Spartan in the spotlight

Meet your Captains – an interview with Nick Witcombe and Tracy Pez

Andy Jay interviews the Club Captains and finds out all sorts of things you never knew….

Andy Jay: Hi Captains, nice photo. Let me ask, why is it that superheros wear their underwear over the top of their clothes?

NW: Because their pants are always clean, it is a sign of perfection….
TP: Plus, It’s a fashion statement…!!!

AJ: OK, so you are clearly not really superheros, but if you were, which super power would you like to have?

NW: The power of speed, so I can no longer have to plod!!
TP: The power of invisibility, so I can cause lots of mischief!!!

AJ: Would you rather be able to read people’s minds OR have x-ray vision?

TP & NW: We know what you’re thinking…….!!!!….it has to be X-ray vision!!

AJ: Tell me, what was the most interesting trip you have ever taken?

TP:  Oh no…what did you have to go and ask that for??
NW:  Well it was when I went to Texas and ran the New Braunfels Half Marathon….where I finished in first position….the first Spartan….it was a great trip….

AJ: Anyway, moving swiftly on….What is your favourite pre-run breakfast ?

NW: Porridge. Because I am not allowed a fry up.
TP:  I have porridge too….but not with Nick!!   #awkward

AJ: What is your favourite piece of clothing?

NW: It has to be my famous flat cap…
TP: Obviously mine has to be my stripy vest….closely followed by my underpants…

AJ: What was the funniest thing you have ever experienced while running?

NW: I think it was my Pingu experience….although Sharon running through the farm with a flock of sheep hot on her heels was very funny too!!!
TP: Ummm…I think mine was Andy Jay stamping his feet and throwing his toys out the pram at the Eddy half while Charlie did his rather poor impersonation of a Scots man…..!!

AJ: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what five items would you want to have with you and why?

TP: Jointly stranded?
NW: Together? #awkward…
TP:  Well in that case, I’d need earplugs (to avoid those stories from Texas!).  Umm…and a box of Christmas crackers (to source some new jokes)
NW:  I’d take earplugs (to avoid the bad jokes).  And a mobile device to prevent Facebook withdrawal symptoms….
TP: Yes I can imagine the exciting status updates now….Still stuck on the island….sunny and sandy today…
NW: I’d need my other gadgets too — like my head torch, to see what I am doing when it gets dark
TP:  And I’d have to take my Spartan calendar!
NW. Oh, and my dartboard… (see the Spartan calendar….)

AJ: What are your pet running peeves?

TP: Andy Jay.
NW: Andy Prior.

AJ: What three items are top of your bucket list?

NW: run the Las Vegas half marathon, to go to Australia to see the Ashes, and to visit a desert island (but not with the ladies captain)….
TP: I’d like to travel some more, Rome and South America being top of my wish list at the moment, and I’d like to get a PhD — Dr Pez has such a nice ring to it don’t you think?!….and I’d like to learn to swim really well and really far to escape Nick on that desert island….

AJ: Where would you go in a time machine?

TP: Into the future…just to see if AJ gets any quicker….but that’s unlikely and actually I don’t think I really want to know what the future has in store so I think I’d go back…..maybe to Egyptian times see how they really did build the pyramids..
NW: Umm..I’d pop back to 1986 and leave a note for myself to buy shares in Apple and Google with my first ever pay cheque….

AJ: Do you have any phobias?

TP: Spiders and housework! And Nick’s stories from Texas….
NW: Heights, stripy shorts, and the Ladies Captain…

AJ: Would you rather own a boat or a plane?

NW. A boat….I don’t like heights….
TP: But you work for an airline….??

AJ: Which Spartan do you most look up to?

NW. Ron Cohen — what an inspiration
TP:  Andy Jay – cos he is taller than me…(and paid me to say that!!)

AJ: Do you have any moments of fame?

NW:  Yes, I appeared in 1993 FA cup final.  Unfortunately I didn’t score the winning goal though!!
TP:  I was in the Comet once….There was a great photo of me with blurred feet — my girls were very impressed as the blurring was clearly due to the fact I was running so fast…!!

AJ: What is the best thing about the Spartans….

NW: It has to be the great people..The Fab 4,  Doyles Dollies, and Andy Jay of course…~
TP: What about me…??
NW: Ooppps….#awkward
TP: My best bits are Shed parties, SSRs, CBFs, all the laughs we have and of course the fab training runs on offer – intervals on a Tuesday, long Sunday morning adventures (preferably with Jelly Babies) – and the MWL…oh yes, and listening to tales of Texas…..get off my foot now Nick….
NW:  And the Ladies Captain…TP…can you stop pinching me now…??!

AJ: Would you rather give up chocolate or chips?

TP: Chips obviously — couldn’t be without chocolate!!
NW: I’ll give up the chocolate – there’s a shortage anyway with TP’s addiction…

AJ: Would you rather find true love or £100,000?

TP: That’s easy. £100,000!!….
NW: £100,000!!!

AJ: Would you rather sit on a cloud or walk on water?

NW: Walk on water…
TP: That would be useful if your boat sinks Captain…

AJ: Delicious choice: Swallow a fly or suck a brussel sprout?

TP: The fly….have had a fair few while out running already….
NW: Ummm..protein

AJ: Would you prefer to be super strong or super fast?

TP:  Super strong…I am already super fast….and I have cute muscles! 😉
NW:  Super Fast…I am already super strong..!  (flexes muscles)

AJ: Would you rather be a ninja or a pirate?

TP: A Pirate…of the Caribbean…with Johnny Depp…
NW:  A pirate obviously, I mean I’ve already got me boat, and I can walk on water….and I look like Johnny Depp
TP:  Johnny Vegas more like…

AJ: Would you like it to be always summer or always winter?

NW: Defo Summer…it’s not Christmas and there are no Christmas cracker jokes!!!…..ouch…!!!

AJ: Do you prefer to have your birthday or Christmas?

NW: Christmas jokes to put up with!!..OUCH!!!!

AJ: What location would you choose: to be on a beach or up a hill?

NW: A beach….you’ve got me thinking back to that desert island….
TP:  I’d rather be up a hill….escaping Nick’s desert island fantasies..!!

AJ: You guys seem to do a lot together as Captains…what famous double act would you compare yourselves too?

TP: I think Wham.  One talented member (me) and one who just follows behind….!!! 😉 ….

AJ:  Thanks Captains!!!!

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