
Coach Liam

Liam Herbert


Q. When did you join the club?

A. In March 2009, after braving a Starter Group session, and enjoying it.

Q. Why did you join the club?

A.  I had started up jogging as a way to better look after myself at University, but that got a bit lonely and I needed the motivation to improve and thought that joining a running club would be the best way to do this. I had little confidence or self-esteem in myself, or my running, when I ran with the Starter Group for the first time. This and my fitness have improved so much over the space of 3 years, thanks to the club.

Q. Why did you join the coaching team?

A.  All the coaches in the club have inspired me at some point: we have to remember they volunteer their free time to ensure a safe training session, and use their passion for running to encourage others. After 3 years with the club I thought it was about time to give something back, to encourage people in their running just like I have been, and continue to be.

Q. What are you hoping to do through your involvement in the coaching team?

A. There are a number of objectives for me: firstly to help the team, by leading and supporting sessions in a club with a large membership that caters for all abilities. I am also keen to promote different types of training outside of the ‘steady and safe’, such as the Thursday endurance and Saturday track sessions, which are fantastic for building strength, speed and developing form. Finally, I have been coached by someone in the club for the past year and they continue to inspire and push me forward in my own running. One day, I’d like to do the same for another runner in the capacity of a coach, rather than a group leader.

Q. When do we typically see you at training?

A.  Tuesday nights (Group 5), Thursday nights and Saturdays on the track.

Q. What are your aims in 2012 for your running and/or coaching?

A. I’ve become a little bit wiser in this respect, so will be keeping my cards close to my chest in terms of my running aims for 2012. Let’s just say that I improved a lot in 2011 and, this year, want to show that there is much more to come from me. Coaching wise, I’d simply like to gain experience of being a good group run leader and to give out as much encouragement as possible!

Q. Tell us something about you that other Spartans will not know!

A. Two for the price of one: I once set myself on fire at a Christmas party for 5 minutes and didn’t realise until someone darted over to put me out! I also share a flat with a robotic pet dinosaur called Pleo!


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