only just over two months to go to the Stevenage Half Marathon and it’s time to start getting ready and entered.  This year the race will be on Sunday 21st November (a couple of weeks later than usual).  You can enter here: Stevenage Half Marathon

Each Year the Spartans nominate a charity to support and the chosen charity for 2021 is Feed Up Warm Up.


Full results for all Spartans when there are a lot at an event will be listed below. 

Spartans at Parkruns on Saturday 11th September.

 PositionGender PositionParkrunnerTime 
Stevenage parkrun     
 5148Toby ECCLESHALL00:23:11 
 5552Barry OSBORNE00:23:18 
 6761James MCSWEENEY00:24:12 
 7063Clive CANNON00:24:22 
 8373Darren EMMERSON00:24:57 
 9885Mark BEASLEY00:25:43 
 10213Gail MACKIE00:25:51 
 11417Julie SIMMONS00:26:14 
 150119Nick KLEANTHOUS00:28:01 
 160125Mike GREEN00:28:29 
 16532Debbie BLANTERN00:28:45 
 182137Jim BROWN00:29:33 
 18338Penny SCHENKEL00:29:34 
 197149Paul SHELLEY00:29:53 
 199150David PATTMAN00:29:56 
 200151Edward HARE00:29:57 
 201152Steven DOBNER00:29:58 
 22450Chloe CHAPMAN00:31:21 
 23156Fiona CLARKE00:31:35 
 232166Matt CLARKE00:31:36 
 25469Beth FOLEY00:33:20 
 303189Paul JENNINGS00:38:53 
Brockenhurst parkrun     
 11268Darryl STEVENS00:41:35 
Wimpole Estate parkrun     
 286101Sally PHILLIPS00:35:00 
Cassiobury parkrun     
 22Jonathan PARR00:17:13 
Hove Promenade parkrun     
 11Andrew PATTERSON00:16:18 
Dunstable Downs parkrun     
 4432Michael O’KEEFE00:28:59 
Sandy Water parkrun     
 1616Craig BACON00:21:33