Very well done to everybody braving the wet weather for last night’s August Handicap 5k. Thank you to Roger Biggs for his support with the start and finish and to Liam Herbert also for his runner support and assistance at the finish. Thank you also to all 28 runners who took part.
Winner on the night, in her first run with the club, was newcomer Charlotte Smith, assisted around the course by Liam, she improved on her previous best 5k time by a massive 7 minutes to beat her handicap by 6:47 in a very impressive time of 27:42.
Next to finish, just missing out on his PB by 1 second, was Steve Gough in 26:20, pipping another newcomer, Naomi Clark (31:19) on the line, with both runners 3:10 ahead of handicap.
Nicola Haberland finished 3rd lady, in a new PB time of 23:00, 1:17 quicker than her previous handicap 5k winning time, with Sue Hamer 4th lady, 2 minutes ahead of handicap, in 26:46. Daniel Bates finished 2nd man (6th overall), 1:57 better than handicap, in 20:46, and David Bowker was 3rd man in a year best time of 19:34, just ahead of the 3rd newcomer for the evening, Sarah Hollands, 29:36.
Grant Ramsay was the quickest runner on the evening, as he fine-tuned his preparations to represent Great Britain over the marathon distance, in the world veteran championships in Turkey on the 31st August, in a year best time of 16:52 , with Andy Neatham 2nd quickest in a year best of his own, 17:39, and Davie Stafford 3rd quickest, with yet another 2014 PB, 19:19, 23 seconds quicker than his previous best.
Clare Moore was quickest female in a year best time of 22:50, just 6 seconds outside her PB run on a much quicker course, with Tracy Pez supporting Clare and 2nd quickest getting back into her running on her return from holiday with 22:51, and Nicola 3rd fastest with her 23:00 PB.
There were also PBs for Richard Kennedy, improving his best time by 42 seconds to 21:21, and Anne Spiller (24:55) & Felicity Evans (27:37) in their first 5k with the club; season best times for Mark Goodwin, 21:53 & Peter Carpenter, 30:50; and, year best times for Lisa Liversidge, Claire Drake & Dean Carpenter.
Except for the first 3 finishers and the last 3 finishers, the other 22 participants all finished within 2 minutes of their handicap set and the total time difference between 3rd-25th positions was just 3:48.
Next handicap 5k will be on Thursday 18th September, positioned perfectly between the first two 5k’s in the Hatfield Series, which are also well worth considering if you have not already entered.
Results: Result 14Aug14