Club Fairlands Valley Challenge Fairlands Valley Relays News Race Results Races


Just days after a successful takeover of a Stevenage parkrun Fairlands Valley Spartans ORGANISED and provided dozens of volunteer marshals for Thursday evening’s Relays in the Park in Fairlands Valley.

What’s more 41 Spartans ran.  Their successes included WINNING the veteran mixed team with ANDREW PATTERSON (09:39), SAM PRETTY (11:23), ASHLEY JOHNSON (11:29) and JONATHAN PARR (10:05) and their veteran women’s team coming second.

The fastest Spartan over the 3K were Andrew Patterson 10th out of 432 in 9 minutes 39 seconds (9:39) and KIRK NDUGU 15th with 9:50.  Both under 10 minutes.  Their fastest women were SAM PRETTY 11:23 and ASHLEY JOHNSON 11:29.  Both under 11:30.

The Relays in the Park included the Hertfordshire County Championships.  Every team – men, women, mixed, open or veteran – had to run four stages of exactly three kilometres.

10.35/AAndrew PATTERSONMV40FVS Mix 109:39
15.39/AKirk NDUGUMSFVS M309:50
23.35/DJonathan PARRMV40FVS Mix 110:05
25.39/CSimon JACKSONMV40FVS M310:05
39.39/DAdrian BUSOLINIMSFVS M310:21
55.36/BCharlie COOKMSFVS M110:36
57.39/BBrian BRACKSTONEMV50FVS M310:38
78.36/DJason ANDERSONMV40FVS M110:56
87.36/ARoss GALLAGHERMV40FVS M111:02
90.36/CJay PAPAMSFVS M111:04
109.35/BSam PRETTYFV35FVS Mix 111:23
119.35/CAshley JOHNSONFV35FVS Mix 111:29
128.61/CRoss GALLAGHERMV40FVS M611:40
157.53/DAshley JOHNSONFV45FVS W112:11
162.95/ARalph DADSWELLMV50FVS M512:17
168.38/BCraig BACONMV50FVS M212:19
172.38/ARobert WRIGHTMV40FVS M212:22
185.38/DDanny SCANLONMV40FVS M212:33
193.37/BRyan RIDDELLMSFVS Mix 212:40
195.37/ADavid RIDDELLMV50FVS Mix 212:40
201.53/BAlison WOODFV45FVS W112:45
220.53/CSuzy HAWKINSFV45FVS W113:04
234.38/CAndy PRIORMV50FVS M213:20
238.56/BLiam HERBERTMV40FVS M413:23
257.53/AMarie COLUCCIFV45FVS W113:38
283.61/ABen TORREGGIANIMV40FVS M614:14
302.61/BDavid ACKERYMSFVS M614:38
310.95/DDavid ACKERYMSFVS M514:53
313.95/BMartin DUDLEYMV60FVS M514:56
320.56/CLloyd DIASMSFVS M415:03
327.37/DSophie PARSONSFSFVS Mix 215:12
355.37/CJayne RIDDELLFV55FVS Mix 215:46
356.95/CVish SHAHMSFVS M515:48
359.61/DPeter COOKMV50FVS M615:50
360.56/ASimon SYPULAMV50FVS M415:50
367.56/DNick KLEANTHOUSMV60FVS M416:01
386.88/DMegan SUTTONFSFVS W216:52
398.41/CPeter SACHMSFVS Mix 317:44
403.41/DJudy KINGFV55FVS Mix 318:03
407.88/CRose SUTTONFSFVS W218:10
414.41/ALiz CARVELLFV55FVS Mix 319:03
415.41/BPaul HOLGATEMV60FVS Mix 319:03
429.88/ASally PICKLESFV55FVS W221:45
430.88/BSamantha SUTTONFV45FVS W221:47
FVS 3k Relay Times

Three Gold Medals

Three Fairlands Valley Spartans won GOLD medals in the County 10K track championships on Wednesday night.

After 25 laps YUKO GORDON won GOLD for women 70 plus in 47 minutes 24 seconds (47:24.70); DAVID BOWKER won GOLD for men 65 plus in 48:09 and JIM BROWN won GOLD for men 70 plus in 53:50.

No hills and no wind.  What was there not to like said Jim.  A great outing for three Spartan veterans.

Memorial 5K

Also on Wednesday MATT TUTTON ran his fastest 5K this year with his 24:49 at the Doug Anderson 5K in Bedford.  JAY PAPA beat 20 with 19:21; CHARLIE ARNOLD came in with 22:52 and PAUL HOLGATE with 32:20.

St Albans Summer 10K

JIM BROWN ran the St Albans Summer 10K in exactly 56 minutes (56:00).  Good enough for third place in his category.

Three Events Organised in Nine Days

Not only did Fairlands take over the local parkrun on Saturday 13th July and organise the Relays in the Park on Thursday 18th July then they organised the Fairlands Valley Challenge off road event on Sunday 21st July.  More on the challenge soon.