New Year, New Chairman. Welcome to the next in the popular series of Spartans in the Spotlight. I recently caught up with Beverley for our Spartan in the Spotlight series:
Name: Beverley Harlow
Occupation: Formerly Deputy Headteacher at a Secondary school teaching music, now retired.
Family: Married to John — no children but one lovely dog called Meg who is a fair weather runner
When did you join the Spartans: I joined the Spartans in 1991.
Why did you join the Spartans: I decided to enter the London Marathon intending to walk as I hated any form of running. When my confirmation of entry arrived through the post it included a training plan. I started running on 1st January that year and my first run(jog )nearly killed me, but, being of a slightly obsessive nature, I followed the plan to the letter and joined the Spartans after about a month. I haven’t stopped running since!
Tell us all about the role(s) you play within the club: Last year I became a club coach having completed the LiRF course. I also joined the committee and was elected Vice-chair. This year I have taken on the chairmanship — I suspect it will be a steep learning curve, but it is time for me to give something back to the club after 21 years.
What has been your Racing highlight to date, since joining the Spartans and why. This is a difficult one — I decided to try for a marathon pb last year to celebrate 20 years of running and achieved that at Chester. Other highlights over the years have been my first London marathon and last years VLM. Also my Olympic Park run in March was amazing and a lovely precursor to my time in the park as a Gamesmaker in the summer.
Have you ever represented your running club in a race overseas? I love going to a foreign city and running a half marathon or other distance. I have been lucky enough to compete in Prague, Paris, Stockholm, New York, Reno (USA), Montagu and Port Elizabeth (South Africa) and in Wiarton in Canada. I always look for a race to enter if I am going away.
What are your running goals for the future. I aim to continue running for as long as I am able. I think it is fantastic to see older runner into their 70s and 80s still running and competing. I run because I can. I aim to get as close to my half-marathon pb as possible at Edinburgh in 2013.
What other Sports and hobbies do you have in your spare time when you’re not running? I am the organist and choirmaster at St. Mary the Virgin church in Walkern and that takes up most Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. I also really enjoy walking and cycling (slowly). I love photography and am learning to play bridge.
Whats the most interesting fact about you, that your friends at the running club would not be aware of ? I am aunt to Olympian Goldie Sayers who has been the UK record holder for the last ten years.
Wow thanks to Chairman Beverley for a fascinating insight, especially the Aunty news at the end !! Thanks for taking the time to do this.
Readers, hope you enjoyed this and please feel free to catch up further with Bev at the many FVS training sessions and of course at our major Annual FVS Presentation Evening on 25th January at Knebworth Barns. Tickets available online from the main page.
Andy Jay.