Details provided by Broxbourne Runners for the first race of the season:
Sunday Cross Country League
First fixture 2017 – 2018 season.
Sunday 29th October at Cheshunt Park 11:00am
Broxbourne Runners welcome you to the first fixture of the 2017 – 2018 season on Sunday 29th October starting at 11:00am.
Cheshunt Park, Park Lane, Cheshunt, Herts EN7 6QD
In order to maintain our good relationship with the Local Council and Golf Club please be mindful of the following:-
There are no changing facilities but toilets and refreshments are available in the Golf Centre nearby. Showers are NOT available.
Only food and drink purchased on site can be consumed on the premises. Dirty shoes are not allowed on the premises, this applies to all users.
Providing the ground is not too wet a field will be available for car parking. Please follow the Marshals directions and car share as much as possible.
The course is the same as previous years, circa 5 miles, three circuits of the Park. Kit is usually left (unsupervised) at the finish point. The start is in the adjacent field and is signed.
Headphones – For safety reasons, runners must not run wearing headphones or other impediments to their hearing. Runners must be able to hear any warnings or guidance given by course marshals or race officials. This is a league rule – the referee can disqualify any athlete who does not comply with this rule.
For anyone that is interested in car share, suggested departure will be from RIDLINS with a 0915 departure. Note: It is unlikely that the skippers will be there so self-arrangement will be required. It is suggested you you post on the Facebook group well in advance of the race if you need a lift to Cheshunt.